Viewing licenses

6 minute read

You can view all license information known to the CloudBees Flow server in either of two ways:

  • From the Deploy UI: browse to https://<cloudbees-flow-server>/flow/, and then from the main menu, click Administration > Configurations > Licenses.

  • From the Automation Platform UI: browse to https://<cloudbees-flow-server>/commander/, and then from the main menu, click Administration > Licenses.

A single license is typically displayed. The license defines the usage to which your organization is entitled. For explanations of the various CloudBees Flow license types, see License Types below.

License Types

Standard License

A standard license allows you to use only the built-in database. A standard license is packaged with the server and is automatically installed if no other license is present. A standard license restricts you to running only two concurrent steps.

Enterprise License

An enterprise license allows you to use an external (alternate) database. You must apply an enterprise license key when you want to configure an alternate database.

Registered Host License

Registered hosts are dedicated hosts on which a procedure or step can always run. This license controls the number of unique registered host names. CloudBees Flow can have a mixed license with concurrent and registered hosts. The maxRegisteredHosts license file property sets the maximum number of registered and proxied hosts that can be used at a time.

The localhost host name and the IP address represent the local agent installed on the CloudBees Flow server machine. These are part of the total count for hosts in use with a registered host license.

If multiple steps are running concurrently on the same host, the host name still counts once only toward the license limit. All resources pointing to a single host count as one host.

When a license expires, running jobs are allowed to complete, but no new jobs can be launched.

Registered User License

This license allows registered users to be created up to the license limit.

Application License

This license allows applications to be created up to the license limit. This is an example of a CloudBees Flow server with an application license.

Microservice License

This license allows microservices to be created up to the license limit. This license applies to independent microservices as well as microservices contained in application.

Concurrent Resource License

This license controls the number of unique host names on which steps can be scheduled at a time. Two properties, maxHosts and maxProxiedHosts, are defined in a license to control the maximum number of concurrent and proxied hosts that can be in use at a time. The localhost host name and the IP address refer to the local agent installed on the CloudBees Flow server machine, and these host names are not part of the total count for hosts in use.

If two or more steps are running concurrently on the same host, the host name still counts once only toward the license limit. Any number of resources can point to a host; from a licensing perspective, they all count as one host. When the host limit is met, any new job step that attempts to run on a host not already in use stays in the “runnable” state until its host is available.

Current license usage statistics are at the top of the Resources page. If no license is available, jobs cannot be launched. When a license expires, running jobs are allowed to complete, but no new jobs can be launched.

A concurrent resource license can be a standard or enterprise license.

Concurrent User License

If the maxConcurrentUsers property is set on the license, its value defines the maximum number of users who can actively use the CloudBees Flow server. A unique license is defined by the combination of the user’s name and the IP address from which the user is making requests. A user can have multiple active sessions (through the web UI or through ectool) from the same machine while only using a single license.

If a user makes a licensed API call without an active license, the server attempts to assign a license. If a license is available (meaning that the maximum is not yet met), the user is assigned a license automatically. If no license is available, the user sees a NoAvailableLicenses error and is redirected to the licenses page.

You can view currently-held licenses and their expiration dates by calling the getLicenseUsage API or by viewing the Active Users table on the Licenses web page. When a license becomes available, the first user to make a licensed API call is assigned that license. The only API calls that are not licensed are login, getLicenseUsage, getAdminLicense, getServerStatus, and getServerInfo.

When a license is first acquired, it expires in one hour. After an hour, each time the user makes a licensed API call, the license is extended another 10 minutes (this is a configurable server setting).

When a user’s license passes the expiration date, it is released. When the user makes another licensed API call, a license is assigned automatically if one is available. Otherwise, the NoAvailableLicenses error appears.

A single administrator license can be used in an emergency. All users with execute permission on the system-level licensing access control list can use the administrator license by calling the `getAdminLicense ` API. This license has no expiration as long as all regular licenses are in use, but this license obeys the regular license expiration policy if regular licenses are available.

A concurrent user license can be a standard or enterprise license.

Concurrent Step License

This license limits the number of unique steps that can run at a time in parallel. The maxConcurrentSteps license file property sets this limit.

Licenses Section

The following information appears in the Licenses section and applies to all types of licenses.

Column Descriptions

Column Name Description


Name of the company or organization to which the license was granted. If this is not your organization, contact CloudBees Customer Support.


Type of license. For example, Server (enterprise).


Last day when this license is valid. After your license expires (and after any grace period), running jobs will complete, but no new jobs can be launched.

Grace Period (Days)

Number of days that you may continue using CloudBees Flow after the expiration date. (However, you are warned frequently during the grace period that your license has expired.)


Button that you use to view license details of a particular license in the list or to delete a license.

Current Usage Section

Some or all of the following fields in the Current Usage section will appear depending on your license types.

Concurrent Resources, Users, and Steps

Concurrent resource licenses

Field Name


Maximum Concurrent Hosts

Maximum number of unique host names allowed to run CloudBees Flow at a time.

Maximum Concurrent Hosts In Use

Maximum number of unique host names defined in concurrent (non-proxy) resources where steps can run at any time.

Concurrent Hosts in Use

Number of unique host names defined in concurrent resources where steps are running.

Maximum Proxied Hosts

Maximum number of unique host names defined in proxied resources.

Maximum Proxied Hosts In Use

Maximum number of unique host names defined in proxied resources where steps can run at any time.

Proxied Hosts in Use

Number of unique host names defined in proxied resources where steps are running.

Concurrent user licenses

Field Name


Maximum Concurrent Users

Number of users allowed to use CloudBees Flow at a time.

Active Users

Number of users with an active license.

User IP

The <user>@<IP> combination that holds an active license.


Date and time when the license will be released.

Last Use

Date and time when the license was last used.

Concurrent step licenses

Field Name


Maximum Concurrent Steps

Maximum number of allowed concurrent steps.

Concurrent Steps In Use

Number of running concurrent steps.

Registered Hosts and Users

Registered host licenses

Field Name


Maximum Registered Hosts

Number of registered hosts on which a procedure or step can always run. This appears when the license on the CloudBees Flow server is based on a combination of concurrent and registered hosts or only registered hosts.

Registered Hosts In Use

Number of registered hosts where steps are running.

Registered user licenses

Field Name


Maximum Registered Users

Maximum number of registered users who can use CloudBees Flow at a time.

Registered Users In Use

Number of registered users currently using CloudBees Flow.

Applications and Microservices

Application licenses

Field Name


Maximum Applications

Maximum number of applications that CloudBees Flow can deploy at a time.

Applications In Use

Number of running applications.

Microservice licenses

Field Name


Maximum Microservices

Maximum number of microservices that CloudBees Flow can deploy at a time.

Microservices In Use

Number of running microservices.

Importing a License

For instructions for importing a license, see Import License .

Viewing License Usage Statistics

License usage statistics are at the top of the Cloud > Resources page in the Automation Platform web UI.