This page displays project components, including procedures, workflow specifications, jobs, schedules, any credentials, properties, and reports.
Links and actions at the top of the page
Edit —Opens the Edit Project page.
Access Control —Opens he Access Control page for this project.
"star" icon—Saves this job information to your Home page.
"curved arrow" icon—Returns you to the Projects page.
Pagination—Use the "previous" and "next" arrow icons to view the previous or next project.
The numbers between the arrow icons display the number of projects you can view and the first number indicates which project [in the list] you are viewing.
The tabbed sections
The tabs at the top of the table allow you to select the type of information you want to see.
The Project Details page opens with the Procedures tab highlighted, so the first table you see is the Procedures table.
You can use the DSL Export () button to download the objects to a DSL file.
Procedures tab
The following links and actions are available in the Procedures table:
Create Procedure (at the top of the table)—Opens the New Procedure page to create another procedure.
Click on a procedure name (first column) to go to the Procedure Details page for that procedure.
Action column—Click any of the links ( Run, Edit, Copy, or Delete ) to perform that function for the procedure listed in that row.
The Run link provides two choices when you hover the mouse over the down-arrow. Select Run Immediately or Run… . |
Run Immediately —Runs the procedure "as-is" immediately.
Run… —Opens the Run Procedure web page where you can modify any existing parameters for this procedure or set an existing credential.
Workflow Definitions tab
This tab provides a table listing all defined workflow definitions and includes the following functionality:
Click the Create Workflow Definition link to go to the New Workflow Definition page to define additional definitions.
Name column—Click a workflow definition name to go to the Workflow Definition Details page (for that workflow definition.
Action column
Run —Use the down arrow to select Run… or Run Immediately
Selecting Run… takes you to the Run Workflow page where you can set the starting state for the workflow. Selecting Run Immediately runs the workflow "as-is" immediately.
Copy —Make an exact copy of an existing workflow definition.
Edit —Edit an existing workflow definition or just to change the name of the copy you created.
Delete —Deletes an existing workflow definition on the same row.
You can use the DSL Export ( ) button to download the objects as a DSL file.
Jobs tab
This tab provides a project-specific job table. Selecting the Jobs tab on the Project Details page displays only those jobs for the project you selected.
This table is a subset of the main Jobs tab that displays all jobs, regardless of the project of origin, and all Jobs page functionality is basically the same on either Jobs tab.
The following links and actions are available on this Jobs page:
Job—Sort the column alphabetically or click on a job name to go to that job’s Job Details page.
Status—Sort this column by Running, Success, Warning, Error, or Aborted.
Priority—Display the job’s priority set by a "run procedure" command or by the job’s schedule.
Procedure—Click a Procedure name to go to the Procedure Details page for that procedure.
Launched By—Click a name in this column to go to the page for the schedule (Edit Schedule page) or the user that ran the job.
Elapsed Time—Sort the time values from longest to shortest time, or the reverse.
Start Time—Sort this column from the start time of the first job to the start time of the most recent job, or the reverse.
Actions—Use this column to Abort a running job or Delete a completed job.
If your job has finished running, you will not see the Abort link. Aborting a job requires the execute privilege on the job—not just the modify privilege.
Select either OK or Force to abort the job, or Cancel if you change your mind.
Note: Deleting a job on this page causes removal of job information from the CloudBees Flow database, but information in the job’s on-disk workspace area is not affected. You must delete workspace information manually.
Workflows tab
The Workflows tab provides the following functionality:
Name column—Click on a workflow name to go to its Workflow Details page.
State column—Click on a state name to go to its State Details page.
Modify Time—This time value represents the most recent workflow activity.
Workflow Definition column—Click on a workflow definition name to go to the Workflow Definition Details page.
Completed column—A check mark in this column identifies this workflow as completed.
Actions column—Click the Delete link to remove the workflow in that row.
For more information about workflows, see the Workflow Help topic.
Schedules tab
The Schedules tab provides the following functionality:
To create a new schedule for this project, click either the Schedule link to create a new standard schedule to run at specific and/or days or the CI Configuration link to setup a new continuous integration schedule.
Choosing "Schedule" displays the New Schedule page.
Choosing "CI Configuration" displays the New CI Configuration page.
Table column descriptions
To edit an existing schedule, click on the schedule name (first column).
Select the check box in the Enabled column to enable or disable the schedule in that row.
The Priority column displays the job’s priority you selected while creating the schedule for this procedure.
Action column links
Run —Runs the schedule with the permissions of the logged in user. For example, if this schedule is timed to run every day at 11:00 pm, you might decide to run the schedule at 6:00 pm on a particular Thursday, without changing the regular schedule settings. However, if you do not have the appropriate permissions to run this schedule, it will fail.
Copy —Makes a copy of the schedule on that row.
Delete —Deletes the schedule in that row.
For information on creating a standard schedule, see the Schedule - create new or edit existing schedule Help topic.
For information about CI Manager and adding a configuration, click the Home tab, the Continuous Integration subtab, then click the Help link in the upper-right corner of the page.
Credentials tab
The Credentials tab provides the following functionality:
To create a new credential for this project, click the Create Credential link at the top of the table.
To edit an existing credential, click on the credential name (first column).
Action column—The Delete link deletes the credential on that row.
For information about credentials and access control, see the Credentials and User Impersonation or Access Control Help topics.
Properties tab
The Properties tab provides the following functionality:
To create a new property for this project, click the Create Property or Create Nested Sheet link.
To view or change privileges on the property sheet, click the Access Control link.
To edit an existing property, click on the property name (first column).
Action column—The Delete link deletes the property on that row.
For more information about properties, see the Properties Help topic.
Reports tab
Selecting this subtab yields different results, depending on whether or not you have installed the additional CloudBees Flow-supplied optional reports or have created custom reports for the specific information you need. Generally, if you have not yet configured additional reports, you will see the three installed, default CloudBees Flow reports (Cross Project Summary, Daily Summary, and Resource Summary) as illustrated in the screen example below.
When a report runs, the report "folder" is populated with the completed report. Reports are listed by date and time.
Each individual report "date/time" entry is a link to see the full report.
To create a new report, click the Create Report link to go to the web page to create a Multiple Series, Category, Count Over Time, or Procedure Usage report.
For more information about reports, see the Reports Help topic series.
To rename this project, click the Edit link at the top of this page and enter a new name.
To rename a procedure in this project, click the Edit link for the procedure (on this page) and enter a new name.