
3 minute read

PostgreSQL 15 runs on the default port and the credentials are stored in the PGUSER and PGPASSWORD environment variables. The default databases created for you are development and test.

We install the Ubuntu postgresql-contrib package. It includes the extension modules listed in the PostgreSQL documentation.

You need to activate them with CREATE EXTENSION as explained in the Extension Guide.



PostgreSQL version 14 is running on port 5436 and configured (almost) identical to the others. Make sure to specify the correct port in your project configuration if you want to test against this version.

PostgreSQL 14 includes PostGIS version 3.0.

For Rails based projects, please add the following command to your Setup Commands to work around the auto-configuration in place.

sed -i "s|5432|5436|" "config/database.yml"


PostgreSQL version 13 is running on port 5435 and configured (almost) identical to the others. Make sure to specify the correct port in your project configuration if you want to test against this version.

PostgreSQL 13 includes PostGIS version 3.0.

For Rails based projects, please add the following command to your Setup Commands to work around the auto-configuration in place.

sed -i "s|5432|5435|" "config/database.yml"


PostgreSQL version 12 is running on port 5434 and configured (almost) identical to the others. Make sure to specify the correct port in your project configuration if you want to test against this version.

PostgreSQL 12 includes PostGIS version 3.0.

For Rails based projects, please add the following command to your Setup Commands to work around the auto-configuration in place.

sed -i "s|5432|5434|" "config/database.yml"


PostgreSQL version 16 is running on port 5433 and configured (almost) identical to the others. Make sure to specify the correct port in your project configuration if you want to test against this version.

PostgreSQL 16 includes PostGIS version 3.0.

For Rails based projects, please add the following command to your Setup Commands to work around the auto-configuration in place.

sed -i "s|5432|5433|" "config/database.yml"


The default version of PostgreSQL on CodeShip is 15, which runs on the default port of 5432. No additional configuration is required to use version 15.

PostgreSQL 15 includes PostGIS version 3.0.


You may experience a pg_dump version mismatch with the PostgreSQL version you have configured.

pg_dump: server version: $YOUR_VERSION; pg_dump version: 9.2.19
pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch

This can be resolved by adding the following command in your Setup Commands before running your migrations:

export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/<PG_VERSION>/bin/:$PATH

Run psql commands

You can run any SQL query against the PostgreSQL database. For example to create a new database:

psql -p DATABASE_PORT -c 'create database new_db;'

Enable Extensions

You can enable extensions either through your application framework (if supported) or by running commands directly against the database. For example, you would add the following command to your Setup Commands to enable the hstore extension.

psql -d DATABASE_NAME -p DATABASE_PORT -c 'create extension if not exists hstore;'


All PostgreSQL versions include PostGIS 3.0.

To use PostGIS, enable the extension and optionally verify the version.

psql -p DATABASE_PORT -c 'create extension postgis;' psql -p DATABASE_PORT -c 'select PostGIS_Version();'

Framework-specific configuration

Ruby on Rails

We replace the values in your config/database.yml file automatically to a configuration matching the PostgreSQL 15 instance.

If your Rails application is stored in a subdirectory or you want to change the database configuration from our default values, you can add the following data to a codeship.database.yml file (or any other filename) and commit that file to your repository.

development: adapter: postgresql host: localhost encoding: unicode pool: 10 username: <%= ENV['PGUSER'] %> template: template1 password: <%= ENV['PGPASSWORD'] %> database: development<%= ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] %> port: 5432 sslmode: disable test: adapter: postgresql host: localhost encoding: unicode pool: 10 username: <%= ENV['PG_USER'] %> template: template1 password: <%= ENV['PG_PASSWORD'] %> database: test<%= ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] %> port: 5432 sslmode: disable

In your Setup Commands, run the following command to copy the file to its target location.

cp codeship.database.yml YOUR_DATABASE_YAML_PATH

If you don’t use Rails and load database.yml yourself you might see an error like the following instead of the value of the environment variable:

PSQL::Error: Access denied for user '<%= ENV['PGUSER'] %>'@'localhost'

This is because the database.yml example includes ERB syntax. You need to load database.yml and run it through ERB before you can use it:

require "erb" require "yaml" DATABASE_CONFIG = YAML.load("config/database.yml")).result)


You can use the following database configuration for Django based projects.

DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': 'test', 'USER': os.environ.get('PGUSER'), 'PASSWORD': os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD'), 'HOST': '', } }

Notes And Known Issues

Python and earlier Psycopg versions

Earlier versions of Python PostgreSQL client Psycopg may not work with version 10. These older versions used a string-comparison to try and work out the PostgreSQL version number and didn’t account for version 10. To resolve this issue, upgrade psycopg2 to version 2.7 or higher.