CloudBees actions

1 minute read

The CloudBees platform uses a YAML-based domain-specific language (DSL) to specify its workflows and to define reusable event-driven actions, similar to GitHub Actions (GHA). In general, CloudBees platform DSL has the same syntax and semantics as GHA, enabling users familiar with GHA to get a running start with CloudBees actions.

For convenience, the full list of all CloudBees Actions is displayed on the left menu pane.

A key difference between CloudBees actions and GHA is that many GHAs require a full virtual machine for execution. CloudBees actions provide the core functionality necessary for authoring workflows, including:

  • Integration with DevOps tools such as CloudBees CI and Jenkins®.

  • Interaction with cloud services.

  • Building and managing container images.

  • Scanning repositories for coding errors and security issues.

  • Integration with infrastructure automation tools like Helm.

To avoid any confusion with GHA, CloudBees actions are executed from .cloudbees/workflows in your source repository.

All CloudBees action repositories are listed at CloudBees, Inc. on GitHub.