Fixed an issue with incorrect value handling within the Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory procedure.
Fixed an issue retrieving artifacts without properties from Artifactory.
Upgraded from Perl 5.8 to Perl 5.32. The plugin is not backward compatible with CloudBees CD/RO versions prior to 10.3. Starting from this release, a new agent is required to run EC-Artifactory plugin procedures.
Fixed an issue with the configuration Test connection behavior.
Upgraded the Xerces library.
Fixed an issue with wrong field types included in the component definition.
Fixed an issue for impossible to use component operations in a component process.
Fixed an issue for the Get Latest Artifact Version procedure that was missing a dropdown for the Repository key parameter.
Changed how Generic repositories are managed.
Upgraded the HttpClient library to v4.5.13.
Upgraded Apache Commons Codec library to v1.15.
Upgraded Jackson Databind library to v2.13.2.2.
Updated the GetLatestVersion procedure to use
to resolve the latest version for Maven repositories.
The following new procedures have been introduced to support publishing one or more artifacts to Artifactory:
Publish Artifact to Artifactory
Publish Multiple Artifacts to Artifactory
Added metadata that is required for the CloudBees CD/RO 9.0 release.
The plugin icon has been updated.
Plugin promotion time has been improved.
A new Get Latest Artifact Version procedure was introduced.
Fixed the retrieval logic for snapshots in the Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory procedure to use both the extension and the build number, when comparing with Maven metadata.
Added support for HTTP Proxy. Customers who use HTTP proxies can specify proxy information, such as host, port and credentials, at the configuration level and all procedures use the proxy as second credentials for authentication.
Enabled the plugin for managing the plugin configurations in-line when defining an application process step or a pipeline stage task.
Fixed issue with including hyphens in qualifiers. For example, versions like
are now supported.