Using Testable And CodeShip For Load Testing

2 minute read

About Testable

Testable is a distributed load testing platform. Define a test with a variety of open-source tools and let Testable handle the scale, reporting, and analytics. Define your tests with JMeter, Gatling, Locust, Node.js,, Selenium Java, Serenity BDD, PhantomJS, record-and-replay, and HAR files.

Checkout the Testable documentation as a starting point or the instructions below on how to run load tests in your CodeShip pipeline.

CloudBees CodeShip Pro

Setting Your API Key

You will need to add your Testable API key to your environment variables that you include in your codeship-services.yml file.


API keys can be found on Testable after registering for an account.

Running A Load Test

Your Docker container will need to include any required test artifacts like a Node.js script, JMeter test plan, Gatling files, etc.

You will then add a step in your codeship-steps.yml file that downloads a Testable script for running a load test.

That script runs the test on Testable, waits for it to finish, checks the success/failure status, prints the success rate and median response time, and downloads the raw results to a CSV file. You can also add this script to your repository and customize it as needed.

- name: testable_load_test service: app command: > /bin/bash -c 'curl -sSL > && chmod +x && ./ $(curl -sS -F "code=@/usr/src/app/test/test.js" -F "concurrent_users_per_region=5" -F "duration_mins=1" -F "rampup_mins=0" -F "conf_testrunners[0].regions=aws-us-east-1" -F "kpis[0].expr=Outcome[success] > 95%" -F "kpis[1].expr=Response Time[Median] < 300ms" -F "testcase_name=Api Test"$TESTABLE_KEY)'

This will run a load test that simulates 5 concurrent users each running a Node.js script for 1 minute from a shared grid in AWS N. Virginia and check that the success rate is greater than 95% and that the median response time is less than 300ms.

Check Testable’s parameter documentation for a complete reference.

While the load test is running you can track the real-time results via the Testable website.

CloudBees CodeShip Basic

Setting Your API Key

You will need to add your Testable API key to your to your project’s environment variables.


API keys can be found on Testable after registering for an account.

Adding Setup Commands

After adding the API Key you’ll just need to add Setup and Test commands.

Add the following to your project’s setup commands to install a script that executes tests on Testable, waits for the test to finish, checks the success/failure status, prints the success rate and median response time, and downloads the raw results to a CSV file. The commands to add are:

## Install jq sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y jq ## Download script curl -sSL > ## Make it executable chmod +x

Adding Test Commands

Add the following to your project’s test commands to run the load test. Check Testable’s parameter documentation for a complete reference.

The following example test command runs a load test that simulates 5 concurrent users each running a Node.js script for 1 minute from a shared grid in AWS N. Virginia and checks that the success rate is greater than 95% and that the median response time is less than 300ms. It assumes that the base URL of the deployed environment is available in the $DEPLOYED_BASE_URL environment variable for the Node.js test script to access.

/bin/bash -c './ $(curl -sS -F "code=@test.js" -F "params[baseUrl]=${DEPLOYED_BASE_URL}" -F "concurrent_users_per_region=5" -F "duration_mins=1" -F "rampup_mins=0" -F "conf_testrunners[0].regions=aws-us-east-1" -F "kpis[0].expr=Outcome[success] > 95%" -F "kpis[1].expr=Response Time[Median] < 300ms" -F "testcase_name=Api Test"${TESTABLE_KEY})'

Check the documentation for similar examples with other tools like JMeter, Gatling, Locust, Node.js,, Selenium Java, Serenity BDD, and PhantomJS.