Security overview

3 minute read

The security overview dashboard provides application owners and security leaders with a continuous view of the latest security metrics. It can be used for reporting and review purposes, and greatly helps continuous security-posture management.

To access the security overview dashboard:

  1. Select a Component from the dropdown menu in the upper left.

  2. Select Security  Security overview.

Security overview
Figure 1. Security overview
  1. Select a branch for the component from the dropdown menu.

  2. Review the date and time that the organization or component was last scanned.

  3. Filter results by:

    • Severity: The risk rating as determined by the plugin that found the issue. Severity can be very high, high, medium, or low. Defaults to very high and high.

    • SLA status: Results that have breached or are within your service level agreement (SLA).

    • Tools: Results reported by a specific security tool or tools.

Open findings by severity

Open findings by severity
Figure 2. Open findings by severity

Open findings by severity depicts the number of findings sorted by severity. Severity in the CloudBees platform means the risk rating as determined by the plugin that discovered the security issue.

Select a bar in the graph to navigate to the Security center, with findings filtered by that severity, along with any other filters applied on the security overview dashboard.

Risk accepted and false positive findings

Risk accepted and false positive findings
Figure 3. Risk accepted and false positive findings

Risk accepted and false positive findings displays the proportion of total findings whose status has been marked as false positive, or reviewed as risk accepted.

Select a number of findings, or a section of the bar, to navigate to the Security center with findings filtered by that status.

SLA breaches by severity

SLA breaches by severity
Figure 4. SLA breaches by severity

SLA breaches by severity displays the proportion of SLA breaches by the severity of the finding.

Select the number of findings, or a section of the circle, to navigate to the Security center with findings filtered by SLA breaches of that severity.

Findings identified

Findings identified
Figure 5. Findings identified

Findings identified visualizes the number of findings by their status.

Select Findings since in the upper right to filter by findings since the selected date.

Select a bar, or the number of findings, to navigate to the Security center with findings filtered by that status.

Findings by review status

Findings by review status
Figure 6. Findings by review status

Findings by review status displays the proportion of findings of each review status: unreviewed, awaiting approval, or fix required.

Select a number, or a section of the circle, to navigate to the Security center with findings filtered by that review status.

Open findings by SLA status

Open findings by SLA status
Figure 7. Open findings by SLA status

Open findings by SLA status displays the proportion of open findings that are within or have breached your SLA.

Select a number of findings, or a section of the circle, to navigate to the Security center with findings filtered by that SLA status.

Open findings by security tool

Open findings by security tool
Figure 8. Open findings by security tool

Open findings by security tool displays the number and proportion of security findings discovered by each configured security tool.

Select a number of findings to navigate to the Security center with findings filtered by that security tool.

Open findings distribution by security tool

Open findings distribution by security tool
Figure 9. Open findings distribution by security tool

Open findings distribution by security tool displays the severity distribution of security findings discovered by each configured security tool. Each severity is represented by a color:

  • Very high: Red.

  • High: Orange.

  • Medium: Yellow.

  • Low: Grey.

Hover over a bar to display the number of findings of each severity for that tool. Select a section of the bar, or a number of findings, to navigate to the Security center with findings filtered by that severity and security tool.

Open findings distribution by category

Open findings distribution by category
Figure 10. Open findings distribution by category

Open findings distribution by category displays the severity distribution of security findings for each category of issue, such as vulnerabilities, operational risks, or secret violations. Each severity is represented by a color:

  • Very high: Red.

  • High: Orange.

  • Medium: Yellow.

  • Low: Grey.

Hover over a bar to display the number of findings of each severity for that category. Select a section of the bar, or a number of findings, to navigate to the Security center with findings filtered by that severity and category.

SLA breaches by asset type

SLA breaches by asset type
Figure 11. SLA breaches by asset type

SLA breaches by asset type displays the proportion of findings that have breached SLA by asset type.

Select a number of findings to navigate to the Security center with findings filtered by those within that asset type that have breached SLA.