SBOM analysis

1 minute read

The CloudBees platform maintains a full and real-time list of direct and transitive dependencies for each binary artifact it builds, and stores it as a software bill of materials (SBOM). This list makes it easier for users to identify problematic software components, particularly where developers are using a combination of open-source components and commercial software components from third-party vendors. Maintaining real-time SBOMs is an increasingly important aspect in software security and software supply chain risk management.

The CloudBees platform can also scan SBOMs for vulnerabilities using the Grype security tool. For information on enabling Grype, refer to Manage security tools.

SBOMs are created during binary security analysis, but must be enabled before use. Once enabled, you can review SBOMs from the security summary, and export them as CSV files or in CycloneDX format.

To enable SBOM analysis:

  1. Select an organization. Optionally, select a component.

  2. Select Security  Marketplace.

  3. Enable Implicit security assessment.

  4. Enable the Syft SBOM security tool.

  5. Enable binary security analysis.

Once enabled, SBOMs are created and maintained for every binary artifact the pipeline builds.