Dynatrace Appmon plugin

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The EC-Dynatrace plugin integrates with Dynatrace Appmon test automation API.

Plugin version

Create Dynatrace Appmon plugin configurations

Plugin configurations are sets of parameters that can be applied across some, or all, plugin procedures. They can reduce the repetition of common values, create predefined parameter sets, and securely store credentials. Each configuration is given a unique name that is entered in the designated parameter for the plugin procedures that use them. The following steps illustrate how to create a plugin configuration that can be used by one or more plugin procedures.

To create a plugin configuration:

  1. Navigate to Administration  Plugins to open the Plugin Manager.

  2. Locate the row for your plugin.

  3. Select Configure, and then select Create Configuration.

  4. On the New Configuration page, specify a Configuration Name for the configuration.

  5. Optionally, add a Description for the configuration.

  6. Configure the procedure parameters per the descriptions below.

  7. Select OK.

Depending on your plugin configuration and how you run procedures, the Input parameters  Configuration name field may behave differently in the CloudBees CD/RO UI. For more information, refer to Differences in plugin UI behavior.

Dynatrace Appmon plugin configuration parameters

Table 1. EC-Dynatrace plugin configuration parameters
Parameter Description


Required. The unique name for the configuration.


Description for the plugin configuration.


Required. Protocol to use when connecting to the specified host: http:// or https://.


Required. Host name of the Dynatrace server.

Host name of the Dynatrace server

Name of the Dynatrace server that is used to create link to Dynatrace client. Typically, this is short hostname.

Dynatrace server port

Required. Dynatrace server port (for example, 8021).

Validates certificates?

Specifies whether to validate SSL certificates.

Connection timeout

Connection timeout in milliseconds. Default is 5000.


Required. Username and password to connect to the Dynatrace API.

Attempt connection?

Attempt a connection to check credentials. If the connection fails, the credentials are not saved.

Verbosity level

Verbosity level of output.

Create Dynatrace Appmon plugin procedures

Plugin procedures can be used in procedure steps, process steps, and pipeline tasks, allowing you to orchestrate third-party tools at the appropriate time in your component, application process, or pipeline.

Depending on your plugin configuration and how you run procedures, the Input parameters  Configuration name field may behave differently in the CloudBees CD/RO UI. For more information, refer to Differences in plugin UI behavior.

Create test run

Creates a new test run and writes its ID to the specified property. This ID can be used for a test run with a Dynatrace agent injected.

Table 2. Create test run parameters
Parameter Description

Dynatrace configuration

Required. The name of an existing configuration that holds the connection information for the Dynatrace API.

Dynatrace test category

Required. Tests are organised into four categories. A category principally defines the key performance indicators (KPIs) that AppMon evaluates for your test. For every test category, only KPIs of interest are shown. The configuration required for capturing performance data depends on the test category and on the test framework used.

System profile name

Required. System profile name for test run creation (for example, Monitoring).


Artifact version, in the following format: major.minor.revision.build.milestone or major-minor-revision-build-milestone, separated by a dot (.) or hyphen (-). This parameter can be used if there is already a complete artifact version saved in a property.


If a marker is set in the test metadata, it is displayed in the chart’s heat field.

Additional metadata

Newline-separated metadata provided as key-value pairs (for example, mykey=value). It is returned as a part of the test report.

Property name for test run ID

Property to save the ID for the created test run (for example, /myPipelineStageRuntime/dtTestrunID).

Get test run result

Retrieves results for the test run, saves the results under the specified property, and generates an HTML report.

Table 3. Get test run result parameters
Parameter Description

Dynatrace configuration

Required. The name of an existing configuration that contains the connection information for the Dynatrace API.

System profile name

System profile name required for test run creation (for example, Monitoring). By default, it is taken from /myPipelineStageRuntime/dtSystemProfile. If the procedure does not run as a part of a pipeline, this parameter is required.

Test run ID

Previously saved test run ID. For example, $[/myPipelineStageRuntime/dtTestrunID] takes the test run ID from the property in the pipeline stage runtime.

Min wait timeout

Time, in seconds, to wait before fetching the test run result.

For some test categories, such as a UI-driven test run, Dynatrace takes some time to process the results. If you receive an incomplete test result with fewer cases than there should be, increase this value.

Max wait timeout

Timeout, in seconds, for test result polling. If there are no test results within the specified timeout, the procedure fails.

This value should be greater than the Delay Timeout parameter.

Property name for results

Name of the property to save Dynatrace test run result to. Results are saved in JSON format.

Publish report?

If selected, an HTML report with test run information is published to the current pipeline summary and job summary.

Convert Json to property sheet

Retrieves raw JSON test results and writes them to the specified property sheet.

Table 4. Convert Json to property sheet parameters
Parameter Description

Dynatrace configuration

Required. Name of an existing configuration that holds the connection information for the Dynatrace API.


Required. Raw JSON to be converted.

Property name for results

Required. Name of property to save Dynatrace test run result into.

Create deployment incident

Uses information about the deployment and creates a new deployment incident in Dynatrace.

Table 5. Create deployment incident parameters
Parameter Description

Dynatrace configuration

Required. Name of an existing configuration that holds the connection information for the Dynatrace API.

System profile name

Required. System profile name for test run creation (for example, Monitoring).

Application name

Name of the application that is going to be deployed.

Application project name

Project name of the application.

Deployment snapshot name

Snapshot that was used for the deployment.

Restore snapshot name

Snapshot name, which represents a restore point.

Environment name

Name of the environment.

Environment project name

Environment project name.

Deploy process name

Deploy process name.

Incident duration

Duration, in seconds, of the deployment incident. Default is 0.

Incident message

Message for the deployment incident. By default, it is automatically generated based on the other Create deployment incident procedure parameters.

Additional parameters

Additional parameters, in JSON format, to pass to the deployment incident.

Get last deployment incident

Takes information about the deployment and creates a new deployment incident in Dynatrace.

Table 6. Get last deployment incident parameters
Parameter Description

Dynatrace configuration

Required. Name of an existing configuration that holds the connection information for the Dynatrace API.

System profile name

Required. System profile name for test run creation (for example, Monitoring).

Period in minutes

Time period, in minutes, that should contain a deployment incident. For example, if this value is 60, then it looks for an incident that happened no more than one hour ago. By default, it retrieves all incidents within the last three days.

Property sheet name

Property sheet for saving incident data.

Application name

Application name to filter found incidents.

Application project name

Application project name to filter found incidents.

Environment name

Environment name to filter found incidents.

Environment project name

Environment project name to filter found incidents.

Additional parameters

Additional parameters to filter by. Should be provided in JSON format.

Get system profiles

Retrieves system profiles from Dynatrace and stores them for using in drop-downs.

Table 7. Get system profiles parameters
Parameter Description

Dynatrace configuration

Required. Name of an existing configuration that holds the connection information for the Dynatrace API.

Dynatrace Appmon plugin release notes


  • Added support to the plugin procedures to work with CloudBees CD/RO IPv6 instances.


  • Added Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) dependencies.


  • Added capability to the plugin setup procedure to process dependencies for CloudBees CD/RO IPv6 instances.

  • Improved SSL/TLS certificate validation to ensure that when the Ignore SSL issues parameter is selected that SSL/TLS validation is properly disabled.


  • Upgraded from Perl 5.8 to Perl 5.32. The plugin is not backward compatible with CloudBees CD/RO versions prior to 10.3. Starting from this release, a new agent is required to run Dynatrace Appmon plugin procedures.


  • The documentation has been migrated to the main documentation site.


  • Removed specific third-party dependencies to address security issues.


  • Renamed to "CloudBees CD".


  • Provisioning of binary dependencies (for example, Grape jars) in the agent resource is now delivered through a new mechanism called Plugin Dependency Management. Now, binary dependencies are seamlessly delivered to the agent resource from the Flow Server when a new version of a plugin is invoked for the first time. The Flow Repository setup is no longer required for this plugin.


  • Renamed to "CloudBees".


  • Plugin promotion time has been improved.


  • Configurations can now be created by users with an @ sign in a name.


  • The plugin icon has been updated.


  • First release.