Silent Unattended Installation

2 minute read

You can run the CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server installer in unattended (silent) mode with no user interface on either Windows or Linux.

Installing the DevOps Foresight Server

Enter one of the following commands from a command line.

  • Linux: sudo ./CloudBeesFlowDevOpsForesightServer-x64-<version> --mode silent <arguments>

  • Windows: CloudBeesFlowDevOpsForesightServer-x64-<version>.exe --mode silent <arguments>


  • <version> is your CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server version number.

  • <arguments> represents any additional silent install arguments.

For a successful installation in this mode, you must specify the following:

  • Linux: Use the --unixServerUser and --unixServerGroup options to specify the user name and group that the CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server service runs as.

  • Windows: Use the --windowsServerUser, --windowsServerPassword, and --WindowsServerDomain options to specify the user name, password, and domain (if the account is not local) of the account the CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server service runs as or the --windowsServerLocalSystem option to use the local system account.


The following table lists installation arguments. You can view the full installer help by entering CloudBees FlowDevOpsForesightServer-x64-<version> --help.

--dataDirectory <argument>

Directory used to store binaries:

  • Default value on Linux: /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander.

  • Default value on Windows: %ProgramFiles%\electriccloud\ElectricCommander (usually: C:\Program Files\electriccloud\ElectricCommander )

--devopsInsightServer <argument>

Host name of the remote DevOps Insight Server server.

--devopsInsightServerPassword <argument>

Password of the remote DevOps Insight Server server.

--devopsInsightServerPort <argument>

Port of the remote DevOps Insight Server server.

--devopsInsightServerUser <argument>

User name to use when logging in to the remote CloudBees Flow server.


Display the information in this table

--hostName <argument>

Host name or IP address to be used by the remote CloudBees Flow server to communicate with the DevOps Foresight server. The default value is the current host name of the machine.

--installDirectory <argument>

Directory used to store binaries.

Default value on Linux: /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander

Default value on Windows: %ProgramFiles%\electriccloud\ElectricCommander (usually: C:\Program Files\electriccloud\ElectricCommander )

--licenseFile <argument>

The file name of the license file.

--mode <arguments>

Set the installer mode:

  • Available values on Linux: console, silent ` or `standard.

  • Available values on Windows: silent ` or `standard.

--remoteServer <argument>

<host>[:<port>] of the remote CloudBees Flow server

--remoteServerPassword <argument>

Password to use when logging in to the remote CloudBees Flow server.

--remoteServerUser <argument>

User name to use when logging in to the remote CloudBees Flow server.

--temp <argument>

Set the temporary directory used by this program

--unixServerGroup <argument>

(Linux only) Group name that the CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server services run as

This is required for silent installation on Linux.

--unixServerUser <argument>

(Linux only) User name that the CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server services run as

This is required for silent installation on Linux.


Display installer version information

--windowsServerDomain <argument>

(Windows only) Domain of the account the CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server services will run as on Windows

Do not use this parameter if a local account used.


(Windows only) Run the CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server services as the local system account

--windowsServerPassword <argument>

(Windows only) Password of the account that the CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server services will run as

This is required for silent installation on Windows if the --windowsServerLocalSystem option is not specified.

--windowsServerUser <argument>

User name of the account the CloudBees Flow DevOps Foresight server services will run as on Windows

This is required for silent installation on Windows if the --windowsServerLocalSystem option is not specified.