
2 minute read

Packaging of software into containers is standard industry practice, enabling complete portability of applications. A container has everything your software needs to run, including code, libraries, and any other dependencies. Registries are a secure way to store and share container images, and with the CloudBees platform, you can build and publish container images.

Use the CloudBees platform Kaniko action to publish to any of the following container registries:

  • Amazon Web Services Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

  • Docker Hub

  • Google Cloud Platform Artifact Registry

  • Harbor

  • JFrog Artifactory

Access a container

Search in and sort the container list.

To access a container:

  1. Select Configurations  Containers.

  2. (Optional) Search for a specific container by entering all or part of a container name into Search.

  3. (Optional) Select an option in Sort by to sort the container list. Choose either ASCENDING or DESCENDING alphanumerical sort order.

The containers are displayed according to your search or sort criteria.

Create a container

Create any number of containers.

To create a container:

  1. Select Configurations  Containers.


  3. Enter a Container name.

  4. (Optional) Enter a Description.

  5. Enter a Uses string, the string value for the uses keyword in the workflow YAML file, as per supported DSL syntax.

  6. (Optional) Enter any Available shells, as per supported DSL syntax.

  7. (Optional) Enter any Properties you want to associate with the container. For more information, refer to Properties.

  8. Select SUBMIT.

Your container is created, and listed in Containers.

Create Golang container
Figure 1. Creating an official Docker Golang container image.

Update a container

Update configuration settings of a container. You must have the administrator role to make updates.

To update a container:

  1. Select Configurations  Containers.

  2. Select the Vertical ellipsis next to the container you want to update.

  3. Select Edit container.

  4. Make any desired changes.

  5. Select SAVE.

The selected container is updated accordingly.

Delete a container

Delete any container as long as you have the administrator role. A deleted container is completely removed from the CloudBees platform, and deletion is irreversible.

To delete a container:

  1. Select Configurations  Containers.

  2. Select the Vertical ellipsis next to the container you want to delete.

  3. Select Delete container.

  4. Select DELETE.

The selected container is deleted and removed from the container list.