Create GitHub Checks plugin procedures

2 minute readExtensibilityDeveloper productivity

Plugin procedures can be used in procedure steps, process steps, and pipeline tasks, allowing you to orchestrate third-party tools at the appropriate time in your component, application process, or pipeline.

Depending on your plugin configuration and how you run procedures, the Input parameters  Configuration name field may behave differently in the CloudBees CD/RO UI. For more information, refer to Differences in plugin UI behavior.

Create or Update Check Runs

Create or updates a check run for a specific commit in a repository.

Input parameters

Table 1. Create or Update Check Runs input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Commit SHA

Required. The SHA of the commit.


Required. The name of the repository (organizationName/repositoryName). The name is not case sensitive.

Installation ID

Required. For the GitHub App Installation ID, in GitHub, navigate to Settings  Applications. For your GitHub App, select Configure, and the Installation ID is displayed in the page URL. Examples:




Required. The name of the GitHub check run. If name is an existing check, it is updated. Otherwise, a new check is created with this name.


Required. The current status of the GitHub check run.


Conclusions are based on the GitHub annotation_level(s) concept and are the final result of the check run and determined based on your project-specific analysis results from Annotations or by selecting a default conclusion. These options have the following behavior:

  • If Select None is selected, the conclusion is set based on the following annotation_level rules:

    • If Annotations is empty, the conclusion is Success.

    • If any annotation_level returns a failure, the conclusion is Failure.

    • If any annotation_level returns a notice, and not a failure or warning, the conclusion is Neutral.

    • If any annotation_level returns a warning, and not a failure, the conclusion is Skipped.

  • If any other menu option is selected, that selection is sent as the conclusion regardless of the results of the annotation_level.


Required. The title of the GitHub check run output.


Required. The summary of the GitHub check run output.

The output.summary field has a maximum length defined in the GitHub Checks API documentation.


Enter project-specific text to use as details for the check run. For instance, For a detailed description of error codes, refer to our coding style guide.

The output.text field has a maximum length defined the GitHub Checks API documentation.


Provide your project-specific annotations as a property or string written in JSON format. These are annotated to the lines of code where they apply and are visible in the GitHub pull request UI after the check runs.

The GitHub Checks API has specific output.annotations required fields and limit rules. For more information, refer to output.annotations in the GitHub Checks API documentation documentation.
Refer to GitHub-Checks plugin use cases for a use case that demonstrates how this field may be used.

Result property sheet

Required. Results are saved into this property or property sheet.