Ansible plugin

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Ansible is a radically simple IT automation engine that automates cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and a good deal of other IT needs.

The Ansible plugin allows you to run playbooks and ad hoc commands on Ansible. It can be configured to run on a variety of CloudBees CD/RO server/agent topologies and runtime contexts, as well as Ansible target hosts to provide:

  • Flexible configuration: The plugin can be configured to any OS type and supports different user access and playbooks encryption. For more info go to Plugin Configuration.

  • Flexible environments: Plugin procedures can be running on different architecture types, such as:

    • The CloudBees CD/RO server

    • An agent

    • A CloudBees CD/RO cluster and multiple agents

  • Ad hoc command support: Designed to run any kind of ad hoc command using any command module that is supported from Ansible. For example, ping, win_ping, file, shell, win_shell, and win_file.

  • Ansible playbook support: Using the run Ansible playbook procedure, you can run any playbook and role with additional parameters and variables.

  • Automated pipeline steps support: You can use Ansible plugin procedures in pipeline stages, to be a part of release, to be run as parallel stages, or as parameterized pipeline stages.

  • Automated application stages support: Ansible procedures can run as a part of application stages.

Supported versions

The plugin has been tested with the following versions:

  • Ansible 2.9

  • Ansible 2.13

  • Ansible targets on both Linux (Ubuntu, Debian) and Windows (10 Pro) hosts.