Workflow Runs

1 minute read

The runs list displays workflow runs based upon your permissions.

To access workflow runs list.

  1. Select the Up/down arrows, and then select an organization, sup-organization or component.

  2. Select Runs from the left pane. The Runs list displays.

  1. Manage run list.

    • Filter list by:

      • Component - Organization and sub-organization only

      • Branch/PR

      • Workflows

    • Use the search to locate specific runs

    • Sort the runs by column.

  2. Access workflow run related features.

Workflow run details

To access run details.

  1. Select the Up/down arrows, and then select an organization, sup-organization or component.

  2. Select Runs from the left pane. The Runs list displays.

  3. Locate and select the name of the workflow in Run summary column. The Run details displays.

    Run details
  1. View workflow details.

    • Switch between graphical and outline workflow view by selecting Switch view.

    • Select the step name to expand step details and log files.

  2. View workflow run details.

    • Choose to view workflow run log or evidence data.

    • Use search to locate specific log data.

    • Select the verticle ellipsis to add Timestamps column or download log.

Workflow run evidence

To access run evidence.

  1. Select the Up/down arrows, and then select an organization, sup-organization or component.

  2. Select Runs from the left pane. The Runs list displays.

  3. Locate and select the name of the workflow in Run summary column. The Run details displays.

  4. Select the Evidence tab in the right pane. The Evidence tab displays.