Jet encrypt

1 minute read


Encrypt a file using an AES Key.


jet encrypt INPUT_PATH OUTPUT_PATH [flags]


Name, shorthand





The key path for encrypting secure environment variables.

Extended Description

The jet encrypt function will take any file as input, and output an encrypted file using the key found in your Project Settings.

If you encounter the error No AES key provided, and you have already downloaded the key, verify that the file is named codeship.aes and in the same directory where you are executing jet encrypt, or you are passing in the correct key-path value.

Data Signing

As of jet version 2.6.0 all newly encrypted files are also signed with a checksum during encryption. This allows CodeShip to verify that both the key used to decrypt the file is the same as was used to encrypt it, as well as that the encrypted data itself has not been tampered with. Signed encrypted files all contain the value codeship:v2 at the head of the file.

See the section on decryption for more information.


Default Usage

$ jet encrypt env env.encrypted

This will create env.encrypted from the env file using the key in the codeship.aes file.

encrypt with key-path

$ jet encrypt env env.encrypted --key-path PATH_TO_AES_KEY

This will create env.encrypted from the env file using the key located at PATH_TO_AES_KEY.