
68 minute read


CloudBees Flow provides a powerful data model based around the notion of a property .

  • A property is a string value with a name.

  • Properties can have arbitrary names and values.

  • You can attach properties to any object in the CloudBees Flow system, such as a project, procedure, or job.

  • After a property is created, it is stored in the CloudBees Flow database.

  • You can retrieve and modify the property value later.

  • You can delete properties that you no longer need.

Properties are used extensively throughout the CloudBees Flow system and provide a flexible and powerful mechanism to manage data about your builds.

Property Use Case Examples

  • When a job starts, it computes a unique identifier for that build and saves it in a property. Later build steps can retrieve the property value to embed the build number in binaries generated during the job.

  • When a build executes, it can set a property on the procedure to identify the source code version used for the build (for example, a tag or timestamp from your source code control system). The next time the build executes, it can retrieve the property value from the procedure and use it to extract information from your source code control system about the files that changed since the last run.

  • Suppose you have a collection of machines for testing, and some machines have older test hardware and some machines have newer hardware with slightly different characteristics. You can set a property on each test machine resource to indicate which version of test hardware is available on which machine. Later, when a test executes, the test can retrieve the property for the machine where it ran and configure tests appropriately for that hardware. If you upgrade test hardware on a machine, all you need to do is change the property on that resource to reflect the new version.

  • You can set job properties to indicate the build status produced by that job. For example, if your QA team finds fatal flaws in a build, it can mark the job accordingly. Builds that need to be preserved (release candidates or builds undergoing beta testing at customer sites) can be marked with properties so those builds are not deleted.

  • When a job executes, properties are set for its job steps that hold metrics such as how many files compiled during a build step, how many tests executed during a test step, or how many errors were detected in the step. These property values are included in reports and can be examined later to compute trends over time. You can define additional properties for metrics useful to you.

CloudBees Flow provides Intrinsic properties and allows you to create Custom properties. This Help topic enumerates properties available within CloudBees Flow (Intrinsic properties), distinguishes between relative and absolute property paths, and describes property hierarchies.

Intrinsic properties are case-sensitive. Custom properties, like all other object names in the CloudBees Flow system, are "case-preserving," but not case-sensitive .
  • Intrinsic properties These properties represent attributes that describe the object to which they are attached, and are provided automatically by CloudBees Flow for each similar type object. For example, every project has a Description property that can be referenced with a non-local property path such as /projects/Examples/description.

  • Custom properties Custom properties are identical to intrinsic properties and when placed on the same object, are referenced in the same manner, and behave in every way like an intrinsic object-level property with one exception: they are not created automatically when the object is created. Instead, custom properties can be added to objects already in the database before a job is started, or created dynamically by procedure steps during step execution.

Creating or modifying properties

You can set a property value by using one of the following three methods or applications: the automation platform web interface, the ectool command-line application, or the Perl API.

  • Using the web interface, you will see a table labeled Custom Properties on the pages that display details for projects, procedures, and so on. Click Create New Property to create a new property for that object, or click on an existing property to change its value.

  • Using the ectool application, set a property value with a command like:

  • ectool setProperty /myJob/installStatus complete

    This command sets the property named /myJob/installStatus to the value complete, and creates the property if it did not already exist (the meaning of property names like /myJob/installStatus is explained below). You can use ectool from within one job step to set properties accessed by later steps in the same job.

  • Using the Perl API, you can use an external script or a script in a step with ec-perl as the shell. A Perl code example: use CloudBees Flow Automation Platform (); my $ec = new CloudBees Flow Automation Platform; $ec→setProperty ("/myJob/installStatus", "complete", {jobStepId ⇒ $ENV{COMMANDER_JOBSTEPID}

    Using the Perl API may yield better performance if you are requesting multiple API calls in one step.

For more information, see Using the CloudBees Flow Perl API.

Using property values

A job step can access a property value by two methods. The first method is substitution , using the $[ ] notation. Suppose you enter the following text as a command for a step:

make PLATFORM=$[platform]

Before running the step, CloudBees Flow finds the property named platform and substitutes its value in the command string in place of $[platform]. For example, if the property contains the value "windows", the actual command executed is:

make PLATFORM=windows

The substitution method can be used for a command in a step and for any step fields, such as the resource or working directory. This method allows you to compute configuration information in an early step of a job, then use that configuration information to control later steps in the job.

Another way for a step to access the property value is with the ectool getProperty command. For example, the following command returns the property value named platform :

ectool getProperty platform

Property sheets and intrinsic properties

A property value can be a simple string or a nested property sheet containing its own properties. Property sheets can be nested to any depth, which allows you to create hierarchical collections of information.

Most objects have an associated "property sheet" that contains "custom properties" created by user scripts. The property sheet is an intrinsic property of the containing object called "property sheet", so to reference a project’s custom property "branchName", you could specify "/projects/aProject/propertySheet/branchName".

As a convenience, CloudBees Flow allows the "property sheet" path element to be omitted and the path written as "/projects/aProject/branchName". If there is no intrinsic property with the same name, the path will find the property on the property sheet.

Custom properties in a property sheet can be one of two types: string property or a property sheet property. String properties hold simple text values. Property sheet properties hold nested properties. Nested properties are accessed via the property sheet property of their containing sheet.

For example:

/projects/aProject/propertySheet/topSheet/propertySheet/propB - or -


All information managed by CloudBees Flow exists in the form of properties and property sheets and your own custom-created properties. For example, each project, procedure, and step is represented internally as a property sheet—the command for a step is actually a property associated with the step, and so on. Every value in the CloudBees Flow system can be accessed as a property, using the naming facilities described below. These properties are called intrinsic properties. CloudBees Flow enforces some restrictions on intrinsic property values, whereas custom properties can have any value you choose.

To learn more about intrinsic properties defined for an object by CloudBees Flow, see Using the CloudBees Flow Perl API. For example, to learn about intrinsic properties associated with each project, find the documentation for the getProject ectool command. The result of running this command is an XML document whose field names and values represent the properties for the project.

For details about the intrinsic properties see Properties.

Property names and paths

Properties are named using multi-level paths such as first/second/third, which refers to a property named "third" in a property sheet named "second" in a property sheet named "first." CloudBees Flow also supports an equivalent notation using brackets instead of slashes. In this format, slashes are not considered separators when they appear between brackets.

For example, first[second]/third and first[second][third] both refer to the same property as first/second/third. The bracket [ ] notation is based on matching brackets. For example, steps[build[1]] refers to a property named "build[1]" inside a property sheet named "steps" (it does not treat "build" as a property sheet containing a property named "1").

Property names/paths have two forms: absolute and relative .

Absolute property paths

Absolute property paths are referenced by a fully-qualified path syntax that begins with a slash character (" / ") followed by a top-level name. This path syntax is similar to a file system path specification. The first component after the "/" must be one of several reserved words that select a starting location to look up the property name. For example, consider the property name /server/CloudBees/installDirectory. /server means "lookup" starts in the topmost property sheet associated with the CloudBees Flow server. This property name refers to the "installDirectory" property inside the server property sheet.

The system defines the following top-level names (absolute property names):


Start in the property sheet containing all applications. For example, /applications[deploy] refers to an application named "deploy" and /applications[deploy]/processes[install] refers to a process named "install" in that application.


Start in the property sheet containing all artifacts. For example, /artifacts/myGrp:myKey/prop1 refers to the prop1 property on the artifact whose name is "myGrp:myKey".


Start in the property sheet containing all artifact versions. For example, /artifactVersions/myGrp:myKey:1.0-36/prop1 refers to the prop1 property on the artifact version whose name is "myGrp:myKey:1.0-36".

Throughout the API, you can substitute "groupId:artifactKey:version" wherever an artifactVersionName argument can be specified. This is the same if the artifactVersionNameTemplate specified in the artifact is in the form "groupId:artifactKey:version". When the template is different, it is convenient to be able to specify this tuple if you do not know the artifactVersionName.


Start in the property sheet containing all components. For example, /components[warfile] refers to a component named "warfile" and /component[warfile]/processes[backup] refers to a component process named "backup" in that component.


Start in the property sheet containing all components. For example, /environments[qeserver] refers to an environment named "qeserver".


Start in the property sheet containing all groups. For example, /groups[dev] refers to the group named "dev".


Start in the property sheet containing all jobs. For example, /jobs[ecloud.4096] refers to the job named "ecloud.4096." You can name a job using either its name (as in the preceding example) or using the unique identifier assigned to it by CloudBees Flow.


Start in the property sheet containing all plugins. For example, /plugins[EC-AgentManagement] refers to the currently promoted plugin named "EC-AgentManagement" and /plugins[EC-AgentManagement]/project/procedures[scpCopyFile] refers to a procedure named "scpCopyFile" in that plugin.


There is a subtle difference between

ectool setProperty /plugins/EC-AgentManagement/project/foo ‘bar’


ectool setProperty /plugins/EC-AgentManagement/foo ‘bar’

The former places the property on the plugin’s project and can be referenced by $[/myProject/foo] while the latter places the property on the plugin object and will not be found via $[/myPlugin/foo].


Start in the property sheet containing all projects. For example, /projects[nightly] refers to the project named "nightly," and /projects[nightly]/procedures[main] refers to a procedure named "main" in that project.


Start in the property sheet containing all artifact repositories. For example, /repositories/repo1/prop1 refers to the prop1 property on the repository whose name is "repo1".


Start in the property sheet containing all resource pools. For example, /resourcePools[linuxA] refers to the resource pool named "linuxA".


Start in the property sheet containing all resources. For example, /resources[linux1] refers to the resource named "linux1".


Start in the top-level server property sheet. For example, /server/a refers to the server property named "a".


Start in the property sheet containing all users. For example, /users[Bob] refers to the usernamed "Bob".


Start in the property sheet containing all workspaces. For example, /workspaces[default] refers to the workspace named "default."

Relative property paths

Property names that do not begin with "/" are relative and looked up starting in the current context . For example, when executing a job step, the current context includes properties defined for the job step, parameters for the current procedure, and global properties on the current job.

Relative property paths are distinguished from absolute property paths because they do not begin with one of the top-level names. To avoid having to construct full property paths, CloudBees Flow supports the concept of a relative property path.

In use, the relative property path value is resolved by its context and a defined search order, which results in accessing the value of an absolute fully-specified property value. Contexts and search orders are as follows:

  1. In a job step context, CloudBees Flow searches for relative property paths in the following order:

    • a property on the job step object

    • a property of the parent job step object, which includes parameters of the procedure on which the step is defined

    • a property on the job object

      NOTE: * The search can be enabled or disabled by using the --extendedContextSearch option on the ectool getProperty or setProperty commands. When searching for a property value, disable the search by setting the --extendedContextSearch switch to "false", requiring the property to exist on the job step object or return false. When writing a new value to a property, enable the search by setting the --extendedContextSearch switch to "true", allowing the search for a property within the search order before creating a new one. New properties are created on the job step object. * Parameters for subprocedure calls from job steps are searched for in a job step context. * For procedure parameters for nested subprocedures, properties referenced by parameters are looked up as described [above] for job steps.

  2. When expanding schedule parameters, CloudBees Flow searches the relative property path in the following order:

    • A property on the procedure being called

    • A property on the project on which the procedure being called is defined

    • A property on the server

  3. In a job name template context, CloudBees Flow searches for the relative property path as a property on the job.

  4. In any other context, CloudBees Flow searches for the relative property path as a property on the context object.

jobSteps Paths

You can also specify a property on a job step as /jobSteps/parent/propertyName where:

  • parent is the root parent of the job step that is not visible on the CloudBees Flow UI.

  • propertyName is the name of the property.

Context-relative "shortcuts" to property paths

A shortcut can be used to reference a property without knowing the exact name of the object that contains the property. You might think of a shortcut as another part of the property hierarchy. Shortcuts resolve to the correct property path even though its path elements may have changed because a project or procedure was renamed. Shortcuts are particularly useful if you do not know your exact location in the property hierarchical tree.

Shortcuts to property paths that provide convenient run-time access include:


Start in the property sheet for the application associated with the current job or job step.


Start in the property sheet for the applicationTier associated with the current job step.


Start in the property sheet for the artifactVersion associated with the current context. The only context where this property has any value is in the artifactVersionNameTemplate field for the artifact.


Start in the property sheet for the component associated with the current context.


Start in the property sheet for the credential associated with the current job step. This form produces an error if the current job step does not have a credential.

` `


Start in the property sheet for the deployer runtime to retrieve information for the current deployer runtime instance.


/myDeployerTaskRuntime/outcome —Retrieve the outcome of the deployer task in the current context.

/myDeployerTaskRuntime/tasks/<subapplication>/job/jobId —Access the specified deployer subapplication.

/myDeployerRuntime/currentRunNumber -Get current run number.


This is a special property used only within an email notifier. /myEvent/ allows you to refer to fields associated with the notifier itself. You can include these properties, for example, in the text of the email you send out for notification:

/myEvent/notifier —This property contains the name of the notifier that created the notifier event. You created this name when you created the notifier.

/myEvent/entity —This property contains the object where the notifier is attached. Two possible values are "job" or "jobStep," depending on where the notifier is attached.

/myEvent/source —This property contains the name of either the job or the jobStep where the notifier is attached.

/myEvent/type —This property defines whether the notifier is an "On Start" or an "On Completion" notifier. Two possible values are "STARTED" or "COMPLETED".

/myEvent/time —This property contains the time when the notifier occurred. The time is always specified in GMT and uses a formatted string, for example, 2009-06-11T21:00:56.502Z

/myEvent/timeMillis —This property contains the "timestamp" in milliseconds when the notifier occurred. This value is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. The timeMillis corresponding to the time in the previous example is: 1244754056502


Start in the property sheet for the environment associated with the current job or job step.


Start in the property sheet for the environmentTier associated with the current job step.


/myGate/ is currently limited to myGate.gateType ( PRE or POST ) or myGate.parentStage. It is useful to include information about the active gate and stage in email notifications templates.


Start in the global property sheet for the current job. /myJob/ points directly to the job object so you can reference built-in job properties ( jobName, createTime, outcome, and so on) and custom properties. This property sheet can also be used to hold working data that needs to be passed from one step to another within the job.


Start in the property sheet for the gate runtime to retrieve information for the current gate runtime instance.


/myGateRuntime/tasks/<taskName>/propertyName —Gate task accesses property on another task in an entry gate.

/myGateRuntime/currentRunNumber -Get current run number.

/myGateRuntime/runNumbers/1/subFlowRuntime/prop1 —Access property under the 1th gate run, previously set with /myGateRuntime/prop1.



/myGroupTaskRuntime/tasks/<taskName>/propertyName —Access the subtask runtime within the current group task context.

/myGroupTaskRuntime/currentRunNumber -Get current run number.


Start in the property sheet for the current job step.


Start in the global property sheet for the parent job step or job if this is a top-level step. /myParent/ points directly to the job or job step object, so you can reference intrinsic or custom properties. For example, you can reference the parameters that were passed to this procedure.

In addition, you can reference a sibling step by calling /myParent/jobSteps/<sibling step name>. Or, you can create additional properties on /myParent/ to pass information from one step in the procedure to another: step1 calls setProperty /myParent/results 100 step2 can call getProperty /myParent/results/myParent/.


Start in the property sheet for the pipeline associated with the current job or job step. This can be used by a plugin, procedure, or process step executed from a stage task to retrieve property information defined in the pipeline.


Start in the property sheet for the pipelineRuntime associated with the current job or job step. This can be used by a plugin, procedure, or process step executed from a stage task to retrieve property information stored on the pipeline runtime.


/myPipelineRuntime/stages/<stageName>/outcome—Retrieve the outcome of a previous stage within the context of the current stage.

/myPipelineRuntime/stages/<stageName>/tasks/<taskName>/outcome —Retrieve the outcome of a task within the context of the current stage.

/myPipelineRuntime/stages/<stageName>/gates/PRE/tasks/<taskName<propertyName> —A gate task accesses a property on another task’s entry gate within the current pipeline runtime context.

/myPipelineRuntime/stages/<stageName>/gates/POST/tasks/<taskName>/<propertyName> —A gate task accesses a property on another task’s exit gate within the current pipeline runtime context.

/myPipelineRuntime/stages/<stageName>/tasks/<taskName>/<propertyName> —A stage task acccesses a property on itself.

/myPipelineRuntime/stages/<stageName>/gates/PRE/tasks/<taskName>/<propertyName> —A stage task accesses a property on an entry gte

/myPipelineRuntime/stages/<stageName>/tasks/<taskName>/job/<propertyName> —A task accesses a property on a job created by a task.

/myPipelineRuntime/stages/<stageName>/tasks/<taskName>/workflow/<propertyName> —A task accesses a property on a workflow created by a task.


Start in the property sheet for the pipelineStageRuntime for a pipeline stage where the current job or job step was defined. This can be used by a procedure step executed from a stage task to retrieve information for the summary property of the stage runtime.


Start in the property sheet for the procedure in which the current job step was defined. If the current job step is executing as part of a nested procedure, /myProcedure/ refers to the innermost nested procedure.


Start in the property sheet for the application or component process in which the current job or job step was defined.


Start in the property sheet for the application or component process step in which the current job step was defined.


Start in the property sheet for the project in which the current job step was defined. If the job step has nested procedure invocations, this is the project associated with the innermost nested procedure, for example, the project associated with /myProcedure/.


Start in the property sheet for the resource assigned to the current job step.


Start in the property sheet for the resource pool that provided the resource for the current job step. Returns null if the step did not specify a resource pool.


Start in the property sheet for the pipeline stage in which the current job or job step was defined.


Start in the property sheet for the stage runtime for the current stage runtime instance. This can be used to retrieve information for the summary property of the stage runtime.


myStageRuntime/tasks/test/outcome —Test the runtime outcome of the previous task in the current stage.

/myStageRuntime/runnumbers/1/output1 —Get the runtime outcome for specific runs in the current stage.

/myStageRuntime/runNumbers/1/subFlowRuntime/prop1 —Access property under the 1th stage run, previously set with /myStageRuntime/prop1.

/myStageRuntime/currentrunNumber —Get the current run number.

/myStageRuntime/tasks/<taskName>/propertyName —Stage task accesses a property on another task in a stage.

/myStageRuntime/tasks/groupTask/tasks/<subTaskName>/job/<jobid> —Access an underlying group task from withing the current stage runtime context.


Start in the property sheet for the current step. "Step" refers to the (static) definition of a step, which is part of a procedure– this is different from a job step, which represents a step when it executes (dynamically) in a job. Use /myJobStep/ to access the job step.


Start in the property sheet for the state object so you can reference built-in and custom state properties or find parameter values passed to that state. When accessed from a state, /myState/ refers to that state. When accessed from a transition, /myState refers to the transition’s owning state. When accessed from a job or job step, /myState/ refers to the state that launched that job as a subjob.


Start in the property sheet for the subjob so you can reference built-in and custom job properties, parameters passed to the job, and properties on steps within that job. When accessed from a transition, /mySubjob/ refers to the subjob started by the state that owns that transition. This property path is particularly useful in conditions for On Completion transitions because the outcome or other information for the subjob can influence which state the workflow transitions to next.


Start in the property sheet for the subworkflow so you can reference built-in and custom workflow properties. When accessed from a transition, /mySubworkflow/ refers to the subworkflow started by the state that owns that transition. This property path is particularly useful in conditions for On Completion transitions because the active state and other information for the subworkflow can influence which state the workflow transitions to next. You can access information about states and transitions belonging to the workflow by using the path /mySubworkflow/states/someState or /mySubworkflow/states/someState/transitions/someTransition.


Start in the property sheet for the pipeline task in which the current job or job step was defined.


Start in the property sheet for the task runtime. This can be used to retrieve information for the summary property of the task runtime.


/myTaskRuntime/runnumbers/2/output1 —Get the runtime outcome for specific runs in the current task.

/myTaskRuntime/runNumbers/1/subFlowRuntime/prop1 —Access property under the first task run, previously set with /myTaskRuntime/prop1.

/myTaskRuntime/propertyName —Task accesses property on itself.

/myTaskRuntime/job/propertyName —Task accesses property on a job created by a task.

/myTaskRuntime/workflow/propertyName —Task accesses property on a workflow created by a task.

/myTaskRuntime/currentRunNumber -Get current run number .


Start in the property sheet for the transition object so you can reference intrinsic and custom transition properties. /myTransition/ is accessible only from a transition.


In a situation where a pipeline triggers a sub-pipeline, this property accesses the runtime context of the parent pipeline from within the sub-pipeline runtime context.


This property can be used only if the current session is associated with: the predefined "admin" user, a user defined as "local", or a user defined by a Directory Provider (LDAP or ActiveDirectory). This property cannot be used if the user is a "project principal", which is normally the case when running inside a CloudBees Flow step.

For example, with an interactive login you can use: ectool getProperty /myUser/userName (to get the username of the logged in user, or…​) ectool getProperty /myUser/email (to get the email address)


Start in the property sheet for the workflow object so you can reference built-in and custom workflow properties. When accessed from a state or transition, /myWorkflow/ refers to the "owning" workflow. When accessed from a job or job step, /myWorkflow/ refers to the workflow whose state launched that job as a subjob. You can access information about states and transitions belonging to the workflow by using the path /myWorkflow/states/someState or /myWorkflow/states/someState/transitions/someTransition.


Starts in the property sheet for the workflow definition object so you can reference built-in and custom workflow properties.


Start in the property sheet for the workspace associated with the current job step.

Property path shortcuts in CloudBees Flow 5.0 and later

The following shortcuts to property paths are available in CloudBees Flow 5.0 and later. For more information, see Context-relative "shortcuts" to property paths .

Shortcuts Descriptions For jobs For job steps

/ myApplication/…​

Starts in the property sheet for the application associated with the current job or job step.



`/myApplicationTier/…​ `

Starts in the property sheet for the application tier associated with the current job step.




Starts in the property sheet for the call associated with the current job step.




Starts with the property sheet for the component associated with the current job step.




Starts with the property sheet for the credential associated with the current job step.




Starts in the property sheet for the environment associated with the current job or job step.




Starts in the property sheet for the environment tier associated with the current job step.




/myGate/ is currently limited to myGate.gateType ( PRE or POST ) or myGate.parentStage. It is useful to include information about the active gate and stage in email notifications templates.




Starts in the property sheet for the environment inventory.




Starts in the property sheet for the job associated with the current job or job step.




Starts in the property sheet for the job step associated with the current job step.




Starts in the global property sheet for the parent job step.




Start in the property sheet for the pipeline associated with the current job or job step.




Start in the property sheet for the pipelineRuntime associated with the current job or job step.




Start in the property sheet for the pipelineStageRuntime for a pipeline stage where the current job or job step was defined. This can be used by a procedure step executed from a stage task to retrieve information for the summary property of the stage runtime.




Starts in the property sheet for the plugin associated with the current job.




Starts in the property sheet for the procedure in which the current job or job step was defined.




Starts in the property sheet for the process in which the current job or job step was defined.




Starts in the property sheet for the process step in which the current job step was defined.




Starts in the property sheet for the project in which the current job was defined.




Starts in the property sheet for the resource associated with the current job step.




Starts in the property sheet for the resource pool associated with the current job step.




Starts in the property sheet for the resource pool associated with the current job step.




Start in the property sheet for the pipeline stage in which the current job or job step was defined.




Starts in the property sheet for the state object so you can reference built-in and custom state properties or find parameter values passed to that state.




Starts in the property sheet for the step associated with the current job step.




Start in the property sheet for the pipeline task in which the current job or job step was defined.




Starts in the property sheet for the workflow object so you can reference built-in and custom workflow properties.




Starts in the property sheet for the workflow definition object so you can reference built-in and custom workflow properties.




Starts in the property sheet for the workspace associated with the current job step.



Property name substitutions

Property names can contain references to other properties, which are then substituted into the property name before looking it up. For example, consider the following property name:


If the value of /myProcedure/name is "xyz", the property above is equivalent to /myStep/xyz.

Expandable properties

Property values can contain property references using the "$[]" notation.

For example:

  1. Create a property named "foo" with a value of hello $[bar].

  2. Create a property named "bar" with a value of world.

  3. Reference "foo" (either using $[foo] or ectool getProperty foo ). The value "hello world" is returned.

If you want just the literal value of "foo" (useful in the UI, for example), you can use the expand option in ectool:

ectool getProperty foo --expand false. The value "hello $[bar]" will be returned.

Properties are expanded by default when you use getProperty or getProperties.

If the value of a property contains "$[]" but you do not want it to be interpreted as a property reference, you can use the expandable option:

ectool setProperty symbols '$[!@]#' --expandable false.

This option can be toggled in the web UI as well. Properties are expandable by default.

Because you cannot control where your expandable property might be referenced (and therefore which context is used during expansion), we recommend using absolute paths when referencing a property from the value of another property.

In the example above, if you define both "foo" and "bar" as properties on a project "proj1", you might assume there is no problem with the value of "foo". However, if you later reference "foo" from a job under "proj1" (for example, $[/myProject/foo ), foo will be referenced with the job step as its context. Therefore, when the value of "foo" is expanded, you will get a PROPERTY_REFERENCE_ERROR because "bar" is not defined in the context of the job step.

Custom property names and values

The following properties are used by the standard CloudBees Flow UI, so you should use these property names whenever possible, and avoid using these names in ways that conflict with the definitions below.

  • compiles —the number of files compiled during the job step

  • diagFile —the filename in the top-level directory of the job’s workspace, containing diagnostics extracted from the step’s log file

  • errors —the number of errors (compilation failures, test failures, application crashes, and so on) that occurred during the job step. When property errors are set by postp, the step outcome is set to error also.

  • tests —the number of tests executed by the job step, including successes and failures

  • testsSkipped —the number of tests skipped during the job step

  • warnings —the number of warnings that occurred during the job step. When property warnings is set by postp, the step outcome is set to warning also.

  • preSummary —if this property exists, its value is displayed in the "Status" field (on the Job Details page) for this step. This property appears before whatever would normally be displayed for status. If the property contains multiple lines separated by newline characters, each line is displayed on a separate line in the status field.

  • postSummary —if this property exists, its value is displayed in the "Status" field (on the Job Details page) for this step. This property appears after whatever would normally be displayed for status. If the property contains multiple lines separated by newline characters, each line is displayed on a separate line in the status field.

  • summary —if this property exists, its value is displayed in the "Status" field (in the job reports) for this step, replacing whatever would normally be displayed for status. If the property contains multiple lines separated by newline characters, each line is displayed on a separate line in the status field.

The property hierarchy

All CloudBees Flow properties fall into a hierarchical structure, and you can reference any property using an absolute path from the root of the hierarchy. This includes properties you define and intrinsic properties defined by CloudBees Flow.

For example, each step contains a property "resource" that provides the resource name to use for that step. All steps of a procedure exist as property sheets underneath the procedure. All procedures in a project exist as property sheets underneath the project, and so on.

The examples below illustrate some nesting relationships between objects.

For example, the notation " project /procedures[ procedureName ]" means each project object contains a property sheet named "procedures" holding all procedures defined within that project. Within the procedures property sheet, there is a nested property sheet for each procedure, named after the procedure. Thus, the name "/projects[a]/procedures[b]" refers to a procedure named "b" contained in a project named "a."

  • Each project contains procedures, schedules, credential definitions, workflow definitions, and workflows: project /procedures[ procedureName ] project /schedules[ scheduleName ] project /credentials[ credentialName ] project /workflowDefinitions[ workflowName ] project /workflows[ workflowName ]

  • Each procedure contains steps and parameters. The parameters are "formal parameters," meaning they specify parameter names the procedure will accept, whether each parameter is required, and so on: procedure /steps[ stepName ] procedure /formalParameters[ paramenterName ]

  • Steps that invoke subprocedures contain parameter values for the subprocedure. These are called "actual parameters" because they provide actual values that will be passed into the subprocedure: step /actualParameters[ parameterName ]

  • Each job contains a collection of job step objects for steps in the outermost procedure, along with parameter values passed into the job when it was invoked: job /jobSteps[ stepName ] job /actualParameters[ parameterName ]

  • If a job step invokes a nested subprocedure, its property sheet contains parameter values that were passed into the nested subprocedure, plus all job steps corresponding to that procedure: jobStep /actualParameters[ parameterName ] jobStep /jobSteps[ stepName ]

  • Schedules contain parameter values for the procedures they invoke. These are called "actual parameters" because they provide actual values passed into the procedure: schedule /actualParameters[ parameterName ]

  • Workflow definitions contain state definitions: workflowDefinition /stateDefinitions[ stateDefinitionName ]

  • Transition definitions contain actual parameters: transitionDefinition /actualParameters[ parameterName ]

  • State definitions contain transition definitions, actual parameters, and formal parameters: stateDefinition /actualParameters[ parameterName ] stateDefinition /formalParameters[ parameterName ] stateDefinition /transitionDefinitions[ transitionDefinitionName ]

  • Workflows contains states: workflow /states[ stateName ]

  • Transitions contain actual parameters: transition /actualParameters[ parameterName ]

  • States contain transitions, actual parameters, and formal parameters: state /actualParameters[ parameterName ] state /formalParameters[ parameterName ] state /transitions[ transitionName ]

Special property references

CloudBees Flow also supports several special property reference forms that are described in the following subsections.


Use this form to increment the value of an integer property before returning its value. For example, suppose property xyz has the value 43. The property reference $[/increment xyz] first increments the value of property xyz to 44, then returns 44.


Use this form to generate a formatted timestamp value. For example, the property reference $[/timestamp yyyy-MMM-d hh:mm] returns the current time in a form such as "2007-Jun-19 04:36". The pattern following /timestamp specifies how to format the time and defaults to "yyyyMMddHHmm". The pattern follows conventions for the Java class SimpleDateFormat, where various letters are substituted with various current time elements. For more information about the SimpleDateFormat class, see Here are some of the supported substitutions:

y—Year, such as "2007" or "07"

M—Month, such as "April", Apr", or "04"

w—Week in year, such as "27"

W—Week in month, such as "3"

D—Day in year, such as "194"

d—Day in month, such as "18"

E—Day in the week, such as "Tuesday" or "Tue"

a—am/pm marker, such as "PM"

H—Hour in day (0-23), such as "7"

h—Hour in am/pm (1-12), such as "11"

m—Minute in hour, such as "30"

s—Second in minute, such as "15"

S—Millisecond, such as "908"

z—Time zone such as "Pacific Standard Time", "PST", or "GMT-08:00"

Z—Time zone such as "-0800"

Repeated letters cause longer forms to be substituted. For example, "yy" substitutes the last 2 digits of the current year, whereas "yyyy" substitutes the 4-digit year number. Single quotes can be used to substitute text directly without the above interpretations.


This form executes a Javascript code fragment inside the CloudBees Flow server and returns the result computed by that code. For example, $[/javascript 4*2] returns "8.0". Javascript code can be arbitrarily long and include multiple statements. The value of the last statement is returned by the property reference.

Javascript code executes in an interpreter that provides access to CloudBees Flow properties:

  1. The normal way to access property values is through Javascript objects. Global Javascript objects named "server," "projects," and so on, exist and correspond to all top-level objects in an absolute property path. For example, there is a Javascript object named server that corresponds to the path /server, and a Javascript object named myJob that corresponds to the path /myJob. You can use either "." or "[]" notation to access properties within the object. For a more complete list of top-level objects, see Absolute property paths . Examples: $[/javascript myJob.mightExist] this is a safe way to refer to an optional parameter $[/javascript (myJobStep.errors > 0) ? "step failed" : "no errors"] test a value and return another string based on the result $[/javascript server.settings.ipAddress] refer to a property in a nested property sheet $[/javascript server["CloudBees"].installDirectory] if the property name has a space, use [""] notation $[/javascript server["CloudBees"]["installDirectory"]] do not use the "." ` in front of the `"["

  2. You can also call the function, "getProperty". It takes a property name as argument and returns the value of that property. The case where this is most useful is when you want to access another special property reference. Examples: $[/javascript getProperty ("/timestamp yyyy-MMM-d hh:mm")] returns the current time $[/javascript getProperty ("/increment /myJob/jsCount")] this is the only way to change a property via javascript For example, consider the following property reference: $[/javascript (getProperty("/myJobStep/errors") > 0) ? "step failed" : "no errors"] This example returns "step failed" if the property "errors" on the current job step had a value greater than zero, and it returns "no errors" otherwise.

  3. If calling the "setProperty" function, similar to getProperty, there are two variations on the function:

    • A global function variation that uses the current context object. The global function takes 2 or 3 arguments. The 3-argument version takes a context object, a path, and a value. The 2-argument version omits the context object and uses the current context object (for example, job step ). Example: setProperty (myProject, "foo", "bar") would set the value of the "foo" property on the current project to "bar".

    • An object function variation that can be called on objects, which uses that object as a context object. The object function takes two arguments: a "path" and a "value". Example: server.setproperty ("foo", "bar") would set the "foo" property on the server object to the value "var".

Intrinsic properties listed by object type

CloudBees Flow Deploy intrinsic properties

For details about the intrinsic properties see Properties.

Automation Platform intrinsic properties

This section describes the intrinsic properties for some (but not all) of the objects in the Automation Platform. For each object type in the following list, there is a link to a table that includes a list of intrinsic properties applicable to that object and provides the property type and description.

` acl `

` repository `

` artifact `

` resource `

` artifactVersion `

` resourcePool `

` credential `

` resourceUsage `

` directoryProvider `

` schedule `

` emailConfig `

` server `

` emailNotifier `

` state `

` formalParameter `

` stateDefinition `

` step `

` group `

` transition `

` job `

` transitionDefinition `

` jobStep `

` user `

` logEntry `

` workflow `

` procedure `

` workflowDefinition `

` project `

` workspace `

` property `

` zones `

` propertySheet `

Property Type definitions in the Automation Platform

This table provides Property Type definitions for each property listed in the following tables. (A Property Type precedes each property description in the Description column.)

Type Definition


One of two possible values—either true or false. These values are more frequently represented by the numbers "0" and "1", where "0" equals false and "1" equals true.


A millisecond precision UTC date in ISO 8601 form: [ YYYY]- [MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]Z For example, 2007-06-19T04:36:22.000Z


Each time an object is created, CloudBees Flow generates a unique ID number for that object.


This is a unicode string value with a maximum of 255 characters.


This is a simple integer numeric value.


This property refers to another object.


This is a unicode string value with a maximum CLOB size of the database, but only the first 450 characters are indexed, which means a defined search will not "see" beyond the first 450 characters.

In the following tables, the Description column displays the property type preceding the property description.

Object Type: acl Description: An acl is an Access Control List.

Property Name



` id:` The unique identifier for this acl object. Other objects can refer to this acl by its ID.


` boolean:` If true, the ACL inherits ACEs from the ACL’s parent.


This is any type of object the ACL controls and can be any of the objects listed below.

` acl admin artifactartifactVersioneventformalParametergroupjobjobSteplicensenotifierprocedureprocedureStep`

` project property propertySheet repository resource resourcePoolserverschedulesystemObject useruserSettings workspaceplugin`


` id:` The parent ACL.

Object Type: artifact Description: An artifact is an object that contains zero or more artifact versions. An artifact has two purposes: 1. To group artifact versions and provide a template for naming the versions 2. To restrict who can publish artifact versions, based on groupId:artifactKey

Property Name



` reference:` ` acl `


` id:` The artifact’s ID number.


` string:` User-specified identifier for this artifact. This field may consist of alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, hyphens, and periods.


` name:` The name of this artifact.


` name:` The template for artifact version names published to this artifact.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` id:` A user-generated group name for this artifact. This field may consist of alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, hyphens, and periods.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: ` ` propertySheet `

Object Type: artifactVersion Description: An artifact version is an object that represents a user-defined unit of related files typically produced by one job and consumed by one or more other jobs.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` string: ` User-specified identifier for this artifact. This field may consist of alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, hyphens, and periods.


` name: ` The name of the artifact.


` id: ` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID number for this artifact version.


` name: ` The name of the artifact version.


` string: ` Possible values are: available|publishing|unavailable


` number:` User-defined build number component of the version attribute for the artifact version.


` date: ` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` id:` A user-generated group name for this artifact. This field may consist of alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, hyphens, and periods.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` string:` ` major.minor.patch` component of the version attribute for the artifact.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID number for the job that published the artifact version.


` string:` The name of the job that published the artifact version.


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID number for the job step that published the artifact version.


` string:` User-defined qualifier component of the version attribute for the artifact.


` name:` The name of the artifact repository.


` string:` An artifact version specification uses the following form: major.minor.patch.qualifier.buildNumber

Object Type: credential Description: In CloudBees Flow, a credential is an object that stores a username and password for later use.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date: ` The time when this object was created.


` id:` The credential’s ID number.


` name:` The name of this credential.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` string: ` The password corresponding to the username and this credential.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this credential.


` reference: propertySheet`


` name:` A saved string that represents the name portion of a credential, typically a user account name.

Object Type: directoryProvider Description: A directoryProvider is an object containing information about an external directory service (LDAP or ActiveDirectory).

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` string: ` The attribute in a group record that contains the common group name. If specified, this name is used only when searching for groups from an external provider.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` id:` The ID of the directory provider.


` string: ` The domain name from which Active Directory servers are automatically discovered.


` string: ` The attribute in a user record that contains the user’s email address. If the attribute was not specified, the account name and domain name are concatenated to form an email address.


` boolean:` Determines whether or not external groups are enabled for the directory provider. Defaults to "true".


` name: ` The attribute in a user record that contains the user’s full name (first and last) for display in the UI.


` string: ` This string is prepended to the ` basedn` to construct the directory DN that contains group records.


` string: ` A comma-separated attribute name list that identifies a group member.


` string: ` Two common forms of group record in LDAP directories: POSIX style groups where members are identified by account name, and groupOfNames or uniqueGroupOfNames records where members are identified by the full user DN. Both forms are supported, so the query is passed to parameters: ` "{0}"` is replaced with the full user record DN, and "{1}" is replaced with the user’s account name.


` name:` The group record that contains the name of the group.


` string: ` This LDAP query is performed in the context of the groups directory to enumerate group records.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` name:` The DN of a user who has read-only access to LDAP user and group directories.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`


` number:` The index that specifies the search order across multiple directory providers. For example: 2 LDAP providers, one with index "0" and one with index "1" means the providers will be searched in that numerical order.


` name:` This human-readable name will be displayed in the user interface to identify users and groups that come from this provider.


` string: <ldap|activedirectory>`


` string: ` An identifier (string)used for LDAP directory providers so users and groups (within LDAP) can be uniquely identified in "same name" collisions across multiple directory providers. The realm is appended to the user or group name when stored in the CloudBees Flow server. For example, <user>@dir (where the realm is set to "dir").


` string: ` The server URL is in the ` formprotocol://host:port/basedn`. Protocol is either ldap or ldaps (for secure LDAP).


` string: ` This string is prepended to the basedn to construct the directory DN that contains user records.


` name: ` The attribute in a user record that contains the user’s account name.


` string: ` This LDAP query is performed in the context of the user directory to search for a user by account name. The string “{0}” is replaced with the user’s login ID. Typically, the query compares a user record attribute with the substituted user login ID.


` boolean:` If true, the subtree below the user base is searched recursively.


` boolean:` This flag is used to specify SSL to communicate with your Active Directory servers.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) has replaced Secure Sockets Layer version 3.0 (SSLv3) on the CloudBees Flow web server and the CloudBees Flow server.
Object Type: emailConfig Description: An emailConfig is an object that stores information created and used to communicate with the email server.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` string: ` The name of the email configuration.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID for the email configuration.


` string: ` The name of the email configuration.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` string: ` The email address used as the email sender address for notifications.


` string: ` The name of the email server host.


` number:` The port number for the mail server. The protocol software determines the default value (25 for SMTP and 465 for SSMTP).


` string: ` This is either SSMTP or SMTP (not case sensitive). Default is SMTP.


` name: ` An individual or a generic name like "CloudBees Flow" — the name of the email user on whose behalf CloudBees Flow sends email notifications.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`

Object Type: emailNotifier Description: An emailNotifier is an object that stores information created and used to notify users about various types information, including status.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` string:` Only send mail if the condition evaluates to "true". The condition is a string subject to property expansion. The notification will NOT be sent if the expanded string is "false" or "0". If no condition is specified, the notification is ALWAYS sent.


` string: ` The name of the email configuration.


` id:` The object ID to which the email notifier is attached (for example: procedure-123).


` string:` The type of object that the notifier is attached to (procedure, step, job, jobstep).


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` string:` A space-separated list of valid email addresses, email aliases, or CloudBees Flow usernames, or a string subject to property expansion that expands into such a list.


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID for the email notifier.


` string:` < onEnter|onStart|onCompletion > onStart triggers an email notification when the job or job step begins. onCompletion, default, triggers an email notification when the job finishes, no matter how it finishes.


` string: ` The email address used as the email sender address for notifications.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The name of the email notifier.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`

Object Type: formalParameter Description: A formalParameter is a parameter expected by a procedure, including its name, a default value, and an indication of whether the parameter is required. Formal parameters are different from "actual parameters"--- formal parameters define the type of parameters a procedure is expecting, and actual parameters provide values to use at run-time.

Property Name



` string: ` An object ID for a "container" that contains formal parameters.


` string: ` The type of object containing the formal parameter.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` The formalParameter 's default value.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` boolean:` Determines whether or not the property expansion is deferred.


` id:` This is this formal parameter’s ID.


` name:` This is this formal parameter’s name.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` boolean:` If true, a value for this parameter must be supplied when the procedure is called.


` name:` The custom type of formalParameter.

Object Type: gateway Description: To communicate with a resource, workspace, or artifact repository server in another zone, a "gateway" must be created. A gateway object contains two resource (agent) machines, for example, GatewayResource1 and GatewayResource2—each configured to communicate with the other. One gateway resource resides in the source zone and the other in the target zone. A gateway is bidirectional and informs the CloudBees Flow server that each gateway machine is configured to communicate with its other gateway machine (in another zone).

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` boolean: ` If set to 1 (true), the gateway is disabled.


` id:` The unique CloudBees Flow-generated ID for this gateway.


` string:` The name of the gateway.


` string:` The agent host name where Resource1 resides. This host name is used by Resource2 to communicate with Resource1 . Do not specify this option is you want to use the host name from Resource1’s definition.


` string: The agent host name where Resource2 resides. This host name is used by Resource1 to communicate with Resource2. Do not specify this option is you want to use the host name from Resource2’s definition.`


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` number:` The port number used by Resource1 —defaults to the port number used by the resource.


` number:` The port number used by Resource2 —defaults to the port number used by the resource.


` reference: propertySheet`


` string:` The name of your choice for the first of two required gateway resources. Do not include "spaces" in a resource name.


` string:` The name of your choice for the second of two required gateway resources. Do not include "spaces" in a resource name.

Object Type: group Description: This is any group of users known to the CloudBees Flow server, including groups defined locally within the server and those groups defined in external repositories such as LDAP or ActiveDirectory.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` id:` The unique CloudBees Flow-generated group ID.


` name:` This is this group’s name.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` boolean:` If true, the member list of this group is editable within CloudBees Flow via the web UI or the modifyGroup API.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`


` name:` The name of the directory provider that controls this group.

Object Type: job Description: A job is a CloudBees Flow structure associated with invoking a procedure. A new job is created each time a procedure begins to execute. The job keeps track of all data associated with the procedure’s execution, such as the running time of each step and any errors that may occur during the step. CloudBees Flow retains job information after the job completes so you can examine what occurred.

Property Name



` string:` If set, indicates the step was aborted. Values will be either ABORT or FORCE_ABORT —indicating how the step was aborted.


` name:` This is the user who issued the "abort."


` reference: acl`


` reference: propertySheet` An actualParameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter, which is passed to a procedure when it is invoked. Actual parameters can be provided for jobs and nested subprocedures within a job. Actual parameters are different from "formal parameters"- formal parameters define the parameters a procedure is expecting, and actual parameters provide values to use at run-time.


` string:` The full property path to the "calling state", which can appear on subjobs and subworkflows of a workflow.


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID number for the calling state.


Provides more inclusive step status output—the resulting query output may contain up to three sub-elements: status|message|properties


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` name:` The name of the credential being used for impersonation when the job runs commands on a resource.


The object was marked for background deletion. Possible values are "0" or "1". Default is "0" (not set).


` name:` The name of this job’s directory within each workspace for this job.


` number:` The number of milliseconds between the start and end times for the job.


` errorCode:` When the outcome is error, this property displays the error code, identifying which error occurred.


` string:` When the outcome is error, this property displays the error description.


` boolean :` If 'true", the job is external.


` date:` The time this job completed.


` id:` This is this job’s ID number, which is a UUID.


` name:` This is this job’s name.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` name:` The name of the user or project principal that explicitly launched the job. This property is blank when the job is launched by a schedule.


The sum of time all job steps had to wait for a license.


` name:` The current procedure name from which this job was created – if the procedure was renamed since the job launched, this will be the procedure’s new name, and if the procedure was deleted, this will be null.


` name:` The current schedule name that launched this job – if the schedule was renamed since the job was launched, this will be the schedule’s new name, and if the schedule was deleted, this will be null.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


The overall result of the job: success, warning, error, or skipped.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


Values can be low, normal (default), high, or highest.


` name:` The name of the procedure that defines the job’s steps.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this job.


` reference: propertySheet`


The sum of time all job steps had to wait for a resource. This could indicate that eligible resources for the step have reached their step limit, are in-use but the step requires a resource exclusively, or resources are down.


` name:` The name of the user being impersonated in this job.


` name:` The schedule name that launched this job – this field differs from liveSchedule in that it is written at job creation time only, and not changed, even if the schedule is renamed or deleted.


` date:` The time when this job began executing.


Possible values are:

pending —the job was created, but it is waiting for prerequisite steps to complete

runnable —the job step is waiting for a resource

scheduled —the job was assigned a resource, but the command has not started running

running —the job/job step is running a command on the assigned resource

completed —the job/job step has completed


The total sum of license, resource, a precondition, and workspace wait times job steps were restricted and had to wait to process.


The sum of time all job steps had to wait for a workspace.

Object Type: jobStep Description: A jobStep is an instance of a step that ran—a single invocation of a command on a resource or a single call to a subprocedure within the context of a job .

Property Name



` string:` If set, indicates the step was aborted. Values will be either ABORT or FORCE_ABORT —indicating how the step was aborted.


` name:` The user who issued the "abort."


` reference: acl`


` reference: propertySheet` An actualParameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter, which is passed to a procedure when it is invoked. Actual parameters can be provided for jobs and nested subprocedures within a job. Actual parameters are different from "formal parameters"- formal parameters define the parameters a procedure is expecting, and actual parameters provide values to use at run-time.


` boolean:` If true, this step runs even if the job is aborted before the step completes. Note that a "force abort" will abort an alwaysRun step.


` name:` The name of the resource assigned to this step by the resource scheduler.


` boolean:` If true, this step runs on all resources in a pool.


Provides more inclusive step status output—the resulting query output may contain up to three sub-elements: status|message|properties


` string:` This property specifies the command this step runs.


` string:` If this element is not present, the event is ALWAYS triggered. If specified, the event is triggered only if the value of the condition argument is TRUE; if not true, a boolean value of "false" or "0" was used. Condition arguments can be a literal, a fixed value string, or a string subject to property expansion.


` boolean:` The result of the expansion on the step condition.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


For a step that was rescheduled due to a resource or workspace problem, this is the next time the step will be eligible to run.


` number:` The number of milliseconds between the start and end times for the jobStep.


` errorCode:` This property appears when the outcome is error and displays the error code, identifying which error occurred.


This is the error handling policy copied from the procedure step and indicates how the step responds to errors:

failProcedure —The current procedure continues, but the overall status is error (default).

abortProcedure —Aborts the current procedure, but allows already-running steps in the current procedure to complete.

abortProcedureNow —Aborts the current procedure and terminates running steps in the current procedure.

abortJob —Aborts the entire job, terminates running steps, but allows alwaysRun steps to run.

abortJobNow —Aborts the entire job and terminates all running steps, including alwaysRun steps.

failProcedure — The current procedure continues, but the overall status is error (default).

ignore —Continues as if the step succeeded.


` string:` When the outcome is error, this property displays an error message description.


` boolean:` If true, this step acquires and retains its resource exclusively.


` string:` Possible values are: none, job, step, call


` number:` This is this step’s exit code.


` boolean:` If "true", the job is external.


` date:` The time when this job step completed.


` name:` The name of the host where this step was invoked (copied from the resource )


` id:` This is the ID number of the job that owns the job step.

The string representation of the job is its name, so $[job] evaluates to the job name, but $[job/foo] is also legal and refers to the foo property of the job.


` id:` This is this job’s ID number, which is a UUID.


` name:` This is the name of this step’s job.


` id:` This is this step’s ID number.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


The length of time this job step had to wait to process because the license limit was reached or exceeded.


` string:` The current procedure name for the procedure step from which the job or job step was created – if the procedure step was renamed since the job or job step was launched, this is the procedure step’s new name, and if the procedure step was deleted, this will be null.


` name:` This property shows the current procedure name for the procedure step from which this job step was created – if the procedure step was renamed since the job was launched, this will be the procedure step’s new name, and if the procedure step was deleted, this will be null.


` name:` The name of the log file produced by this step, relative to the job’s workspace directory.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` string:` The overall result of the job—possible values are: success, warning, error, or skipped


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` boolean:` If true,this step runs in parallel with other adjacent steps also marked to run in parallel.


` number:` This is this step’s post processor exit code.


` name:` The log file name produced by this step’s post processor.


` string:` The post processor name used to gather information about this step.


` string:` By default, if a step has no precondition, it will run when scheduled. Set this property to make a step wait until one or more dependent conditions are met. When a job step is eligible to transition from pending to runnable, a precondition is evaluated. A precondition is a fixed text or text embedding property reference that is evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. An empty string, a \"0\" or \"false\" is interpreted as FALSE. Any other result string is interpreted as TRUE. The step will block until the precondition is TRUE.


` name:` The name of the procedure that contains this jobStep.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this jobStep.


` reference: propertySheet`


` boolean:` A Boolean value indicating whether this step should release its resource upon completion.


` string:` Possible values are: none, release, releaseToJob


` name:` The name of the resource or pool this step should use to run on.


This property indicates whether the resource for the job step is explicitly specified by the step or was defaulted from the procedure: procedure or procedureStep.


The length of time this job step stalled because it could not get a resource. This could indicate that eligible resources for the step have reached their step limit, are in-use but the step requires a resource exclusively, or resources are down.


` number:` This is a number—the number of retries before the request times out.


` name:` The name of the user being impersonated in this job step.


` date:` The time when the step became runnable.


` number:` The number of milliseconds the step command spent running on a resource.


` name:` The shell used to execute the step’s commands on a resource. The script name is inserted into the command at the position of a "{0}" marker in the command, or appended as a final argument if no marker is present. A filename suffix adjacent to the marker will be appended to the script name. For more information on shells, see the Shell definition in the Step Help topic.


` date:` The time when this job step began executing.


Possible values are:

pending —the job step was created, but it is waiting for prerequisite steps to complete

runnable —the job step is waiting for a resource

scheduled —the job step was assigned a resource, but the command has not started running

running —the job/job step is running a command on the assigned resource

completed —the job/job step has completed


` name:` This is this step’s name.


` name:` The nested procedure name to call when this step executes.


` name:` This property appears if the subprocedure element is present and specifies the project to which the subprocedure belongs (by default, the current project is used.)


` number:` The maximum length of time this step is allowed to run.


` date:` The time when this job step will be automatically aborted if it has not yet completed.


The sum of resource, workspace, and license wait times for this job step.


` number:` The number of milliseconds the step spent between runnable and running (for example, waiting for a resource).


` name:` The name of this step’s working directory.


` name:` The workspace name used by the jobStep object.


The time this job step had to wait because no workspace was found or available.

Object Type: logEntry Description: A logEntry is an object containing various types of information available in a log file generated from anywhere in the CloudBees Flow system. The Event Log can be configured for auto-deletion. By default, Event Log retention is 30 days. The CloudBees Flow server automatically marks old log entries for deletion and the background deleter cleans out old log entries. To change the default settings, go to Administration > Server > Settings and modify the Event log retain time and the Maximum background delete delay fields Note: Setting the "retain" period to "0" disables the automatic deletion mechanism, allowing you to use an external cleanup script to implement a custom cleanup policy.

Property Name



(currently not used)


` string:` Typically, this is the type and name of the workflow or job with a corresponding ID.


` name:` The name of the container.


` string:` The type of object the log entry pertains to (for example, procedure, job step, step).


byte: The object was marked for background deletion. Possible values are "0" or "1". Default is "0" (which means "deleted" is not set).


` id:` The log entry CloudBees Flow-generated ID.


` string:` The message text will either be informational or display the warning or error message. The message may contain important information about a resource or workspace issue.


` string:` The user or project principal from the session that was active when the event occurred.


` string:` Severity can be either TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR


` string:` The object associated with the message.


` name:` The name of the object associated with the message.


` string:` (similar to container ) Refers to the object the event concerns. This may be the same as the container, or it may be a different object that is related to the event in some manner.


` string:` The time the event was logged.

Object Type: procedure Description: A procedure describes a series of actions to be performed on one or more resources. A procedure contains steps and properties and can define formal parameters.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` name:` The name of the credential assigned to this job step.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` name:` The template used to name jobs created from this procedure.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` id:` This is this procedure’s ID number.


` name:` This is this procedure’s name.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this procedure.


` reference: propertySheet`


` name:` The name of the resource or pool this procedure should use to run on.


` name:` The workspace name used by the procedure object.

Object Type: project Description: A project is an object used in CloudBees Flow to organize information. A project contains procedures, schedules, credentials, and properties.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` name:` The name of the credential assigned to this project.


The object was marked for background deletion. Possible values are "0" or "1". Default is "0" (not set).


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` name:` The name of the plugin associated with this project.


` id:` This is this project’s ID.


` name:` The name of the project.


` reference: propertySheet`


` name:` The name of the resource.


` name:` This is the workspace name used by the project.

Object Type: property Description: A property is a string value with a name. Properties can have arbitrary names and values. You can attach properties to any object in the CloudBees Flow system, such as a project, procedure, or job. After a property is created, it is stored in the CloudBees Flow database. You can retrieve and/or modify the value later, and you can delete properties you no longer need. Properties provide a flexible and powerful mechanism to manage data about your builds. NOTE: The names " properties " and " project " are not valid property names.

Property Name



` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` boolean:` If set to true, the property value will undergo string expansion when it is retrieved.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` string:` The path that specifies the property object.


` id:` This property’s ID number.


` name:` This property’s name.


` reference: propertySheet—` If the property is a nested property sheet, the propertySheet refers to the nested sheet.


` string:` The property or actual parameter’s value—if this property is a string property.

Object Type: propertySheet Description: A property value can be a simple string or a nested propertySheet containing its own properties. Property sheets can be nested to any depth, which allows you to create hierarchical collections of information. Most objects have an associated property sheet that contains "custom properties" created by user scripts.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` id:` This property sheet’s ID.

Object Type: repository Description: A repository is an object that stores artifact versions. This object primarily contains information on how to connect to a particular artifact repository. Similar to steps in a procedure, repository objects are in a user-specified order. When retrieving artifact versions, repositories are queried in this order until one containing the desired artifact version is found.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description for this object.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`


` boolean:` Determines whether the repository is disabled. Default is "false".


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID number of the repository.


` number:` The order of the repository, within a list of repositories.


` name:` The name of the repository.


` string:` The server URL is in the form protocol://host:port/. Typically, the repository server is configured to listen on port 8200 for https requests, so a typical URL looks like https://host:8200/.


` name : ` ` ` The name of the zone where this repository is or will reside.

Object Type: resource Description: A resource is associated with a server machine available to CloudBees Flow for running steps. A resource has a logical name in addition to a host name. A resource can be associated with one or more pools. The resource may be a "proxy target" machine that communicates with the CloudBees Flow server though a CloudBees Flow agent proxy machine.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` string:` Specific information about an agent, including the state of the agent. Possible values are: unknown|alive|down


` string:` The directory on the agent host where retrieved artifacts are stored.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` id:` The ID number of the job that owns this resource, which occurs when one of the job’s steps requests exclusive use of the resource for the duration of the job.


` name:` The name of the job that owns this resource, which occurs when one of the job’s steps requests exclusive use of the resource for the duration of the job.


` id:` The ID number of the job step that owns this resource, which occurs when one of the steps request exclusive use of the resource for the duration of the job.


` name:` The name of the job step that owns this resource, which occurs when one of the steps request exclusive use of the resource for the duration of the job.


The gateway names associated with this resource.


` name:` The computer name or IP address for the machine containing the CloudBees Flow agent for this resource.


` string:` The full name of the host operating system, plus its version. However, if this host is a proxy, "proxied" appears as the host description/name.


` string:` Examples for "platform" are: Windows, Linux, HPUX, and so on. However, if this host is a proxy, "proxied" appears as the hostPlatform name.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The most recent time a job step ran on the resource.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` string:` A space-separated list of one or more pool names where this resource is a member. Steps defined to run on a resource pool will run on any available member (resource) in the pool.


` number:` The port number for this resource.


` reference: propertySheet`


` string:` This property displays the customization of the CloudBees Flow proxy agent.


` name:` The name of the CloudBees Flow agent being used to proxy to another agent, the proxy target.


` number:` The port number of the CloudBees Flow agent being used to proxy to another agent, the proxy target.


` name:` The name of the proxy agent protocol used for communication from the CloudBees Flow proxy agent to the proxy target—default is SSH.


A "new line" separated list of repository names.


` boolean:` A Boolean value indicating whether this resource was disabled.


` id:` This is this resource’s ID.


` name:` The name of the resource or pool.


` name:` The shell used to execute the step’s commands on a resource. If no shell was defined on a step, the shell defined on the resource is used, or if no shell was defined on the resource, a default shell is used. For shells: The script name is inserted into the command at the position of a "{0}" marker in the command, or appended as a final argument if no marker is present. A filename suffix adjacent to the marker will be appended to the script name. For more information on shells, see the Shell definition in the Step Help topic.


` number:` The current number of executing steps on this resource.


` number:` This property specifies the maximum number of steps that can run on this resource at one time.


` boolean:` If "true", this agent is trusted.


` boolean:` A Boolean value indicating whether this resource uses SSL for communication.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) has replaced Secure Sockets Layer version 3.0 (SSLv3) on the CloudBees Flow web server and the CloudBees Flow server.


` name:` The workspace name used by this resource.


` sting: ` The name of the zone where this resource resides.

Object Type: resourcePool Description: A resource pool is a container for a group of resources.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` boolean: ` If "true", the resource pool is deleted when the last resource is removed or deleted.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` name:` The name of the most recently used resource from the pool.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` string:` A Javascript block invoked when scheduling resources for a pool. A Javascript block is not required unless you need to override the default resource ordering behavior.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`


` boolean:` A Boolean value indicating whether this resource pool was disabled.


` id:` This resource pool’s ID number.


` name:` The name of the resource pool.

Object Type: resourceUsage Description: Provides usage information for all resources in the system. For any job step running on a resource, there is a resource usage record that contains the ID and name of the job, job step, and resource.

Property Name



` id: ` This is this job’s ID number, which is a UUID.


` name: ` The name of the job.


` id: ` The ID number of the job step.


` name: ` The name of the job step.


The time this job step had to wait because no license was found or available.


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated resource ID number.


` name: ` The name (or names) of the resource.


` id: ` The CloudBees Flow-generated resource pool’s ID number.


` name: ` The name of the resource pool.


` id: ` The unique ID of the resource usage record.


The time this job step had to wait because no resource was found or available. This could indicate that eligible resources for the step have reached their step limit, are in-use but the step requires a resource exclusively, or resources are down.


Possible values are: license, resource, or workspace.


The time this job step had to wait because no workspace was found or available.

Object Type: schedule Description: Schedules are used to execute procedures and determine when specific procedures run.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` reference: propertySheet` An actualParameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter, which is passed to a procedure when it is invoked. Actual parameters can be provided for jobs and nested subprocedures within a job. Actual parameters are different from "formal parameters"- formal parameters define the parameters a procedure is expecting, and actual parameters provide values to use at run-time.


` string:` The first day on which the schedule is active, in the form YYYY-MM-dd. For example, "2009-06-25"


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` name:` The name of the credential being used for impersonation when the schedule launches a job.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` string:` The end of the range of dates the schedule is active, in the form: YYYY-MM-dd. The actual end date is not included in the range. For example, "2009-06-25"


` string:` A floating point number that represents the time to wait between invocations of the schedule.


` string:` These are the units to use when interpreting the interval value. The units can be hours, minutes, seconds, or continuous.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The last time a job was launched by a schedule.


` string:` The policy the schedule uses when it is unable to launch a job at the scheduled time: ignore —wait until the next scheduled time to run ` runOnce` —run immediately, then resume normal scheduling


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` string:` This property specifies which days of the month this schedule should run—shown as a space-separated list of numbers (1-31).


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` string:` Values can be low, normal (default), high, or highest


` name:` The name of the procedure that contains this schedule.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this schedule.


` reference: propertySheet`


` boolean:` A Boolean value indicating whether this schedule was disabled.


` id:` This schedule’s ID number.


` name:` This property displays this schedule’s name and differs from the liveSchedule property found under a job in that the liveSchedule property is written at job creation time only, and not changed, even if the schedule is renamed or deleted.


` string:` The time of day when this schedule should start running, in the form: HH:mm:ss


` string:` The time of day when this schedule should stop running, in the form: HH:mm:ss


` string:` A Java-compatible time zone string.


` string:` This property specifies which days of the week this schedule should run. This is a space-separated list of MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY. (Note: These are not localized strings.)

Object Type: server Description: This is the CloudBees Flow server. There is only one such object in your database. Read-only server properties Two read-only server properties are available for use in a step, a script, or an email notifier, which can be used to identify the CloudBees Flow server location. /server/hostName —returns the CloudBees Flow server name /server/hostIP —returns the CloudBees Flow server IP address These properties are especially useful for building a URL link to a CloudBees Flow web page. For example, a link in an email notifier that links back to a Job Details page. A sample link https://$[/server/hostName]/commander/jobDetails.php?jobId=$[jobId]

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` The server’s IP address.


` name:` Generally refers to the computer name or IP address for the machine containing the CloudBees Flow server.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`


` id:` The server’s ID number.


` string:` The CloudBees Flow server’s name—defaults to "server".

Object Type: state Description: A state object belongs to a workflow and corresponds to the state definition, including a pointer to the workflow, formal parameters (cloned from definition), expanded actual parameters (form the last time a transition was taken to this state), and the "process" which includes the procedure or workflow (cloned from definition), unexpanded actual parameters (cloned from definition, expanded and passed to the process on entry), and the "last run" entity reference.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` boolean:` If "true", the state of the workflow is active.


` reference: propertySheet` An actualParameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter, which is passed to a procedure when it is invoked. Actual parameters can be provided for jobs and nested subprocedures within a job. Actual parameters are different from "formal parameters"- formal parameters define the parameters a procedure is expecting, and actual parameters provide values to use at run-time.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` string:` When the outcome is error, this property displays an error message description.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this state.


` reference: propertySheet`


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID number for the state.


` name: ` The name of the state.


` name: ` The name of the subjob.


` reference: propertySheet`


` name: ` The name of the nested procedure called when a step runs.


` string: ` If a subprocedure argument was used, this is the name of the project where that subprocedure is found. By default, the current project is used.


` name: ` Name of the starting state for the workflow launched when the state is entered.


` name: ` The name of the subworkflow—a workflow called by another workflow.


` name: ` The name of the subworkflow definition.


` name: ` The name of the workflow.

Object Type: stateDefinition Description: A stateDefinition is a named object that belongs to a workflow definition, which includes specifications for whether or not the state is "startable", formal parameters, notifications, and the process. A process includes a procedure or workflow, the starting state (for workflows only), and actual parameters.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` reference: propertySheet` An actualParameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter, which is passed to a procedure when it is invoked. Actual parameters can be provided for jobs and nested subprocedures within a job. Actual parameters are different from "formal parameters"- formal parameters define the parameters a procedure is expecting, and actual parameters provide values to use at run-time.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this state definition.


` reference: propertySheet`


` boolean:` "True" means this state definition can be the initial state of an instantiated workflow.


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID number for the state definition.


` name:` The name of the state definition.


` name:` The name of the nested procedure called when a step runs.


` string:` If a subprocedure argument was used, this is the name of the project where that subprocedure is found. By default, the current project is used.


` name:` Name of the starting state for the workflow launched when the state is entered.


` name:` The name of the subworkflow definition.


` name:` The name of the workflow definition.

Object Type: step Description: A step includes a command or script executed on a single resource and is the smallest unit of work CloudBees Flow understands. Each step specifies a resource on which it should run (either the name of a specific machine or the name of a pool of equivalent machines, in which case CloudBees Flow picks a machine from the pool). A step can be given a time limit and if the step does not complete within the specified time, CloudBees Flow automatically aborts it. Steps are ordered within a procedure and normally execute sequentially. However, it is possible to mark a consecutive range of steps for parallel execution, so all steps in that range run concurrently. A step in one procedure can invoke another procedure instead of running a command. The invoking step provides parameters needed by the nested procedure.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` reference: propertySheet` An actualParameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter, which is passed to a procedure when it is invoked. Actual parameters can be provided for jobs and nested subprocedures within a job. Actual parameters are different from "formal parameters"- formal parameters define the parameters a procedure is expecting, and actual parameters provide values to use at run-time.


` boolean:` If true, this step runs even if the job is aborted before the step completes. Note that a force abort will abort an alwaysRun step.


` boolean:` If true, this step will run on all resources in a pool.


` string:` This property specifies the command this step runs.


` string:` If this element is not present, the event is ALWAYS triggered. If specified, the event is triggered only if the value of the condition argument is TRUE; if not true, a boolean value of "false" or "0" was used. Condition arguments can be a literal, a fixed value string, or a string subject to property expansion.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` name:` The credential name assigned to this step.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


This is the error handling policy copied from the procedure step and indicates how the step responds to errors:

failProcedure —The current procedure continues, but the overall status is error (default).

abortProcedure —Aborts the current procedure, but allows already-running steps in the current procedure to complete.

abortProcedureNow —Aborts the current procedure and terminates running steps in the current procedure.

abortJob —Aborts the entire job, terminates running steps, but allows alwaysRun steps to run.

abortJobNow —Aborts the entire job and terminates all running steps, including alwaysRun steps.

ignore —Continues as if the step succeeded.


` boolean:` If true, this step acquires and retains its resource exclusively.


` string:` Possible values are: none, job, step, call


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` name:` The name of the log file produced by this step, relative to the job’s workspace directory.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` boolean:` If true, this step runs in parallel with other adjacent steps also marked to run in parallel.


` name:` This property displays the log file name produced by this step’s post processor.


` string:` This property displays the post processor name that is used to gather information about this step. Typically, this is either postp or postp <options>, or an appropriate command or path including options to a postprocessor available on the CloudBees Flow server.


` string: By default, if a step has no precondition, it will run when scheduled. Set this property to make a step wait until one or more dependent conditions are met. When a job step is eligible to transition from pending to runnable, a precondition is evaluated. A precondition is a fixed text or text embedding property reference that is evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. An empty string, a \"0\" or \"false\" is interpreted as FALSE. Any other result string is interpreted as TRUE. The step will block until the precondition is TRUE.`


` name:` The name of the procedure that contains this step.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this step.


` reference: propertySheet`


` boolean:` A Boolean value indicating whether this step should release its resource upon completion.


` string:` Possible values are: none, release, releaseToJob


` name:` The resource’s name this step should use to run on.


` name:` The shell used to execute the step’s commands on a resource. The script name is inserted into the command at the position of a “ {0} ” marker in the command, or appended as a final argument if no marker is present. A filename suffix adjacent to the marker will be appended to the script name. For more information on shells, see the Shell definition in the Step Help topic.


` id:` The step’s ID number.


` name:` The step’s name.


` name:` The nested procedure name to call when this step executes.


` name:` This property is displayed if the subprocedure element is present and specifies the project to which the subprocedure belongs (by default, the current project is used.)


` number:` A floating point number that specifies the maximum length of time this step is allowed to run.


The units to use when interpreting the time limit. Units can be hours, minutes, or seconds.


` name:` The name of the step’s working directory.


` name:` The workspace name used by this step.

Object Type: transition Description: A transition object belongs to a state and corresponds to the transition definition, and includes the target state (unexpanded actual parameters cloned from definition, expanded and passed to the target state on entry), the Javascript condition, and the trigger ( onEnter|onStart|onCompletion|manual ).

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` reference: propertySheet` An actualParameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter that is passed to the target state when the transition is taken.


` string:` If empty or non-zero, the transition is allowed to trigger. If set to "0", the transition is ignored.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


The numeric index of a transition that indicates the transition order in the state definition’s transition list.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this transition.


` reference: propertySheet`


` name: ` The name of the state.


` string:` The target state for the transition definition.


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID for the transition.


` name:` The name of the transition.


` string:` Possible values are:

onEnter — before any actions

onStart — after a subjob or workflow is created

onCompletion — after a subjob or workflow completes

manual — when a user manually requests a transition


` name:` The name of the workflow.

Object Type: transitionDefinition Description: A transitionDefinition is a named object that belongs to a state definition, which includes the target state definition (with actual parameters to the target state, the Javascript condition, and the trigger ( onEnter|onStart|onCompletion|manual ).

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` reference: propertySheet` An actualParameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter passed to the target state.


` string:` If empty or non-zero, the transition is allowed to trigger. If set to "0", the transition is ignored.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


The numeric index of a transition that indicates the transition order in the state definition’s transition list.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this transition definition.


` reference: propertySheet`


` name:` The name of the state definition.


` string:` The target state for the transition definition.


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID for the transition definition.


` name:` The name of the transition definition.


` string:` Possible values are: onEnter — before any actions onStart — after a subjob or workflow is created onCompletion — after a subjob or workflow completes manual — when a user manually requests a transition


` name:` The name of the workflow definition.

Object Type: user Description: User refers to any user currently logged into the CloudBees Flow system or any user who may use CloudBees Flow, but may not be currently logged in.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` name:` Displays this user’s email address.


` name:` The user’s real name.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` boolean:` If true, the user is editable within CloudBees Flow via the web UI or the modifyUser API.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`


` name:` The name of the directory provider that controls this user.


` id:` A unique ID number for a user object.


` name:` Displays this user’s name and also appears in a group object and displays the name of a user who belongs to this group.

Object Type: workflow Description: A workflow object includes a pointer to the workflow definition, sets of states, the active state, the starting stare, parameters to the initial state, "complete"—a boolean value determining whether or not the workflow is complete, and a log containing the transactions taken and user events.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` string:` The name of the active state on the workflow object.


` reference: propertySheet` An actualParameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter that is passed to the target state when the transition is taken.


` string:` The full property path to the state that created this workflow.


` id:` The ID number for the full property path to the state that created this workflow.


` boolean: ` If "true", the workflow is completed and no additional transactions will be evaluated.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` boolean:` The object was marked for background deletion. Possible values are "0" or "1". Default is "0" (not set).


The time this object ran from start to finish.


` date:` The date/time when this object finished.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` string:` The name of the user or project principal that explicitly launched the workflow.


` name:` The current workflow definition name for the workflow definition from which the workflow was created.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this workflow.


` reference: propertySheet`


` date:` The date/time when this workflow began to run.


` string:` The initial state of the workflow.


` name:` The name of the workflow definition.


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID for the workflow.


` name:` The name of the workflow.

Object Type: workflowDefinition Description: A workflowDefinition object contains state and transition definitions, including the workflow name template (analogous to a job name template on a procedure), and ordered sets of state and transition definitions.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` name:` The name of the project that contains this workflow definition.


` reference: propertySheet`


` id:` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID for the workflow definition.


` name:` The name of the workflow definition.


` string:` Template used to determine the default names for workflows launched from a workflow definition.

Object Type: workspace Description: CloudBees Flow provides each job step with an area on the disk it can use for "working files" and results. This disk area is called a job workspace . (The job workspace defaults to a directory under the workspace directory.) A job step can create whatever files it needs within its workspace, and CloudBees Flow automatically places files such as step logs in the workspace. Normally, a single workspace is shared by all steps in a job, but different steps within a job could use different workspaces. The location of the job step workspace is displayed on the Job Details page for the job under "Details" for the step.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` name:` The drive-letter based mount point for this workspace on Windows agents.


` name:` The UNC path for this workspace on Windows agents.


` name:` The UNIX path for this workspace on UNIX agents.


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` name:` The name of the credential being used when a resource connects to a network share while setting up the workspace.


` string:` A user-specified text description of the object.


` name:` This shows who (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` boolean: If "true", this workspace is local.`


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`


` boolean:` A Boolean value that indicates whether this workspace was disabled.


` id:` The workspace’s ID number.


` name:` The workspace’s name.


` name: ` The name of the zone where this workspace resides.

Object Type: zone Description: CloudBees Flow provides the ability to create zones—often used to enhance security. * A zone is a way to partition a collection of agents to secure them from use by other groups. For example, you might choose to create a developers zone, a production zone, and a test zone—agents in one zone cannot directly communicate with agents in another zone. * A default zone is created during CloudBees Flow installation. The server implicitly belongs to the default zone, which means all agents in this zone can communicate with the server directly (without the use of a gateway). * Each zone can have one or more "gateway agents", which you define. Gateway agents are used for communication from one zone to another zone. For more information, see the Gateways Help topic.

Property Name



` reference: acl`


` date:` The time when this object was created.


` string:` A user-specified text description for the object.


` name:` This person (generally, a username) last modified this object.


` date:` The time when this object was last modified.


` name:` The person (username) who created the object.


` reference: propertySheet`


` string:` A space-separated list of resources contained in this zone.


` id ` `: ` The CloudBees Flow-generated ID for this zone.


` string:` The name of the zone.

Property error codes

The following list provides error codes that may appear as a value within an errorCode property.