Publish Artifact Version Step

1 minute read

The following parameters are available to create this step:

Field Name Description


Artifact name, in the form <groupId>:<artifactKey>. If the artifact does not exist, it will be created if this procedure’s launching user or this project principal has the required permissions.


A full version string takes the form: <major>.<minor>.<patch>-<qualifier>-<buildNumber>. The version specification must be unique across all of this artifact’s versions.


Name of the repository where this new artifact version will be published.

Enable Compression

Check this box to compress the artifact version before it is stored in the repository.

From Directory

Name of the directory in the job’s workspace containing files that comprise the artifact version to be published. If not specified, the entire workspace is used.

Include Patterns

List file "include" patterns one pattern per line, to limit which files are published. If no patterns are specified, all files are included.

Exclude Patterns

List file "exclude" patterns one pattern per line, to limit which files are published. If no patterns are specified, no files are excluded.

Dependent Artifact Versions

List dependent artifact versions one per line, each in the form <groupId>:<artifactKey>:<versionRange>. All dependent artifact versions must exist for this artifact version to be retrievable. When this artifact version is successfully retrieved, its dependent artifact versions are retrieved also.