Create JBoss plugin procedures

17 minute readExtensibilityDeveloper productivity

Plugin procedures can be used in procedure steps, process steps, and pipeline tasks, allowing you to orchestrate third-party tools at the appropriate time in your component, application process, or pipeline.

Depending on your plugin configuration and how you run procedures, the Input parameters  Configuration name field may behave differently in the CloudBees CD/RO UI. For more information, refer to Differences in plugin UI behavior.


Checks the HTTP status of a given URL.

Input parameters

Table 1. CheckDeployStatus input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Deployment name

Required. Unique name of the deployment.


Comma-separated list of host names.

Server groups

Comma-separated list of server group names. If the Hosts parameter is specified, the procedure searches for server groups within that host’s list.


Comma-separated list of server names. If the Server groups parameter is specified, the procedure searches for servers within that group.

Success criteria

Required. Desired terminal status of the deployment. The procedure fails if the criteria cannot be met.

Wait time

Wait time for terminal status, in seconds. If not provided, only one check is performed. If 0, it waits until the criteria is met. The default is 300 seconds.


Checks the host controller status.

Input parameters

Table 2. CheckHostControllerStatus input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Host controller name

Required. Host controller name. The default is master.

Wait time

Wait time for terminal status, in seconds. If not provided, only one check is performed. If 0, it waits until the criteria is met. The default is 300 seconds.

Success criteria

Required. Desired terminal status of the host controller. The procedure fails if the criteria is not met.


Checks if the status of all servers in the server group is equal to the status in the Criteria field.

Input parameters

Table 3. CheckServerGroupStatus input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Servers group name

Required. The name of server group to be checked.

Wait time

Wait time for terminal status, in seconds. If not provided, only one check is performed. If 0, it waits until the criteria is met. The default is 300 seconds.


Required. Desired status for all servers in the group. The procedure status is successful if the criteria is met. The procedure returns TRUE or FALSE based on the check, and the result is captured in the servergroupstatus output parameter.


Checks the HTTP status of a given URL.

Input parameters

Table 4. CheckServerStatus input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Perform URL check

If selected, the JBoss server URL is checked for availability, instead of checking the terminal status with the JBoss CLI.


Host name to check.

This parameter is only supported for JBoss domain mode and is ignored for the standalone server.


Server name to check.

This parameter is only supported for JBoss domain mode and is ignored for the standalone server.

Success criteria

Required. Desired status of the server. The procedure fails if the criteria is not met. If Perform URL check is not selected, only the terminal status RUNNING for standalone and STARTED for domain meet the RUNNING success criteria.

Wait time

Wait time for terminal status, in seconds. If not provided, only one check is performed. If 0, it waits until the criteria is met. The default is 300 seconds.


Creates a datasource in JBoss.

Input parameters

Table 5. CreateDatasource input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

The physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Application name

Required. Application name.

Connection driver URL

Required. The JDBC driver connection URL. For example, jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ectest.

Driver class

Required. The fully qualified name of the JDBC driver class. For example, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.

JNDI name

Required. The JNDI name for the datasource. This should start with either java:/ or java:jboss/. For example, java:jboss/datasources/MySql.

Driver name

Required. Defines the JDBC driver the datasource should use. This can be either the name of the .jar file or the name of the module, depending on how the driver has been deployed. For example, mysql-connector-java-5.1.20-bin.jar.

Profile name

Profile name for domain mode.

Datasource credential

The credentials that contain the username and password for the datasource.

Enable datasource?

Specifies if the datasource should be enabled after creation.


Creates a new datasource or updates certain properties of an existing datasource.

Input parameters

Table 6. CreateOrUpdateDataSource input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Datasource name

Required. Name of the datasource. This also serves as the unique identifier for this resource. For example, MySqlDS.

JNDI name

Required. JNDI name of the datasource. For example, java:/MySqlDS.

JDBC driver name

Required. Defines the JDBC driver the datasource should use. It is a symbolic name matching the name of installed driver. For example, mysql.

Connection URL

The JDBC driver connection URL. For example, \jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysqldb. This is required for JBoss EAP 6.X and 7.0; it is not required for 7.1.

Datasource connection credentials

Required. Credentials that contain the username and password used for the connection, and need to be attached to the step.


Required. Specifies if the created datasource should be enabled. Default is true.


Name of the server profile the datasource applies to. For example, full or full-ha. The name is required for JBoss domain, but is ignored for JBoss standalone mode.

Additional options

Additional options to pass to the JBoss CLI. The parameters in this string are concatenated to a generated command line for creating an XA datasource. For example, --min-pool-size=5 --max-pool-size=10 --check-valid-connection-sql="select 1 from dual".


Creates a new JMS queue or updates JNDI names for an existing JMS queue using the default message provider, as specified in the configuration of the JBoss EAP messaging subsystem.

Input parameters

Table 7. CreateOrUpdateJMSQueue input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Queue name

Required. Name of the queue.

JNDI names

Required. Comma-separated list of JNDI names the queue binds to. For example, java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/test,java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/test2.


Name of the domain where the queue should be created or updated. For example, full or full-ha. The name is required for JBoss domain, but is ignored for JBoss standalone mode.


If selected, the created queue is durable.

This parameter is considered only when creating queues and is ignored for updates.

Message selector

JMS message selector. Only messages that match the selector are added to the queue. For example, color='red'.

This parameter is only used when creating queues and is ignored for updates.

Additional options

Additional options to pass to the JBoss CLI. The parameters in this string are concatenated to a generated command line for creating a queue. For example, If Additional options is populated as follows: --legacy-entries=java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/legacy1,java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/legacy2, the procedure invokes the following command for the creation of a queue whose name is myQueue: jms-queue add --queue-address=myQueue --entries=java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/test --durable=false --legacy-entries=java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/legacy1,java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/legacy2

This parameter is only considered when creating queues and is ignored for updates.


Creates a new JMS topic or updates JNDI names for an existing JMS topic using the default message provider as specified in the configuration of the JBoss EAP messaging subsystem.

Input parameters

Table 8. CreateOrUpdateJMSTopic input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Topic name

Required. Name of the topic.

JNDI names

Required. Comma-separated list of JNDI names the queue binds to. For example, java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/test,java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/test2.


Name of the profile in the domain where the topic should be created or updated. For example, full or full-ha. The name is required for JBoss domain, but is ignored for JBoss standalone mode.

Additional options

Additional options to pass to the JBoss CLI. The parameters in this string are concatenated to a generated command line for creating a topic. For example, if Additional options is populated as follows: --legacy-entries=java:jboss/exported/jms/topic/legacy1,java:jboss/exported/jms/topic/legacy2, the procedure invokes the following command for the creation of a queue whose name is myTopic: jms-topic add --topic-address=myTopic --entries=java:jboss/exported/jms/topic/test --legacy-entries= java:jboss/exported/jms/topic/legacy1,java:jboss/exported/jms/topic/legacy2

This parameter is only considered when creating queues and is ignored for updates.


Creates a new XA datasource or updates certain properties of an existing XA datasource.

Input parameters

Table 9. CreateOrUpdateXADataSource input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Datasource name

Required. Name of the datasource. This also serves as the unique identifier for this resource. For example, MysqlXADS.

JNDI name

Required. JNDI name of the datasource. For example, java:/MysqlXADS.

JDBC driver name

Required. Defines the JDBC driver the datasource should use. It is a symbolic name matching the name of the installed driver. For example,mysql.

XA datasource properties

Required. Comma-separated list of XA datasource properties in "key"⇒"value" pair format. Note that the key-value pairs are database-dependent and at a minimum should contain the database connection information. For example, "URL"⇒"jdbc:oracle:oci8:@tc" for an Oracle database and "ServerName"⇒"localhost", "DatabaseName"⇒"test","PortNumber"⇒"3306","DriverType"⇒"4" for a MySQL database.

Datasource connection credentials

Required. Credential that contains the username and password used for the connection. It must be attached to a step.


Required. If selected, the created XA datasource is enabled.


Name of the server profile this XA datasource applies to. For example, full or full-ha. The name is required for JBoss domain, but is ignored for JBoss standalone mode.

Additional options

Additional options to pass to the JBoss CLI. The parameters in this string are concatenated to a generated command line for creating an XA datasource. For example, --min-pool-size=5 --max-pool-size=10 --check-valid-connection-sql="select 1 from dual".


Deletes a datasource in JBoss.

Input parameters

Table 10. DeleteDatasource input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Datasource name

Required. Datasource name to delete.

Profile name

Profile name for domain mode.


Deploys an application (typically WAR or EAR) from the specified source (typically from filepath) to a standalone server for standalone JBoss or to a content repository and specified server groups for domain JBoss, based on the provided parameters. This procedure is built around the JBoss CLI deploy command, and most of the parameters correspond with it.

Input parameters

Table 11. DeployApp input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Application content source path

Required. Application content source path that is either an absolute filepath (including the name of the WAR or EAR) or a URL that the domain controller or the standalone server can resolve. If using a filepath, it should be the full filesystem path to the application that needs to be deployed. For example, /tmp/hello-world.war. If using a URL, it should be preceded by a -- prefix anchor. For example, --url=

URLs are only supported for EAP versions 7.0 and later.

Deployment name

Unique name of the deployment. If this parameter is not provided, JBoss retrieves the deployment name from the file name of file_path or --url. The name is used in place of the --name parameter for the JBoss CLI deploy command.

Runtime name for deployment

The runtime name for the deployment. If not specified, it is the same as the Deployment name.

Apply to all servers

Applies the deployment to all available server groups. Represents the --all-server-groups parameter for the JBoss CLI deploy command.

  • This parameter is only supported for JBoss domain mode and is ignored for the standalone server.

  • This parameter is ignored if Force deployment is selected.

  • Server groups to apply is ignored if this parameter is selected.

Server groups to apply

Comma-separated list of server group names that the JBoss CLI deploy command should be applied to. Represents the --server-groups parameter for the JBoss CLI deploy command.

  • This parameter is only supported for JBoss domain mode and is ignored for the standalone server.

  • This parameter is ignored if Apply to all servers or Force deployment is selected.

Force deployment

Replaces the current deployment with the deployment specified in file_path or --url (refer to the required Application content source path parameter). Represents the --force parameter for the JBoss CLI deploy command. If Force deployment is not selected and the deployment with the specified deployment name (refer to the Deployment name parameter) already exists, the deployment fails and the corresponding message is printed.

For JBoss domain, if this parameter is selected, the Apply to all servers and Server groups to apply parameters are ignored.

Additional options

Additional options for the JBoss CLI deploy command. The Additional options parameter string is concatenated to a generated command line from the parameters above.

For JBoss EAP 7 and later, do not specify the --url option because there is special handling for this option within the Application content source path parameter.


Automatically detects the JBoss operating mode and deploys an application (typically WAR or EAR) to a JBoss standalone or managed domain. It provides a robust interface that provides the complete range of possibilities from JBoss (enabled/disabled states, enabled/disabled server groups) during deployment to a domain. Its behavior is idempotent; it leaves a deployment in the specified state every time it runs and can be run as part of an environment template, where an existing application is updated with new content or a new application is created.

Input parameters

Table 12. DeployApplication input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Application content source path

Required. Application content source path that is either an absolute filepath (including the name of the WAR or EAR) or a URL that the domain controller or the standalone server can resolve.

  • If using a filepath, it should be the full filesystem path to the application that needs to be deployed. For example, /tmp/hello-world.war.

  • If using a URL, it should be preceded by a -- prefix anchor. For example, --url=

URLs are only supported for EAP versions 7.0 and later.

Deployment name

Unique name of the deployment. If not specified, it is derived from the Application content source path parameter.

Runtime name

The runtime name for the deployment. If not specified, it is the same as Deployment name.

Enabled server groups

Enables and assigns server groups, formatted as either a comma-separated list (for example, server-group-one,server-group-five) or a single list for all servers (for example, --all-server-groups).

This parameter is only supported for JBoss domain.

Disabled server groups

Disables and assigns server groups, formatted as either a comma-separated list (for example, server-group-one,server-group-five) or a single list for all servers (for example, --all-server-groups).

This parameter is only supported for JBoss domain.

Additional options

Additional options to pass to the JBoss CLI.

  • The only supported option is --disabled, which deploys the application and leaves it disabled.

  • This parameter is only supported for JBoss standalone.


Disables a deployment designated by the name argument.

This procedure is only supported for JBoss standalone mode.

Input parameters

Table 13. DisableDeploy input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Deployment name

Required. Unique name of the deployment to disable.

Server groups

Comma-separated list of server group names that the disable deployment command applies to. This parameter is not supported for JBoss standalone mode, and is ignored.


Enables an already existing but disabled in the repository deployment designated by the name argument.

This procedure is only supported for JBoss standalone mode.

Input parameters

Table 14. EnableDeploy input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Deployment name

Required. Unique name of the deployment to enable.

Server groups

Comma-separated list of server group names that the enable deployment command applies to. This parameter is not supported for JBoss standalone mode, and is ignored.


Returns different types of information about a JBoss environment and writes it to properties and logs.

Input parameters

Table 15. GetEnvInfo input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Information type

Required. Type of information requested about the JBoss environment.

Information type context

Specify the name of the profile for the information type request. If a profile name is not specified, the procedure returns information for all profiles.

This parameter is only supported when Data Sources or XA Data Sources is the selected Information type.

Additional options

Additional options to pass to the JBoss CLI call to limit the information requested. For example, if you provide include-runtime=true,include-defaults=true, the procedure calls /:read-resource(include-runtime=true,include-defaults=true).


Removes an existing JMS queue in the JBoss EAP messaging subsystem.

Input parameters

Table 16. RemoveJMSQueue input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Queue name

Required. Name of the queue.


Name of the profile the queue should be removed from. For example, full or full-ha. The name is required for JBoss domain, but is ignored for JBoss standalone mode.


Removes an existing JMS topic in the JBoss EAP messaging subsystem.

Input parameters

Table 17. RemoveJMSTopic input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Topic name

Required. Name of the topic.


Name of the profile the queue should be removed from. For example, full or full-ha. The name is required for JBoss domain, but is ignored for JBoss standalone mode.


Removes an existing XA datasource in the JBoss EAP data sources subsystem.

Input parameters

Table 18. RemoveXADataSource input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Datasource name

Required. Name of the datasource. This also serves as the unique identifier for this resource. For example, MysqlXADS.


Name of the server profile the XA datasource applies to. For example, full or full-ha. The name is required for JBoss domain, but is ignored for JBoss standalone mode.


Runs custom scripts or procedures.

Input parameters

Table 19. RunCustomCommand input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Custom command

Required. Custom command to run.


Shuts down a running standalone server.

Input parameters

Table 20. ShutdownStandaloneServer input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.


Starts a server in domain mode.

Input parameters

Table 21. StartDomainServer input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the domain script

Required. Absolute physical path of the domain script. For example, domain.bat, /usr/tools/bin/, or c:/Program Files/JBoss/bin/domain.bat.

Optional domain configuration name

Name of the domain configuration file that CloudBees CD/RO uses to start the domain controller with a different domain configuration (--domain-config). By default, domain.xml is used.

This parameter is supported for domain controllers.

Optional host configuration name

Name of the host configuration file that CloudBees CD/RO uses to start the domain or host controller with a different host configuration (--host-config). By default, host.xml is used.

This parameter is supported for domain and host controllers.


Start any of the host controllers in a managed domain.

Input parameters

Table 22. StartHostController input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Startup script

Required. Absolute physical path of the domain script. For example, domain.bat, /usr/tools/bin/, or c:/ProgramFiles/JBoss/bin/domain.bat.

Domain configuration file

Overrides the default domain.xml file with a different file that stores your domain configuration. Applies only to master host controllers.

Host configuration file

Overrides the default host.xml file using a different file that stores your host configuration.

Host name

Host name of the active host controller. If provided, this parameter is used to connect using the master host controller JBoss CLI and surfaces any boot errors upon startup.

Additional options

Additional options to be passed on to the domain startup script. Parameters are concatenated as specified to a generated command line for starting the master or slave host controller. For example:

  • -Djboss.domain.base.dir=/opt/jboss/domain-copied-for-master -b= -bmanagement=

  • -Djboss.domain.base.dir=/opt/jboss/domain-copied-for-slave-1 -Djboss.domain.master.address=some-master-ip -b=

Log file location

Absolute path location to the host controller log file. For example, /opt/jboss/domain-copied-for-slave-1/log/host-controller.log. If specified, the procedure reads the most recent 100 log lines from the log file and includes them in the procedure summary logs.


Starts the servers in the specified server group and verifies the servers have started successfully. This procedure is built around the JBoss CLI start-servers command for the server groups. For example, /server-group=some-group-name:start-servers. The procedure then checks the status attributes of the servers on the needed hosts within the specified server group. For example, /host=some-host-name/server-config=some-server-name:read-attribute(name=status). The expected response for started servers is STARTED.

This procedure is only supported for JBoss domain mode.

Input parameters

Table 23. StartServers input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Servers group

Required. Name of the server group to start. For example, the CLI command is called if some-group-name is specified and then /server-group=some-group-name:start-servers is called.

Timeout for recurring check of servers (seconds)

After the start-servers command for the server group is called, the procedure performs a recurring check of servers to determine if they are started (the status attribute is STARTED). The delay between each check is 5 seconds. The check is performed only one time if the timeout is not specified or if it is less than 5 seconds. Default is 300 seconds.


Starts a JBoss server in standalone mode.

Input parameters

Table 24. StartStandaloneServer input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Startup script

Required. Absolute physical path of the standalone script. For example, standalone.bat, /usr/tools/bin/, or c:/Program Files/JBoss/bin/standalone.bat.

Server configuration file

Name of the server configuration file to use (represents the --server-config option for the standalone startup script). For example, standalone-full.xml or standalone-full-ha.xml. By default, standalone.xml is used.

Additional options

Additional options to pass to the standalone startup script. The parameters in this string are concatenated to a generated command line for starting JBoss as a standalone server. For example, -b= -bmanagement=

Log file location

Absolute path location to the server log file. For example, /opt/jboss/standalone/log/server.log. If specified, the procedure reads the most recent 100 log lines from the log file and includes them in the procedure summary logs.


Stops all servers within a managed domain and optionally shuts down all host controllers.

Input parameters

Table 25. StopDomain input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.


Timeout, in seconds, to wait for all active requests to complete and then stop all servers and shut down each host controller (if Shut down all controllers is selected). For example, the following CLI commands can be called: :stop-servers(timeout=60) or shutdown --host=master --timeout=60. If the timeout is 0 seconds, the server shuts down immediately. If the timeout is less than 0 seconds, the server waits indefinitely for all requests to finish.

This parameter is only supported for JBoss EAP 7.x and is ignored for EAP 6.x.

Shut down all controllers

If selected, all controllers are shutdown one-by-one with the master host controller shut down last. After shutting down, if some servers are still in a STOPPING STATUS state, a warning status is returned. By default, this option not selected, and no host controllers are shut down.


Stops servers in the specified server group and verifies the servers have stopped successfully. This procedure is built around the JBoss CLI stop-servers command for the server groups. For example, /server-group=some-group-name:stop-servers. The procedure then checks the status attributes of the servers on the needed hosts within the specified server group. For example, /host=some-host-name/server-config=some-server-name:read-attribute(name=status). The expected response value for stopped servers is STOPPED or DISABLED. These are similar statuses which indicate that servers are stopped, but the DISABLED status indicates that a server is configured to not start automatically while the STOPPED status indicates that a server is configured to start automatically.

This procedure is only supported for JBoss domain mode.

Input parameters

Table 26. StopServers input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Servers group

Required. The name of the server group to stop. For example, the CLI command is called if some-group-name is specified and then /server-group=some-group-name:stop-servers is called.

Timeout for recurring check of servers (seconds)

After the stop-servers command for the server group is called, the procedure performs a recurring check of servers every 5 seconds to determine if they are stopped (the status attribute is STOPPED or DISABLED). The delay between each check is 5 seconds. The check is performed only one time if the timeout is not specified or if it is less than 5 seconds. Default is 300 seconds.


Undeploys a deployment with the given name and, depending on the arguments, removes its content from the repository.

Input parameters

Table 27. UndeployApp input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Physical location of the JBoss client script

Physical location of the JBoss CLI script. For example, jboss-cli.bat or /path/to/ If omitted, the script location from the configuration is used.

Deployment name

Required. Unique name of the application (deployment) to undeploy.

Apply undeploy to all server groups

If selected, applies the undeploy to all server groups in which the deployment is enabled. Either server-groups or all-relevant-server-groups is required in domain mode. This parameter is not supported in JBoss standalone mode.

Server groups to apply

Comma-separated list of server group names the undeploy command applies to.

Keep content

If selected, the deployment is disabled and the deployment content is retained. If not selected, the deployment is disabled and the deployment content is removed from the repository.

Additional options

Additional options for the deploy command.