Slack plugin

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Slack is a business messaging application that connects people to the information they need. By bringing people together to work as one unified team, Slack transforms the way organizations communicate.

The Slack plugin implements the integration with Slack using the incoming webhook interface that allows CloudBees CD/RO to send messages to a Slack channel. Refer to Slack incoming webhooks for more information.


When upgrading the Slack plugin from version from 1.x to 2.x, you must update your pipeline procedures and tasks to use the new version. This can be a lengthy process. To help reduce the overhead involved, you can also run the following code to perform these tasks.

If you need help running the code, refer to Get started with DSL.
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procedure 'Upgrade tasks & steps EC-Slack 1.x to EC-Slack 2.x ', { projectName = 'Default' timeLimit = '0' step 'Upgrade tasks & steps', { command = '''import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.ElectricFlow import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.models.ActualParameter ElectricFlow ef = new ElectricFlow() def projects = ef.getProjects() projects.project.each { projectEntity -> if (projectEntity.pluginKey == null || projectEntity.pluginName == null) { println "Working on project: " + projectEntity.projectName def pipelinesResult = ef.getPipelines(projectName: projectEntity.projectName) pipelinesResult.pipeline.each { pipeline -> println "... Working on pipeline: " + pipeline.pipelineName def stages = ef.getStages(projectName: projectEntity.projectName, pipelineName: pipeline.pipelineName) stages.stage.each { stage -> println "...... Working on stage: " + stage.stageName def tasks = ef.getTasks(projectName: projectEntity.projectName, pipelineName: pipeline.pipelineName, stageName: stage.stageName) tasks.task.each { task -> println "......... Working on task: " + task.taskName if (task.subpluginKey == "EC-Slack") { println "............ Task matched " def parameterDetails = task.actualParameters.parameterDetail def List<ActualParameter> actualParameterArray = new ArrayList<ActualParameter>() parameterDetails.each { parameter -> if (parameter.parameterName == "config" || parameter.parameterName == "payload") { def actualParameter = new ActualParameter() actualParameter.setActualParameterName(parameter.parameterName) actualParameter.setValue(parameter.parameterValue) actualParameterArray.add(actualParameter) } if (parameter.parameterName == "payload-msg") { def actualParameter = new ActualParameter() actualParameter.setActualParameterName("payload") actualParameter.setValue(parameter.parameterValue) actualParameterArray.add(actualParameter) } } def result = ef.modifyTask(projectName: projectEntity.projectName, pipelineName: pipeline.pipelineName, stageName: stage.stageName, taskName: task.taskName, actualParameters: actualParameterArray, clearActualParameters: true) println "............ Task updated " println "............ New parameters:" + actualParameterArray } } } } def procedures = ef.getProcedures(projectName: projectEntity.projectName) if (procedures.size() != 0) { procedures.procedure.each { procedure -> println "... Working on procedure: : " + procedure.procedureName def steps = ef.getSteps( projectName: projectEntity.projectName, procedureName: procedure.procedureName ) steps.step.each { step -> def parameters = ef.getActualParameters( projectName: projectEntity.projectName, procedureName: procedure.procedureName, stepName: step.stepName) println "...... Working on step: : " + step.stepName if (step.subproject == \'/plugins/EC-Slack/project\') { println "............ Step matched " def List<ActualParameter> actualParameterArray = new ArrayList<ActualParameter>() def details = parameters.actualParameter parameters.actualParameter.each { parameter -> if (parameter.actualParameterName == "config" || parameter.actualParameterName == "payload") { def actualParameter = new ActualParameter() actualParameter.setActualParameterName(parameter.actualParameterName) actualParameter.setValue(parameter.value) actualParameterArray.add(actualParameter) } if (parameter.actualParameterName == "payload-msg") { def actualParameter = new ActualParameter() actualParameter.setActualParameterName("payload") actualParameter.setValue(parameter.value) actualParameterArray.add(actualParameter) } } def result = ef.modifyStep( projectName: projectEntity.projectName, procedureName: procedure.procedureName, stepName: step.stepName, actualParameters: actualParameterArray, clearActualParameters: true ) println "............ Step updated " println "............ New parameters:" + actualParameterArray } } } } println "===============================================" } }''' shell = 'ec-groovy' timeLimit = '0' timeLimitUnits = 'seconds' } }