Artifactory plugin

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The CloudBees CD/RO Artifactory plugin integrates with JFrog Artifactory to provide a single location for teams to manage all of their binary artifacts efficiently. For more information about JFrog Artifactory please refer to the Artifactory documentation.

The CloudBees CD/RO Artifactory plugin integrates with Artifactory, making it easy to model applications in CloudBees CD/RO, referencing artifacts stored in Artifactory, with support for numerous repository layouts. When a request for deployment is made in CloudBees CD/RO, the platform seamlessly retrieves the relevant artifacts from Artifactory as part of the deploy process. Users have the flexibility to:

  • Reference specific versions in Artifactory.

  • Configure the deployment to always retrieve the latest version.

  • Dynamically determine the versions to deploy at runtime.

This flexibility enables different use cases, such as using the latest version to schedule automatic deployments of nightly build outputs to QA environments every morning.

In CloudBees CD/RO, versions are stored in the environment inventory, recording the exact versions of each artifact that has been deployed to an environment, to easily track and audit what is deployed where. The SmartDeploy feature in CloudBees CD/RO compares the inventory with the artifact versions being deployed, and only deploys any new artifact versions to that specific environment for efficient and safe deployments.

CloudBees CD/RO automatically captures a version of the entire application, including individual artifact versions pulled from Artifactory, in a snapshot. Using a snapshot in deployments guarantees consistency across environments, so you can have the same components and configuration in staging environments, as well as in production. These tight integrations of Artifactory versions feeding into model-driven processes and capabilities in CloudBees CD/RO provide visibility, reliable deployments, and ensures repeatability and fidelity across all the environments and processes throughout the pipeline. This ensures that teams can deploy to production with confidence.

Plugin Version

Revised on October 19, 2023

Supported versions

The plugin has been tested with JFrog Artifactory version 5.x. Since the plugin integrates with Artifactory using a Rest API, Artifactory versions that are compatible with the 5.x Rest API are expected to work, although not tested. In addition, since some features are available only in the professional version of Artifactory, it is expected that exercising those features in the plugin require a professional version of Artifactory.

Updated Perl version required

This plugin is using an updated version of Perl with the cb-perl shell, and requires CloudBees CD/RO agent version 10.3+ in order to work.

Creating plugin configurations

Plugin configurations are sets of parameters that apply across some or all of the plugin procedure. They reduce repetition of common values, create predefined parameter sets for end users, and securely store credentials where needed. Each configuration is given a unique name that is entered in designated parameters on procedures that use them.

To create plugin configurations in CloudBees CD/RO, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to DevOps Essentials  Plugin Management to open the Plugin Manager.

  2. Select the Configurations tab to open the Configurations page.

  3. Select + in the upper right corner to create a new configuration.

  4. In the New Configuration window, specify a Name for the configuration.

  5. Select the Project that the configuration belongs to.

  6. Optionally, add a Description for the configuration.

  7. Select the appropriate Plugin for the configuration.

  8. Configure the procedure parameters.


Get Latest Artifact Version

Performs a GAVC search in Artifactory for the specified artifact and saves the latest version to a property.

This procedure requires an Artifactory Pro license.
Parameter Description


The previously defined configuration name. For example, config.

Repository package type

The type of repository. NuGet, NPM, Maven, PHP, and generic repository types are supported.

Repository key

The repository key. For example, nuget-local or libs-snapshot-local.

Organization Path

Represents the Organization field where the levels are separated by path separators (/), similar to Maven. For example, org/slf4j. This parameter is required if the path is mandatory for the layout. For example, in the layout [orgPath]/[module].[ext], the organization path is mandatory and in the layout ([orgPath])/[module], it is not mandatory.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s module, basically, the artifact’s name.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s classifier. This parameter is required if the Repository Package Type is Maven.

Result Property

Name or the property where the latest version is saved. The default is /myJob/ArtifactVersion.

Here is the Get Latest Artifact Version procedure and an example usage:

Get Latest Artifact Version procedure
Figure 1. Get Latest Artifact Version procedure

Here are the procedure logs for a successful run:

Get Latest Artifact Version logs
Figure 2. Get Latest Artifact Version logs for a successful run

Publish Artifact to Artifactory

Publishes a single artifact to the Artifactory instance. NuGet, NPM, Maven, PHP, and generic repository types are supported.

Parameter Description


The previously defined configuration name. For example, config.

Repository package type

The type of repository. NuGet, NPM, Maven, PHP, and generic repository types are supported.

Repository key

The repository key. For example, nuget-local or libs-snapshot-local.

Use Repository Layout

Select to use custom repository layouts.

Organization Path

Represents the Organization Path separated by / depending on the layout used. For example, the layout [orgPath]/[module].[ext] expects an organization path whereas the layout ([orgPath])/[module] does not. For example, org/slf4j.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s module. For example, slf4j-api.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

Base Revision

A sequence of literals that identifies the base revision portion of the artifact version, excluding any integration information. For example, 1.5.10, or in the case of an integration revision 1.2-SNAPSHOT, the base revision is 1.2.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

Folder Integration Revision

A sequence of literals that identifies the integration revision used in folder names in the artifact’s path, excluding the base revision. For example, in the case of an integration revision 1.2-SNAPSHOT the folder integration revision is SNAPSHOT.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

File Integration Revision

A sequence of literals that identifies the integration revision part in the artifact’s file name, excluding the base revision. For example, in the case of an integration revision 1.2-20110202.144533-3, the file integration revision is 20110202.144533-3.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s classifier. For example, sources.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s extension. For example, zip.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

Artifact Layout

The layout path pattern used for artifact resolution and publication paths. For example, [orgPath]/[module]/[baseRev](-[folderItegRev])/[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev])(-[classifier]).[ext]

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

Artifact Tokens

The token path pattern used for artifact resolution. Tokens can consist of a combination of string literals, path separators, parentheses, punctuation characters, etc. For example, for the artifact org/jfrog/test/multi1/3.7-SNAPSHOT/multi1-3.7-20190222.112918-1-sources.jar, the tokens are orgPath=org/jfrog/testmodule=multi1baseRev=3.7folderItegRev=SNAPSHOTfileItegRev=20190222.112918-1classifier=sourcesext=jar.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

Artifact Path

The path to the artifact binary on the resource file system. For example, /tmp/

Artifact Properties

Artifact properties that facilitate searching for them using JFrog’s "Smart Searches". For more information, refer to Property Sets. Properties can be added in the following format:

key1=value1 key2=value2;value3;... ... keyN=valueN

Result Property Sheet

Property sheet where procedure results should be saved. Contains a record with the following fields in JSON-format:

  • md5_checksum: The MD5 checksum of the artifact.

  • sha1_checksum: The SHA1 checksum of the artifact.

  • sha256_checksum: The SHA256 checksum of the artifact.

  • path: The local path in Artifactory.

  • url: The URL for downloading the artifact.

  • webapp_url: The URL for browsing the artifact in Artifactory.

For example:

{ "md5_checksum":"c61b83072527864fe7171ea99b017438", "sha1_checksum":"b92e9d18bdb357d98c10c8074d3b9b6f63307efa", "sha256_checksum":"d16c4f6e565a0831c96fe0ce1a62694caba55dd5341b8d50aebf54cdf0effdbf", "path":"libs-snapshot-local/org/jfrog/test/multi1/3.7-SNAPSHOT/multi1-3.7-20190218.153526-1-tests.jar", "url":"http://localhost:8081/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local/org/jfrog/test/multi1/3.7-SNAPSHOT/multi1-3.7-20190218.153526-1-tests.jar", "webapp_url":"http://localhost:8081/artifactory/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/tree/General/libs-snapshot-local/org/jfrog/test/multi1/3.7-SNAPSHOT/multi1-3.7-20190218.153526-1-tests.jar", }

Artifact token layout example

Suppose you need to publish a snapshot named my_plugin-current-tests.jar per the following URL:


You need to supply the following input parameters:

Field Value

Repository Key


Organization Path




Base Revision


Folder Integration Revision


File Integration Revision






For a generic repository package type, you can enter the following input parameters for the Publish Artifact to Artifactory procedure:

Publish Artifact to Artifactory procedure with a generic package type
Figure 3. Publish Artifact to Artifactory procedure with a generic package type

After the job is complete, the following summary appears:

Generic job summary
Figure 4. Generic job summary

For a Maven repository package type, you can enter the following input parameters for the Publish Artifact to Artifactory procedure:

.Publish Artifact to Artifactory procedure with a generic package type
Figure 5. Publish Artifact to Artifactory procedure with a Maven package type

After the job is complete, the following summary appears:

Maven job summary
Figure 6. Maven job summary

Publish Multiple Artifacts to Artifactory

Publishes one or more artifacts whose Repository Package Type is Generic to Artifactory.

Parameter Description


The previously defined configuration name. For example, config.

Repository Key

The repository key. For example, generic-local or custom-local.

Use Repository Layout

Select to use custom repository layouts.

Organization Path

Represents the Organization Path separated by / depending on the layout used. For example, the layout [orgPath]/[module].[ext] expects an organization path whereas the layout ([orgPath])/[module] does not. For example, org/slf4j. Or if using regex, .+?.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s module. For example, slf4j-api. Or if using regex, [^/]+.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

Base Revision

A sequence of literals that identifies the base revision part of the artifact version, excluding any integration information. For example, 1.5.10. Or in the case of an integration revision 1.2-SNAPSHOT , the base revision is 1.2. Or if using regex, [^/]+?.

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s extension. For example, zip. Or if using regex, (?:(?!\d))[^-/]+|7z

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

Artifact Layout

The layout path pattern used for artifact resolution and publication paths. For example, [orgPath]/[module]/[baseRev](-[folderItegRev])/[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev])(-[classifier]).[ext].

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

Artifact Tokens

The token path pattern used for artifact resolution. Tokens can consist of a combination of string literals, path separators, parentheses, punctuation characters, etc. For example, for the layout [orgPath]/[module]/[baseRev](-[folderItegRev])/[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev])(-[classifier]).[ext], the tokens are:

This parameter is required if you do not use custom repository layouts.

Artifacts Directory

The path to the artifact binary directory on the resource file system. For example, /tmp/myartifacts.

Artifact Properties

The artifact properties that facilitate searching them through JFrog "Smart Searches". For more information, refer to Property Sets. Properties can be added in the following format:

key1=value1 key2=value2;value3;... ... keyN=valueN

Result Property Sheet

The property sheet where procedure results should be saved. It contains a list of records with following fields in JSON-format:

  • md5_checksum: The MD5 checksum of the artifact.

  • sha1_checksum: The SHA1 checksum of the artifact.

  • sha256_checksum: The SHA256 checksum of the artifact.

  • path: The local path in Artifactory.

  • url: The URL for downloading the artifact.

  • webapp_url: The URL for browsing the artifact in Artifactory.

For example:

{ "md5_checksum":"c61b83072527864fe7171ea99b017438", "sha1_checksum":"b92e9d18bdb357d98c10c8074d3b9b6f63307efa", "sha256_checksum":"d16c4f6e565a0831c96fe0ce1a62694caba55dd5341b8d50aebf54cdf0effdbf", "path":"libs-snapshot-local/org/jfrog/test/multi1/3.7-SNAPSHOT/multi1-3.7-20190218.153526-1-tests.jar", "url":"http://localhost:8081/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local/org/jfrog/test/multi1/3.7-SNAPSHOT/multi1-3.7-20190218.153526-1-tests.jar", "webapp_url":"http://localhost:8081/artifactory/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/tree/General/libs-snapshot-local/org/jfrog/test/multi1/3.7-SNAPSHOT/multi1-3.7-20190218.153526-1-tests.jar", }

Below is an example of the Publish Multiple Artifacts to Artifactory procedure that does not use the repository layout.

Publish Multiple Artifacts to Artifactory procedure without using the repository layout
Figure 7. Publish Multiple Artifacts to Artifactory procedure without using the repository layout

After the job is complete, the following summary appears:

Job summary
Figure 8. Job summary

In this example, the Publish Multiple Artifacts to Artifactory procedure is configured to use the repository layout.

.Publish Multiple Artifacts to Artifactory procedure without using the repository layout
Figure 9. Publish Multiple Artifacts to Artifactory procedure using the repository layout

After the job is complete, the following summary appears:

Job summary
Figure 10. Job summary

Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory

Retrieves the exact or the latest version of the artifact from the Artifactory instance. Supports NuGet, NPM, Maven, PHP, and generic repositories.

Parameter Description

Repository package type

The type of repository. NuGet, NPM, Maven, PHP, and generic repository types are supported.


The previously defined configuration name. For example, config.

Repository key

The repository key. For example, nuget-local or libs-snapshot-local.

Organization Path

Represents the Organization field where the levels are separated by path separators (/), similar to Maven. For example, org/slf4j. This parameter is required if the path is mandatory for the layout. For example, in the layout [orgPath]/[module].[ext], the organization path is mandatory and in the layout ([orgPath])/[module], it is not mandatory.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s module, which is essentially the artifact’s name.


Exact version to be downloaded or latest version flag, if the latest version retrieval logic is available for the repository.

For NuGet, NPM, PHP, and generic repositories, this feature requires an Artifactory Pro license.

File Integration Revision

A sequence of literals that identifies the integration revision portion of the artifact’s file name, excluding the base revision.

Folder Integration Revision

A sequence of literals that identifies the integration revision portion used in folder names in the artifact’s path, excluding the base revision.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s type. This is typically used when the artifact’s extension cannot be reused as the artifact’s type.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s extension. For example, nupkg. Required, if the path is mandatory for the layout.


A sequence of literals that identifies the artifact’s classifier.

Retrieve to Directory

Download the artifact version to a specific directory. If not defined, the artifact is downloaded into the current directory. If the specified directory does not exist, it is created. This path may be absolute or relative. For example, /tmp/my_artifact or artifact_name.


If selected, the existing package is overwritten.

Uncompress and Extract?

If selected, the retrieved package is extracted into the specified directory. Available for NuGet, NPM, and PHP Composer. If the Retrieve to Directory parameter is not set, the package is extracted into the current workspace. A new folder is created for the artifact, with the name eflow-<artifact>-<version>. For example, an NPM artifact appears like this, where http is the name of the package and 1.0.0 is the version:

- eflow-http-1.0.0/package/index.js (/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/workspace/job_40369_20171129040418/package/index.js) - eflow-http-1.0.0/package/package.json (/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/workspace/job_40369_20171129040418/package/package.json)

For NuGet, the extracted package files may appear like this:

- eflow-Json-1.0.0/ - eflow-Json-1.0.0/Newtonsoft.Json.nuspec(/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/workspace/job_40371_20171129040755/Newtonsoft.Json.nuspec) - eflow-Json-1.0.0/[Content_Types].xml(/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/workspace/job_40371_20171129040755/[Content_Types].xml) - eflow-Json-1.0.0/lib/net20/Newtonsoft.Json.dll(/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/workspace/job_40371_20171129040755/lib/net20/Newtonsoft.Json.dll)

Retrieved Artifact Location Property

The name or property sheet path used by the step to create a property sheet. This property sheet stores information about the retrieved artifact version, including its location in the file system.

Properties are saved under <retrievedArtifactLocationProperty>/<artifactName>:

url # url of the downloaded artifact version # artifact version filename # filename, relative fullFilename #filename, absolute Also, all the artifact's properties will be here extractionPath # path to the extraction folder (in case Uncompress and Extract were selected) fullExtractiobnPath # absolute path to the extraction folder

If an artifact has some properties coming from Artifactory, they are also saved under this property sheet.

Component definition

The EC-Artifactory plugin can be used to define a component in CloudBees CD/RO. To create a component, select EC-Artifactory in the dropdown for Content Location in the component definition.

Component definition
Figure 11. Component definition

NuGet example

In Artifactory, the artifact appears like this, where com/company is the organization and artifact is the name of the module:

NuGet package in Artifactory
Figure 12. NuGet package in Artifactory

Here is an example of the Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory procedure:

Plugin procedure with a NuGet repository type
Figure 13. Plugin procedure with a NuGet repository type

After the job is complete, the following summary appears:

NuGet job summary
Figure 14. NuGet job summary

Maven example

Here is an example of a Maven artifact in Artifactory:

Maven artifact in Artifactory
Figure 15. Maven artifact in Artifactory

Here is an example of the Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory procedure:

Plugin procedure with a Maven repository type
Figure 16. Plugin procedure with a Maven repository type

After the job is complete, the following summary appears:

Maven job summary
Figure 17. Maven job summary

Here are the job logs:

Using plugin EC-Artifactory- Got parameter "artifact" with value "bookstore" Got parameter "classifier" with value "" Got parameter "config" with value "config" Got parameter "destination" with value "" Got parameter "extension" with value ".war" Got parameter "extract" with value "0" Got parameter "fileItegRev" with value "" Got parameter "folderItegRev" with value "SNAPSHOT" Got parameter "latestVersion" with value "1" Got parameter "org" with value "" Got parameter "orgPath" with value "hello" Got parameter "overwrite" with value "0" Got parameter "repoType" with value "Maven" Got parameter "repository" with value "libs-snapshot-local" Got parameter "repositoryPath" with value "" Got parameter "resultPropertySheet" with value "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/" Got parameter "type" with value "" Got parameter "useRepositoryLayout" with value "1" Got parameter "version" with value "" Artifact path is /hello/bookstore/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/bookstore-0.0.1-20170705.104709-2.war Artifact URL: Downloading into the job workspace Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/bookstore/fullFilename" to value "/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/workspace/job_37132_20171121022959/bookstore-0.0.1-20170705.104709-2.war" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/bookstore/filename" to value "bookstore-0.0.1-20170705.104709-2.war" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/bookstore/version" to value "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/bookstore/url" to value "" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/bookstore/snapshotVersion" to value "0.0.1-20170705.104709-2"

NPM example

Here is an example of an NPM artifact in Artifactory:

NPM artifact in Artifactory
Figure 18. NPM artifact in Artifactory

Here is an example of the Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory procedure:

Plugin procedure with an NPM repository type
Figure 19. Plugin procedure with an NPM repository type

After the job is complete, the following summary appears:

NPM job summary
Figure 20. NPM job summary

Here are the job logs:

Using plugin EC-Artifactory- Got parameter "artifact" with value "test_package" Got parameter "classifier" with value "" Got parameter "config" with value "config" Got parameter "destination" with value "" Got parameter "extension" with value "" Got parameter "extract" with value "1" Got parameter "fileItegRev" with value "" Got parameter "folderItegRev" with value "" Got parameter "latestVersion" with value "1" Got parameter "org" with value "" Got parameter "orgPath" with value "myorg" Got parameter "overwrite" with value "1" Got parameter "repoType" with value "NPM" Got parameter "repository" with value "npm-demo" Got parameter "repositoryPath" with value "" Got parameter "resultPropertySheet" with value "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/" Got parameter "type" with value "" Got parameter "useRepositoryLayout" with value "1" Got parameter "version" with value "" Latest version for myorg:test_package is 1.0.0 Artifact path is myorg/test_package/test_package-1.0.0.tgz Artifact URL: Downloading into the job workspace Extracting test_package-1.0.0.tgz Extraction path: "test_package" Files extracted: - index.js - package.json Artifact properties: { "artifactory.licenses" : [ "ISC" ], "npm.version" : [ "1.0.0" ], "" : [ "test_package" ] } Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/test_package/npm.version" to value "1.0.0" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/test_package/version" to value "1.0.0" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/test_package/artifactory.licenses" to value "ISC" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/test_package/fullFilename" to value "/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/workspace/job_37171_20171121065017/test_package-1.0.0.tgz" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/test_package/filename" to value "test_package-1.0.0.tgz" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/test_package/url" to value "" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/test_package/" to value "test_package"

Generic example

Here is an example of a generic artifact in Artifactory:

Generic artifact in Artifactory
Figure 21. Generic artifact in Artifactory

Here is an example of the Artifactory plugin’s configuration:

Figure 22. Plugin configuration
Figure 22. Plugin configuration

Here is an example of the Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory procedure:

Plugin procedure for a generic repository type
Figure 23. Plugin procedure for a generic repository type

After the job is complete, the following summary appears:

Generic job summary
Figure 24. Generic job summary

Here are the job logs:

Got parameter "artifact" with value "module" Got parameter "classifier" with value "" Got parameter "config" with value "CustomLayout" Got parameter "destination" with value "" Got parameter "extension" with value "vsix" Got parameter "extract" with value "0" Got parameter "fileItegRev" with value "" Got parameter "folderItegRev" with value "" Got parameter "latestVersion" with value "1" Got parameter "org" with value "myorg" Got parameter "orgPath" with value "myorg" Got parameter "overwrite" with value "1" Got parameter "repoType" with value "Generic" Got parameter "repository" with value "custom-local" Got parameter "repositoryPath" with value "" Got parameter "resultPropertySheet" with value "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions" Got parameter "type" with value "" Got parameter "useRepositoryLayout" with value "1" Got parameter "version" with value "" Repository layout is "[org]/[module]/[baseRev].[ext]" Latest version for myorg:module is 10.0.1 Artifact path is myorg/module/10.0.1.vsix Artifact URL: Downloading into the job workspace Artifact has no properties Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/module/fullFilename" to value "/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/workspace/job_39881_20171128060650/10.0.1.vsix" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/module/filename" to value "10.0.1.vsix" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/module/version" to value "10.0.1" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/module/url" to value ""

PHP composer

Here is an example of a PHP composer artifact in Artifactory:

PHP composer artifact in Artifactory
Figure 25. PHP composer artifact in Artifactory

Here is an example of the Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory procedure:

Plugin procedure for a PHP repository type
Figure 26. Plugin procedure for a PHP repository type

After the job is complete, the following summary appears:

PNP job summary
Figure 27. PNP job summary

Here are the job logs:

Got parameter "artifact" with value "laravel-messenger" Got parameter "classifier" with value "" Got parameter "config" with value "config" Got parameter "destination" with value "" Got parameter "extension" with value "zip" Got parameter "extract" with value "0" Got parameter "fileItegRev" with value "" Got parameter "folderItegRev" with value "" Got parameter "latestVersion" with value "1" Got parameter "org" with value "" Got parameter "orgPath" with value "cmgmyr" Got parameter "overwrite" with value "0" Got parameter "repoType" with value "PHP" Got parameter "repository" with value "php-local" Got parameter "repositoryPath" with value "" Got parameter "resultPropertySheet" with value "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions" Got parameter "type" with value "" Got parameter "useRepositoryLayout" with value "1" Got parameter "version" with value "" Repository layout is "[orgPath]/[module]/[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev]).[ext]" Latest version for cmgmyr:laravel-messenger is 1.0.0 Artifact path is cmgmyr/laravel-messenger/ Artifact URL: Downloading into the job workspace Artifact properties: { "artifactory.licenses" : [ "MIT" ], "composer.keywords" : [ "laravel", "messenger", "messaging", "user messaging" ], "" : [ "cmgmyr/messenger" ], "composer.description" : [ "Simple user messaging tool for Laravel" ], "" : [ "Chris Gmyr" ], "composer.version" : [ "1.0.0" ], "composer.type" : [ "library" ] } Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/version" to value "1.0.0" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/" to value "Chris Gmyr" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/composer.description" to value "Simple user messaging tool for Laravel" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/" to value "cmgmyr/messenger" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/composer.type" to value "library" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/artifactory.licenses" to value "MIT" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/fullFilename" to value "/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/workspace/job_39882_20171128063554/" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/composer.keywords" to value "laravel, messenger, messaging, user messaging" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/filename" to value "" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/url" to value "" Set property "/myJob/retrievedArtifactVersions/laravel-messenger/composer.version" to value "1.0.0"

Release notes

EC-Artifactory 1.8.0

  • Upgraded from Perl 5.8 to Perl 5.32.

  • Starting from this release, a CloudBees CD/RO agent v10.3+ is required to run EC-Artifactory plugin procedures.

EC-Artifactory 1.7.1

  • Fixed an issue for the configuration form test connection.

  • Upgraded the Xerces library.

  • Fixed an issue where wrong field types were included in the component definition.

  • Fixed an issue for impossible to use component operations in a component process.

  • Fixed an issue for the Get Latest Artifact Version procedure that was missing a dropdown for the Repository key parameter.

EC-Artifactory 1.7.0

  • Added support for new plugin configuration.

EC-Artifactory 1.6.0

  • Changed the way Generic repositories are managed.

  • Upgraded the HttpClient library to v4.5.13.

  • Upgraded Apache Commons Codec library to v1.15.

  • Upgraded Jackson Databind library to v2.13.2.2.

EC-Artifactory 1.5.1

  • Fixed an issue when on some old configuration, EditConfiguration did not work properly.

EC-Artifactory 1.5.0

  • Plugin configuration was improved to support external credentials.

EC-Artifactory 1.4.7

  • Fixed reading of compressed files under Windows.

EC-Artifactory 1.4.6

  • An HTTP client was changed for the UI dropdowns to address certain security issues.

EC-Artifactory 1.4.5

  • Renamed to CloudBees CD/RO.

EC-Artifactory 1.4.4

  • Updated the GetLatestVersion procedure to use maven-metadata.xml to resolve the latest version for Maven repositories.

EC-Artifactory 1.4.3

  • Removed an incorrect error message that sometimes appeared during configuration creation.

EC-Artifactory 1.4.2

  • Renamed to "CloudBees"

  • Fixed help link for the Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory procedure.

EC-Artifactory 1.4.1

  • Use output parameters only for versions >= 8.3.

EC-Artifactory 1.4.0

The following new procedures have been introduced to support publishing 1 or more artifacts to Artifactory:

  • Publish Artifact to Artifactory

  • Publish Multiple Artifacts to Artifactory

EC-Artifactory 1.3.1

  • Added metadata that is required for the CloudBees CD/RO 9.0 release.

  • The plugin icon was updated.

EC-Artifactory 1.3.0

  • Plugin promotion time has been improved.

  • A new Get Latest Artifact Version procedure was introduced.

EC-Artifactory 1.2.1

  • Fixed the retrieval logic for snapshots in the Retrieve Artifact from Artifactory procedure to use both the extension and the build number, when comparing with Maven metadata.

EC-Artifactory 1.2.0

  • Added support for HTTP Proxy. Customers who use HTTP proxy can specify Proxy Information (Host, Port and Credentials at the configuration level) and all procedures use the Proxy as secondary credentials for authentication.

EC-Artifactory 1.1.3

  • Improved inline plugin configurations management.

EC-Artifactory 1.1.2

  • Enabled the plugin for managing the plugin configurations in-line when defining an application process step or a pipeline stage task.

  • Hyphen in qualifier was fixed. For example, for a version like 1.2-H1-SNAPSHOT.

EC-Artifactory 1.1.1

  • Fixed an access control list (ACL) problem that occurred during plugin upgrade.

EC-Artifactory 1.1.0

  • Repository package types added: PHP, Generic.

  • Access tokens can be used instead of a password in the plugin configuration.

  • Extraction logic was changed. Now the artifact is extracted into a directory named eflow-<artifact>-<version>.

EC-Artifactory 1.0.0 (beta)

  • Added support for Maven, NuGet, and NPM repositories.