Starting from v1.2.1, the EC-SendEmail plugin requires CloudBees CD/RO agents v2025.03.0 or later. If you attempt to install EC-SendEmail on v2024.12.0 or earlier, the installation fails.
When upgrading to v2025.03.0 or later, if you have not already installed v1.2.0 and migrated your objects, the migration scripting automatically runs as part of the upgrade. This process may cause your upgrade to time out. CloudBees suggests upgrading to v1.2.0 and migrating your objects before upgrading to v2025.03.0 or later. Refer to the release note below for more information.
Enhanced the performance of the migration script to support upgrading from the legacy GWT plugin to the updated PDK-based plugin.
The duration of the migration process depends on your environment. Testing was performed by CloudBees based on the following environment:
Object Total object count Total SendEmail tasks Other tasks Releases
This migration took approximately 30 minutes. Testing indicates that the migration duration scales linearly with the number of objects.
You can estimate your migration time by scaling this result based on your object count. For example, if your environment has twice as many objects, expect the migration to take approximately 60 minutes.
Fixed backward compatibility issue Message parameter. As a result of this fix, this version upgrade may take a few additional minutes to complete when promoted. In internal tests, using 4000 objects (including procedures, releases, pipelines, and applications), the plugin took ~3 minutes to upgrade on a VM with 4 vCPUs and 16GB RAM.
EC-SendEmail v1.2.0 is bundled with CloudBees CD/RO v2024.06.0 through v2024.12.x. To avoid slowness while upgrading CloudBees CD/RO to v2024.06.0 or later, update EC-SendEmail to v1.2.0 in your current environment prior to attempting the upgrade. Failing to perform this step may cause your CloudBees CD/RO upgrade to time out due to EC-SendEmail updating objects.
Upgraded from Perl 5.8 to Perl 5.32. The plugin is not backward compatibility with releases prior CloudBees CD/RO 10.3. Starting with this release, a new agent is required to run the plugin procedures.
This plugin has been migrated from GWT to PDK.
Fixed a dropdown list.
Renamed from "Electric Cloud" to "CloudBees".
Fixed catch of formal parameters.
Changed the way the step retrieves the parameters.
Reverted the code that clears empty parameters.
Added bintray to repositories.
Checked dependencies with GCP Artifactory.
Checked for attachment name.