Create Octopus Deploy plugin procedures

2 minute readExtensibilityDeveloper productivity

Plugin procedures can be used in procedure steps, process steps, and pipeline tasks, allowing you to orchestrate third-party tools at the appropriate time in your component, application process, or pipeline.

Depending on your plugin configuration and how you run procedures, the Input parameters  Configuration name field may behave differently in the CloudBees CD/RO UI. For more information, refer to Differences in plugin UI behavior.

Create Or Update Release

Creates or updates a release in Octopus Deploy.

Input parameters

Table 1. Create Or Update Release input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Update action

Required. This parameter defines the actions to take if a release with the same name already exists:

  • Do Nothing (Default): Take no action, and return silently.

  • Remove and Create: Remove existing balancing pool, and create a new one.

  • Throw exception: Do not update, and return an error.

Use Octopus Deploy space

If selected, an Octopus Deploy space is used.

Spaces are supported for Octopus Deploy v2019.3 and later. For releases prior to v2019.3, the Use Octopus Deploy space parameter is ignored.

Octopus Deploy space name

The name of the Octopus Deploy space to use.

Spaces are supported for Octopus Deploy v2019.3 and later. For releases prior to v2019.3, the Octopus Deploy space name parameter is ignored.

Octopus Deploy project name

Required. The name of the Octopus Deploy project.

Names may only contain letters, numbers, periods, commas, dashes, underscores, or hashes.

Release version

Required. The human-readable name of the release version. For example, 1.0.0.

Release notes

Provide release note descriptions for changes included with the release.

Selected packages

Required. Specifies the steps that should be used with the package version. This field must contain valid JSON. For example, [ {"StepName":"website", "Version": "1.0.3"}, …​ ].

Octopus Deploy channel name

Required. The name of the project release channel.

Ignore channel rules

Override the channel version rules if the requested package versions violate them.

Result property sheet

Results are saved to this property/property sheet.

Output parameters

Table 2. Create Or Update Release output parameters
Parameter Description


ID of the newly created release.

Deploy Release

Deploys a release in Octopus Deploy.

Input parameters

Table 3. Deploy Release input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Use Octopus Deploy space

If selected, an Octopus Deploy space is used.

Spaces are supported for Octopus Deploy v2019.3 and later. For releases prior to v2019.3, the Use Octopus Deploy spaces parameter is ignored.

Octopus Deploy space name

Octopus Deploy project name

Required. The name of the Octopus Deploy project.

Names may only contain letters, numbers, periods, commas, dashes, underscores, or hashes.

Release version

Required. The human-readable name of the release version. For example, 1.0.0.

Octopus Deploy environment name

Required. The name of the environment. The name of the <a href="" target='_blank'>environment</a>.


Any comments related to the deployment.

Result property sheet

Results are saved to this property/property sheet.

Output parameters

Table 4. Deploy Release output parameters
Parameter Description


ID of the newly created deployment.