
4 minute read

A component in the CloudBees platform is a piece of software, built and, if desired, released and deployed from source code.

Access components in an organization

You can directly select a component, or display all components associated with an organization in a list or block view. Filter, search, or sort the components in an organization.

Example component list
Figure 1. Example organization with sub-organizations and components.

In the example above, an organization (org, Building) contains multiple sub-organizations (sub-orgs, Suitcase) and components (Box). The indentation indicates the relationships between orgs, sub-orgs, and components.

Table 1. Org, sub-org, and component relationships in the above example.
Item Direct parent of item Direct child(ren) of item

Org A


Component-1, Sub-org-B, Sub-org-C


Org A



Org A



Org A

Sub-org-D, Component-3, Component-4













Directly select a component

Go to any component in an organization without first displaying a list of all components.

To directly select a component:

  1. (Optional) Select the Up/down arrows above Home to choose an organization (Building).

  2. Select the Up/down arrows below Home and then perform one of the following:

    • Scroll to display the components (indicated with a Box) in the organization, and then select a component.

    • Search for a specific component by entering all or part of its name into Search, and then selecting a component.

The run for the component selected is displayed, and you can also select the workflows and summary for that component.

Display all components in an organization

Filter, search, or sort the components in an organization.

To display all the components in an organization:

  1. (Optional) Select the Up/down arrows above Home to choose an organization (Building).

  2. Select the Up/down arrows below Home.

  3. Select an organization (Building) or sub-organization (Suitcase).

    Display the component list in either list view or block view by selecting the Table or Blocks, respectively, in the upper-right corner.
  4. (Optional) Select FILTER to filter components by run status:


    • FAILED


  5. (Optional) Search for a specific component, by entering all or part of a component name into Search.

  6. (Optional) Sort the component list in either of two ways:

    • Select an option in Sort by; you can choose either ASCENDING or DESCENDING alphanumerical sort order for Component, Trigger summary, or Last run.

    • In table view only, select Sort down or Sort up next to a column heading to sort on that heading.

      • To switch an existing sort order, select Sort ascending, or Sort descending, as applicable (or select an option in Sort by).

      • The default sort is descending by the most recent status.

      • In block view, components are ordered left-to-right by rows.

The component list is displayed accordingly.

Run details

The run details for a component include the date, status, and logs for each step of a run.

  1. Select a component, which displays a list of Runs.

  2. Select a run using the commit message link.

The run details for that component are displayed accordingly, as in the below example:

Run details
Figure 2. Example run with details annotated.

Perform any of the following options in the run details:

  1. Note the run number and status. Run status is displayed as follows:

    • Processing run: Spinner

    • Successful run: Green checkmark icon

    • Failed run: Red exclamation mark icon

  2. Note the run start and end dates, and duration.

  3. Manually rerun a workflow without a commit (within 7 days of the original run) by selecting RERUN WORKFLOW. Select STOP RUN while a run is executing to cancel the run.

  4. Enter text to Search within the log. Select Select up icon and Select down icon to step through the log and highlight found instances. Select to clear the search.

  5. Select EXPAND ALL to display logs for all steps.

  6. Select the Vertical ellipsis, and then:

    • Select Show timestamps or Hide timestamps to display or hide, respectively, the timestamp next to each log line number.

    • Select Download log to download a compressed archive file of the log.

  7. Select the Arrow down icon next to any run step to display its log.

  8. Select GO TO END to scroll down to the end of a step log or the list of steps.

Component summary

Get a comprehensive view of component activity in the Summary listed on the left pane. This dashboard includes commit, build, and deployment information, and provides detailed security scan results. Refer to the component summary documentation to learn more.

Create a component

Create any number of components.

To create a component:

  1. Select the Up/down arrows and select an organization.


  3. Select a connected repository from the options, or enter all or part of a repository name into Search, and then select a connected repository.

  • Select Hide connected repositories to display connected repositories as grayed out on the list.

  • Select Show connected repositories to include all repositories on the list.

  • Select CONNECT YOUR REPOSITORY to create a new integration.

  1. Select NEXT.

  2. Enter a Component name.

  3. (Optional) Enter a Description.

  4. Select CREATE.

The component is created accordingly.

Move a component

Move a component to a different organization.

To move a component:

  1. Select a component.

  2. Select the Vertical ellipsis next to the component you want to update.

  3. Select Edit component.

  4. Make any desired changes.

  5. Select SAVE.

Update a component

Update the Component name or Description of a component.

To update a component:

  1. Select a component.

  2. Select the Vertical ellipsis next to the component you want to update.

  3. Select Edit component.

  4. Make any desired changes.

  5. Select SAVE.

The selected component is updated accordingly.

Delete a component

Delete any of your components. A deleted component is completely removed from all organizations in the CloudBees platform, and deletion is irreversible.

To delete a component:

  1. Select a component.

  2. Select the Vertical ellipsis next to the component you want to delete.

  3. Select Delete component.

  4. Select DELETE.

The selected component is deleted and removed from the component list.deleted and removed from the component list.