This page was last updated on 5/10/2024. |
CloudBees CodeShip Pro Preinstalled Images
The CloudBees CodeShip Pro build environment includes many common images from Docker Hub by default. In a best effort to list everything preinstalled on CloudBees CodeShip Pro, we offer the following list of installed images. While the list may not be fully complete at any given moment, we try our best to keep it comprehensive and up to date.
Full List of Preinstalled Images
alpine:3.15 alpine:3.16 alpine:3.17 alpine:3.18 alpine:3.19 codeship/aws-deployment:latest codeship/aws-ecr-dockercfg-generator:latest codeship/dockercfg-generator:latest codeship/gcr-dockercfg-generator:latest codeship/google-cloud-deployment:latest codeship/heroku-deployment:latest codeship/heroku-dockercfg-generator:latest debian:bookworm debian:bullseye debian:buster golang:1.18 golang:1.19 golang:1.20 golang:1.21 golang:1.22 mongo:4.4 mongo:5.0 mongo:6.0 mongo:7.0 mysql:5.7 mysql:8.0 postgres:11 postgres:11-alpine postgres:12 postgres:12-alpine postgres:13 postgres:13-alpine postgres:14 postgres:14-alpine postgres:15 postgres:15-alpine postgres:16 postgres:16-alpine redis:6.0 redis:6.2 redis:7.0 redis:7.2 ruby:2.7 ruby:2.7-alpine ruby:3.0 ruby:3.0-alpine ruby:3.1 ruby:3.1-alpine ruby:3.2 ruby:3.2-alpine ruby:3.3 ruby:3.3-alpine ubuntu:20.04 ubuntu:22.04 ubuntu:24.04