If you are setting up a new project, then you will first need to make sure that you have owner or master permissions to your Bitbucket organization. We currently ask for full access to everything in the account.
Connecting a repository
Sign into CloudBees CodeShip - you can authenticate using your email address or SCM credentials
Click on Projects and then select Bitbucket when prompted to select your SCM
Sign into Bitbucket when prompted and grant access to CloudBees CodeShip
Select your Bitbucket organization and repository from the dropdown menus
Select your project type (CloudBees CodeShip Pro or CloudBees CodeShip Basic) and create your project
When you are finished, save your project at the bottom of the page and go to the dashboard
Bitbucket 500 internal server error when resetting SSH key
Sometimes when resetting your SSH key on a Bitbucket repository, you will receive a 500 Internal Server Error
In order to fix this, you will need to have an owner of the CloudBees CodeShip organization complete the following steps:
Navigate to the CodeShip authentication page
This needs to be done by an owner of the CodeShip organization
Toggle the button next to the Bitbucket option to terminate the connection between your Bitbucket and CodeShip accounts
Toggle the button again and authorize CodeShip to connect to your Bitbucket account
Reset the SSH key again with the new authorization