Intellij IDEA plugin

1 minute readExtensibilityDeveloper productivity

The CloudBees CD/RO plugin for IntelliJ IDEA provides the ability to interact with a CloudBees CD/RO job, pipeline, release, or manual tasks within the IntelliJ IDEA editor.

Once configured, right-clicking on an object in the CloudBees CD/RO manager will access the following actions:

  • Redirection to the object-specific area within the CloudBees CD/RO. Select the icon to access the Job details, Pipeline runs, Release runs, or My work features.

  • Ability to Abort, Force Abort, or Delete a job, pipeline, or release within IntelliJ IDEA.

  • Use of the Work Item object type to respond to the following manual tasks within IntelliJ IDEA:

    • Primary approval for pipeline and stage tasks.

    • Retry a job step, pipeline, or stage task.

    • Execute manual workflow transitions, such as a process step or job step waiting for manual retry.

  • Modify a CloudBees CD/RO application, pipeline, release, or environment using DSL generation.

  • Evaluate DSL scripts.

Install the CloudBees CD/RO IntelliJ IDEA plugin

Complete all the steps in this section within IntelliJ IDEA.
  1. Open a project in IntelliJ IDEA.

  2. Access IntelliJ settings one of the following ways.

    1. Select Settings from the IntelliJ IDEA menu.

    2. Select the Gear icon in the upper right corner of the editor.

  3. Select Plugins from the left navigation menu of the Settings screen.

  4. Select the Marketplace tab.

  5. Enter “CloudBees” into the search field.

  6. Select the CloudBees CD/RO plugin. Then, install the plugin.

  7. Set up the plugin as detailed in Create CloudBees CD/RO IntelliJ IDEA plugin configurations section.