Analytics configuration

1 minute read

Analytics configuration is used to configure the Flow Metrics section by mapping the flow items to relevant Jira issues types or JQL. This step is necessary one time before Flow metrics can be populated. Note that Jira integration must exist before it can be configured. Go to the Integrations page to add Jira integration if you have not done it already.

  • Select the Jira instance under which you want to create the configuration for one of your projects.

  • Select one of the projects under the selected Jira instance.

analytics configuration
Figure 1. Example Create project screen.
  • Choose the issue type corresponding to the selected project from the below list:

    • Feature

    • Defect

    • Risk

    • Tech Debt

analytics configuration
Figure 2. Example Flow items mapping screen.
  • Select the Issue status (active work time and wait time) specific to the selected project and click on SAVE to create the project.

analytics configuration
Figure 3. Example Work status mapping screen.