Plugin procedures can be used in procedure steps, process steps, and pipeline tasks, allowing you to orchestrate third-party tools at the appropriate time in your component, application process, or pipeline.
Depending on your plugin configuration and how you run procedures, the Differences in plugin UI behavior. field may behave differently in the CloudBees CD/RO UI. For more information, refer to |
Publishes a new artifact version.
Input parameters
Parameter | Description |
Artifact name |
Artifact name, in the form:
If the artifact does not exist, it is created if the user running this procedure or this project’s principal have the required permissions. |
Version |
Required. The full version string, in the form:
This artifact version must be unique across all the artifact’s versions. |
Repository name |
Required. Name of the repository where the new artifact version should be published. |
Enable compression? |
Select to compress the artifact version before it is stored in the repository. |
Follow symbolic links? |
Select to follow symlinks when publishing the artifact version. |
From directory |
Name of the job workspace directory that contains the artifact version files. If not specified, the entire workspace is used. |
Include pattern(s) |
Semicolon-separated list of include patterns. If no patterns are specified, all files are included. |
Exclude pattern(s) |
Semicolon-separated list of include patterns. If no patterns are specified, no files are excluded. |
Dependent artifact version(s) |
Newline-separated list of dependent artifact versions in the form:
All dependent artifact versions must exist for this artifact version to be retrievable. When this artifact version is successfully retrieved, its dependent artifact versions are retrieved also. |
Retrieves an artifact version. For more information on how artifact dependencies are retrieved, refer to Artifact retrieval dependency order.
Input parameters
Parameter | Description | ||||
Artifact name |
Artifact name to retrieve, in the form:
Version |
Select the type of version search to perform. Default is Latest, which retrieves the most recent published artifact. |
Exact |
Enter the exact artifact version to retrieve in the form:
Minimum |
Enter the minimum artifact version to retrieve, (as applicable) in the form:
Minimum inclusive? |
If selected, artifacts with this version are included. |
Maximum |
Enter the maximum artifact version to retrieve, (as applicable) in the form:
Maximum inclusive? |
If selected, artifacts with this version are included. |
Retrieve to directory |
Download artifact to a specific directory? |
Retrieve to directory |
Provide the path to store the artifact. |
Overwrite? |
Action to take if this artifact already exists in target directory. |
Retrieved artifact location property |
Required. Name or property sheet path used by the step to create a property sheet. This property sheet stores information about the retrieved artifact version(s), including their location in the file system. |
Filter list |
Newline-separated list of search filters for retrieving artifacts from CloudBees CD/RO. These filters must be in the form:
Example entry:
Synchronize artifacts from a source artifact repository to one or more target repositories.
Input parameters
Parameter | Description |
Artifact name |
Required. Artifact name, in the form:
Version |
Required. The full version string, in the form:
This artifact version must be unique across all the artifact’s versions. |
Source repository |
Required. Name of the repository from where this artifact version should be retrieved. |
Target repository |
Required. Semicolon-separated list of repositories, where this artifact should be uploaded. |
Overwrite? |
If selected, artifacts in the target repositories are overwritten. |
Upload in parallel? |
If selected, artifacts are uploaded to target repositories in parallel. |