Several procedures support saving results and the list of issues that were created, updated, or queried in two formats: JSON or a property sheet.
If Property Sheet is the selected format, the result is saved in the following format:
%property% /issues /key -> MYJIRA-1 /summary -> "Some summary" /type -> Bug /status -> Closed /assignee -> Admin /issueKeys -> MYJIRA-1
If there are no issues to save, the property is not created.
Here is the sample:

If JSON is selected, the raw JSON response from the Jira API is saved. For example:
View JSON example:
[ { "fields" : { "versions" : [], "labels" : [], "duedate" : null, "timespent" : null, "timeoriginalestimate" : null, "updated" : "2017-10-24T00:32:32.000+0000", "description" : null, "lastViewed" : "2017-10-25T18:17:39.778+0000", "status" : { "name" : "To Do", "description" : "", "statusCategory" : { "name" : "To Do", "key" : "new", "colorName" : "blue-gray", ... } }, "creator" : { "name" : "admin", "emailAddress" : "", "key" : "admin", ... }, "aggregatetimespent" : null, "resolution" : null, "issuelinks" : [], "summary" : "my summary", "aggregatetimeoriginalestimate" : null, "assignee" : { ... }, "resolutiondate" : null, "fixVersions" : [], "subtasks" : [ { ... } ], "issuetype" : { "name" : "Sub-task", "description" : "The sub-task of the issue", .... }, "aggregateprogress" : { ... }, "components" : [], "timeestimate" : null, "progress" : { ... }, "watches" : { ... }, "project" : { ... }, "workratio" : -1, "aggregatetimeestimate" : null, "priority" : { ... }, "reporter" : { ... }, "created" : "2017-10-24T00:32:32.000+0000", "environment" : null, "votes" : { ... } }, "id" : "10100", "self" : "http://myinstance/rest/api/2/issue/10100", "key" : "TEST-2" } ]
To view a full JSON example, refer to CloudBees Examples.