CloudBees CodeShip Free - EOL

3 minute read
As detailed below, CloudBees will be discontinuing the free tier of our CloudBees CodeShip platform.

At CloudBees, we are committed to providing the highest quality of software and support to our customers. We continuously monitor the market to determine how we can continue to meet your CI/CD requirements as technology evolves.

Our product, engineering, and security teams are spending a large amount of effort and infrastructure costs to manage regular usage, fraud and abuse of the CodeShip free product plans. In order to focus our resources on delivering mission-critical capabilities for customers, we are phasing out our free plan for CloudBees CodeShip, as well as removing the resulting inactive accounts.

All paid customer accounts will continue to operate normally.


  • March 1st, 2023, we will remove all free organizations, and all users who only have free organizations.

All times / dates are in UTC.

Frequently asked questions

Is my open-source subscription impacted?

The small number of legacy open-source subscriptions will continue to have access to their allocated builds.

What data will be removed or retained?

For information about the CloudBees General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance and data-retention policies, refer to CodeShip GDPR compliance.

In summary:

  • On March 1st, 2023, CloudBees will mark free organizations for removal.

  • On March 1st, 2023, CloudBees will mark users for removal if they are only associated with free organizations.

  • After that time, the CloudBees standard data-retention policies will be in place per the CloudBees retention policies.

This removal means that the following data will be deactivated or removed, per data retention policies:

  • users

  • organizations

  • projects (repository metadata)

  • build configuration (CloudBees CodeShip Basic scripts and environment variables)

  • build secrets (CloudBees CodeShip Pro encryption keys)

  • build results

  • build logs

Observability data in CloudBees' systems (for example, logs, metrics, and traces) will be temporarily retained per regular retention periods, as it is not possible to remove individual records from this data. CloudBees works diligently to ensure that we only observe relevant information and remove any sensitive data before collecting, transmitting, or storing it.

Can I switch from free to open-source?

Our open-source program is closed at this time.

Can I get an extension?

We are not offering extensions for free accounts.

Can I subscribe?

Yes. Log in to the CodeShip application and click on the "Subscription" menu item at the top.

What happens if I downgrade to free?

Your ability to run builds will be suspended, and then your organization will be removed 14 days later.

How do I get a copy of my build configuration?

You will need to browse the application configuration interface in the CodeShip application. Select the project and navigate to "Project Settings".

If you have a large number of projects you may also use the Projects API to retrieve configuration information.

How do I replicate the CloudBees CodeShip Basic environment?

CloudBees CodeShip Basic runs builds in an Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) container. You should be able to run your build commands in a similar Ubuntu environment. You may also find this collection of scripts helpful if you used any of them in your build commands -

How do I replicate the CloudBees CodeShip Pro environment?

You can use the Jet CLI to emulate the Docker configuration and setup system in CloudBees CodeShip Pro.

What risks do I face?

As we do not store your source-code, we do not foresee a significant impact apart from needing to migrate your projects. If you are interested in migrating to another CloudBees product, please contact us.

  • CloudBees CodeShip Pro AES encryption key - you should make sure you have a copy of your project’s AES encryption key - otherwise you may need to reset all your credentials if you no longer have a record of those credentials.

  • CloudBees CodeShip Basic scripts - our general guidance has always been to have minimal code in your CloudBees CodeShip Basic project configuration (and call out to scripts) - however if you do have significant configuration you should make a copy of this information.

  • CloudBees CodeShip Basic secrets - you should ensure you have a copy of any secrets you have stored in your CloudBees CodeShip Basic configuration.

  • Build results - you should make a copy of build logs if you wish to retain them for reference. Unfortunately there is no API / export capability for this - you will need to access the logs from the application interface.

I have both a free and paid account, how do I migrate projects from the free account to the paid account?

If you have a paid account, you can migrate your project(s) under the free account to the paid account. Follow the steps to transfer a project.

Can you help me migrate my projects?

If you are interested in migrating to another CloudBees product, please contact us.

I have another question, what should I do?

If you have any other questions about this change, please contact CloudBees CodeShip support at