Jira (Legacy) plugin

20 minute readExtensibilityDeveloper productivity

This plugin integrates with Atlassian Jira. It supports multiple features for Jira issues and releases. Additionally, it supports collecting issue and release data for CloudBees Analytics reports and dashboards.

This plugin uses the Jira Server platform REST API.

Differences between Jira (Legacy) and Jira (PDK) plugins

CloudBees CD/RO offers two integrations with Atlassian Jira:

The table below highlights the key similarities and differences between the two plugins:

Table 1. Jira and Jira-Extended plugin comparison
Jira (Legacy) plugin Jira (PDK) plugin

Plugin catalog name: EC-Jira

Plugin catalog name: Jira

Support tier: CloudBees

Support tier: CloudBees

CloudBees CD/RO bundled plugin: Yes

CloudBees CD/RO bundled plugin: Yes

Supports new plugin configuration. For more information, refer to Configuration differences.

Supports new plugin configuration. For more information, refer to Configuration differences.

Plugin Wizard-based: The Plugin Wizard is a legacy plugin development framework used by CloudBees CD/RO plugins. It is no longer actively supported, except specifically for CloudBees CD/RO plugins listed with the CloudBees support level.

PDK-based: PDK is the plugin development framework supported by CloudBees CD/RO. The PDK framework is actively supported, with full feature development and releases.

All legacy plugin procedures, and additional procedures supported by PDK, such as Create Project and Update project.


Plugin Version

Revised on October 05, 2023

Updated Perl version required

This plugin is using an updated version of Perl, cb-perl shell (instead of the old ec-perl). This means that it needs CloudBees CD/RO agent version 10.3+ in order to work.

Supported versions

The following Jira versions are supported:

  • 9.x

  • 8.x

  • 7.x

  • 6.x

Create Jira plugin configurations

Plugin configurations are sets of parameters that can be applied across some, or all, plugin procedures. They can reduce the repetition of common values, create predefined parameter sets, and securely store credentials. Each configuration is given a unique name that is entered in the designated parameter for the plugin procedures that use them. The following steps illustrate how to create a plugin configuration that can be used by one or more plugin procedures.

To create a plugin configuration:

  1. Navigate to DevOps Essentials  Plugin Management  Plugin configurations.

  2. Select Add plugin configuration to create a new configuration.

  3. In the New Configuration window, specify a Name for the configuration.

  4. Select the Project that the configuration belongs to.

  5. Optionally, add a Description for the configuration.

  6. Select the appropriate Plugin for the configuration.

  7. Configure the plugin configuration parameters.

  8. Select OK.

Depending on your plugin configuration and how you run procedures, the Input parameters  Configuration name field may behave differently in the CloudBees CD/RO UI. For more information, refer to Differences in plugin UI behavior.

Create Jira plugin procedures

Plugin procedures can be used in procedure steps, process steps, and pipeline tasks, allowing you to orchestrate third-party tools at the appropriate time in your component, application process, or pipeline.

Depending on your plugin configuration and how you run procedures, the Input parameters  Configuration name field may behave differently in the CloudBees CD/RO UI. For more information, refer to Differences in plugin UI behavior.


Gathers reports from the specified Jira instance. For information on configuring the CollectReportingData procedure to associate issues with a Jira feature or defect object or retrieve summary data, refer to Configure the CollectReportingData procedure.

Input parameters

Table 2. CollectReportingData input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

JIRA filter ID

Jira filter used to find the issues or defects in Jira.

JIRA query

JQL to select issues. Either this parameter or the JIRA filter ID parameter must be specified.

Field mapping

Jira fields that identify the release that the feature or defect is associated with (for example, fixVersions.name:releaseName, projectName:releaseProjectName). The identified fields are used to populate the target fields identified in the report object association from the feature to the release. The record projectName:releaseProjectName means that the projectName field from the Jira issues are mapped to the releaseProjectName field in the reporting system. For more information, refer to Configure the CollectReportingData procedure.

Report object type

Type of report object. The available values are Feature and Defect.

Fields to aggregate

Jira fields to aggregate. For each group based on the status field and additional group by fields, the sum of each of the specified fields are calculated and stored as separate fields. These fields are expected to be numeric fields. Each field can be optionally specified as fieldName:featureFieldName, in which case the value is stored as featureFieldName. For more information, refer to Configure the CollectReportingData procedure.

Allow missing fields

If selected and the Fields to aggregate parameter has missing fields, the value is considered to be 0. If the Field mapping parameter has missing fields, the value is set to null.

Metadata property path

Property sheet where run metadata is stored. If omitted, /mySchedule/EC-JIRA-%JobName%-%Report Object Type% is used for schedule contexts. For all other contexts, the root is /myProject.

Transformation script

Perl script for payload customization. This method is invoked by a plugin with three parameters. The first parameter is the context object, the second parameter is the payload object, and the third parameter is the refined issue fields. The method should be named transform, and should return the payload object. In this example, the myTimestamp field is added to payload object:

# This method is called for each payload after aggregate and mappings processing sub transform { my ($context, $payload, $refined) = @_; $payload->{myTimestamp} = $context->one(); return $payload; } # Example of the method added to the transformScript context object sub one { my ($context) = @_; return time(); }


If selected, no data is sent to the reporting system. Use this option to preview gathered data.

Release filter URI

URI that is used with the base URL to build a drill-down URL for JIRA in a dashboard widget.


If selected, the debug level is set to Debug.


Creates one or more Jira issues.

This procedure is compatible with the CreateDefects procedure from the EC-DefectTracking-JIRA plugin. If no summary is provided, it looks for the property sheet named /myJob/ecTestFailures. The property sheet should have the following format:

/myJob /ecTestFailures /Test Case Name (for example, My case) /stepName -> Step Name (for example, My step) /testSuitName -> Test Suite Name (for example, My test suite) /testCaseName -> Test Case Name (for example, My case) /testCaseResult -> Error (for example, Something failed) /log -> Log (for example, Test "My test" failed) /defectId -> ID /defectResult -> DefectResult

At least one of the properties must be provided. The best way to fill in the properties is to use post processors. Refer to this example of a post processor for JUnit.

If the Summary field is defined, only one issue is created. If there is no summary and no predefined properties, no issues are created and the procedure finishes successfully.

Input parameters

Table 3. CreateIssues Input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Project Key

Required. Jira project key (for example, MYPROJ). The project key is the prefix before the issue number in Jira, and not the name of the Jira project.

Issue Type

Jira issue type. The most common Jira issue types are Bug, Task, Sub-task, Story, and Epic; the available types depend on the Jira project. To view the list of the available types, please use the Jira REST API. For example:

curl -u user:password http://myinstance/rest/api/2/project/TEST { "issueTypes" : [ { "name" : "Task", "id" : "10001", "description" : "A task that needs to be done.", .... }, { "id" : "10000", "description" : "The sub-task of the issue", "name" : "Sub-task", ... } ], ... ]


Short description of the issue. If this field is provided, only one issue is created. Maximum length of the summary is 255 characters by default, and managed by the Jira instance itself.

Assignee Name

Person assigned to the Jira issue. You must provide the sign in name for an existing user (for example, myuser).


Comma-separated list of issue labels (for example, MyLabel1, MyLabel2). Jira does not allow spaces in labels.

Affects Version(s)

Comma-separated list of affected versions (for example, 7.0, 8.0). The specified versions must already exist in the project.

Fix Version(s)

Comma-separated list of versions that you plan on releasing a feature or bug fix to customers (for example, 7.0, 8.0). The specified versions must exist in the Jira project.


Full description of the issue, the steps to reproduce, and the expected results. Markup can be used here, for example:

{code} my code; {code}

Additional parameters

Any additional parameters to be specified for the Jira issue, in JSON format. For example: { "customfield_70000": [ "jira-administrators", "jira-software-users" ]}.

Refer to the Jira REST API for supported parameters for the create issue API. Example formats for this parameter are:

  • Single value field: {"customfield_10000": "value"} (for example, {"customfield_1212": "Epic Name"} where customfield_1212 is a custom field for Epic Name.

  • Multiple values field: {"customfield_10042": [{"value": "8.0"}, {"value": "8.0.1"}]}.

  • Link to another object: {"parent": {"id": "TEST-1"}} (for creating a sub-task, for example).

Result Property

Property sheet to store results. /myJob/createdIssues is the default. For more information, refer to Result format.

Result Format

Format to store results, JSON, or property sheet. Property sheet is selected by default.

Create Summary Link?

If selected, a report with a summary and links are attached to the pipeline summary and job summary.

Summary link property

Property to store a report is generated and attached to the pipeline summary and job summary. The default value is JIRA Created Issues Report.

Summary link title

Title for a link to download a report. The default title is Download Report.

Output parameters

Table 4. CreateIssues output parameters
Output Parameter (CloudBees CD/RO 8.3 and later) Description


URL to the HTML Jira report.


Comma-separated list of issue IDs that were involved in the request.


Creates a new version in the specified project.

Input parameters

Table 5. CreateNewVersion input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Project Key

Required. Jira project key (for example, MYPROJ). The project key is the prefix before the issue number in Jira, and not the name of the Jira project.

Version Name

Required. Jira version to be created.


Retrieves issues from Jira using the provided JQL or the previously saved filter.

Input parameters

Table 6. GetIssues input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

JIRA Filter ID

Jira filter used to find issues in Jira. Either this parameter or the JIRA Query (JQL) parameter must be specified.

JIRA Query (JQL)

JQL to search issues. Either this parameter or the JIRA filter ID parameter must be specified. For more information, refer to the JQL documentation.

Max Results

Maximum number of Jira issues to retrieve. The default value is defined by the Jira instance.

Result Format

Format to store the results. For more information, refer to Result format.

Result Property

Property to store results. Retrieved Jira issues are saved under this property if Result Format is selected. By default, this is /myJob/getIssuesResult.

Create Summary Link?

If selected, a report with a summary and links are attached to the pipeline summary and job summary.

Summary link property

Property to store a report is generated and attached to the pipeline summary and job summary. The default value is JIRA Created Issues Report.

Summary link title

Title for a link to download a report. The default title is Download Report.

Field List to Save?

Additional comma-separated fields that should be saved within the issue property (for example, fixVersions,Epic Status.

Output parameters

Table 7. GetIssues output parameters
Output Parameter (CloudBees CD/RO 8.3+) Description


URL to the HTML Jira report.


Comma-separated list of issue IDs that were involved in the request.


Returns one or more Jira project versions based on user-specified criteria.

Input parameters

Table 8. GetProjectVersions input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Project Key

Required. Jira project key (for example, MYPROJ) to retrieve versions from. The project key is the prefix before the issue number in Jira, and not the name of the Jira project.

Version Name(s)

Comma-separated list of version names. This can be useful if you want to retrieve information about specific versions (for example, 1.0 or 1.0, 2.0, 3.0).

Version Status

Retrieves only the versions with the specified status.

Max Results

Maximum number of versions to retrieve. The default value is defined by the Jira instance (typically, it is 50).

Order By

Name of the field to sort the result list by. Prepend a minus sign to use descending order. Values: description, -description, name, -name, releaseDate, -releaseDate, sequence, -sequence, startDate, and -startDate.

Show Issues Count by Status

If selected, a count of issues is included in the version’s info and HTML report, in order by status.

Result Format

Format to store results. For more information, refer to Result format.

Result Property Name

Name of the property to store results, when JSON or Property Sheet is selected for Result Format. By default, the name is /myJob/getProjectVersionsResult.

Create Summary Link?

If selected, a report with a summary and links are attached to the pipeline summary and job summary.

Summary link property

Property to store a report is generated and attached to the pipeline summary and job summary. The default value is JIRA Created Issues Report.

Summary link title

Title for a link to download a report. The default title is Download Report.

Output parameters

Table 9. GetProjectVersions output parameters
Output Parameter (CloudBees CD/RO 8.3+) Description


URL to the HTML Jira report.


Comma-separated list of version names that were involved in the request.


Parses a provided property for Jira issue keys and links them to the job and pipeline.

Input parameters

Table 10. LinkIssues input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.


Provide the key used by Jira as the prefix for defects within a project. If this field is blank, a regular expression is used to attempt to match with defect IDs.

Regular Expression

Perl-compatible regular expression to retrieve issue IDs from source control logs. For example, Fixed (\w+-\d) retrieves issue ID TEST-1 from the Fixed TEST-1 commit summary. For more information, refer to Perl regular expressions.


\w+\-\d+ matches a sequence of word characters followed by - and a sequence of digits (for example, MYJIRA-2, ANOTHER-2).

(MYPROJ|ANOTHERPROJ)\-\d+ matches a word MYPROJ or ANOTHERPROJ followed by - and a sequence of digits.

Property to Parse

Provide the property or property sheet used to search for defect IDs. If this field is blank, the default property /myJob/ecscm_changeLogs is used. The property content may look similar to the following:

Commit # commit number Closed ECTEST-1
CloudBees SCM-based plugins can be used to generate those logs.

Result Property

Property sheet or property name to store results. /myJob/issueLinks is the default.

Result Format

Format to store results, JSON, or the property sheet. Retrieved Jira issues are saved under this property. For more information, refer to Result format.

Output parameters

Table 11. LinkIssues output parameters
Output Parameter (CloudBees CD/RO 8.3+) Description


URL to the HTML Jira report.


Comma-separated list of issue IDs that were involved in the request.


Marks a specified version as released in the specified project.

Input parameters

Table 12. MarkVersionAsReleased input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Project Key

Required. Jira project key (for example, MYPROJ). The project key is the prefix before the issue number in Jira, and not the name of the Jira project.

Version Name

Jira version to be marked as released.


Updates one or more Jira issues or add comments to them. When the procedure runs, the first issue key parameter is checked. If it is provided, the single Jira issue is updated. If JQL is provided, the procedure queries the issues and updates them, and then searches for the issues in the property. If no issues were found with the provided JQL, the procedure finishes and does not update any Jira issues.

The LinkIssues and UpdateIssues procedures can be used together to update issues that were mentioned in the source control logs.

Input parameters

Table 13. UpdateIssues input parameters
Parameter Description

Configuration name

Required. The previously defined configuration for the plugin.

Property to Read Defects

Path to the property, if the property containing the list of defects to update is something other than /myJob/defectsToUpdate. This parameter is for compatibility only. The property should contain issue IDs with their desired transitions (for example, MYJIRA-1=Done). To set this property, run:

ectool setProperty /myJob/defectsToUpdate "MYJIRA-1=Done,MYJIRA-2=In Progress"

If no issue key or JQL is provided, the procedure switches to compatibility mode. It parses the input property, updates the issue status, and adds a technical comment with the following text: ElectricFlow Job ID: $[/myJob/id].

Issue Key

Issue key to update a single Jira issue. If this field is provided, the JQL and Property to Read Defects parameters are ignored.


Provide JQL to search for the issues to update. If this field is left empty, the procedure looks for issues to update in the Property to Read Defects parameter (backward compatibility logic is enabled).


Short description of the issue (for example, Something is broken). If several issues are queried, they are not updated and the procedure fails. The value from this field overrides the current summary of the issue.

Issue Type

Issue type (for example, Bug). If several issues are queried, they are not updated and the procedure fails.

Assignee Name

Person assigned to the Jira issue. You must provide the sign in name for an existing user (for example, myuser).


Comma-separated list of issue labels (for example, MyLabel1, MyLabel 2). Jira does not support spaces in the labels. Labels replace the current labels of an issue, unless the Add Field Values parameter is selected.

Affects Version(s)

Comma-separated list of affected versions (for example, 7.0, 8.0). The version should exist in the project. Versions replace the current versions of an issue, unless the Add Field Values parameter is selected.


Full description of the issue, steps to reproduce, and expected results. Jira markup can be used here, for example:

Added by Job {color:red} $[/myJob/id] {color}

Note that this works in a job context. For a pipeline, use /myPipelineRuntime)

For more information, refer to the Jira Formatting documentation. If several issues are queried, they are not updated and the procedure fails. The value from this field overrides the current description of the issue.

Additional Parameters

Any additional parameters to be specified for the Jira issue in JSON format. The parameters are placed under the fields key in the request. The values in Jira are overridden. For example, : { "customfield_70000": [ "jira-administrators", "jira-software-users" ]}.

Refer to the Jira REST API for supported parameters for creating an issue API. Example formats for this parameter are:

  • Single value field: {"customfield_10000": "value"} (for example, {"customfield_1212": "Epic Name"} where customfield_1212 is a custom field for Epic Name.

  • Multiple values field: {"customfield_10042": [{"value": "8.0"}, {"value": "8.0.1"}]}.

  • Link to another object: {"parent": {"id": "TEST-1"}} (for creating a sub-task, for example).

Transition Action

Action to change issue status (for example, Close, Reopen). To read more about workflows, please refer to the Working with workflows Jira documentation.

To get a list of available transitions for a particular issue, use Get Transitions REST API call.

An example call:

curl -u user:password http://myinstance:8080/rest/api/2/issue/TEST-1/transitions { "transitions" : [ { "to" : { ... }, "name" : "Start Progress" }, { "to" : { ... }, "id" : "21", "name" : "Done" } ] }


Comment to add to the found issues. If left blank, no comment is added. Jira markup can be used here. For example:

Added by Job {color:red} $[/myJob/id] {color}

For more information, refer to the JIRA Formatting documentation.

Add Field Values

If selected, issue fields that can contain multiple items (for example, Labels or Affected Versions) are extended with new values instead of being replaced. Custom fields are not supported.

Result Property

Property sheet or property name to store results. /myJob/updatedIssues is the default.

Result Format

Format to store results, JSON or property sheet. Retrieved Jira issues are saved under this property. For more information, refer to Result format.

Create Summary Link?

If selected, a report with a summary and links are attached to the pipeline summary and job summary.

Summary link property

Property to store a report is generated and attached to the pipeline summary and job summary. The default value is JIRA Created Issues Report.

Summary link title

Title for a link to download a report. The default title is Download Report.

Output parameters

Table 14. UpdateIssues output parameters
Output Parameter (CloudBees CD/RO 8.3+) Description


URL to the HTML Jira report.


Comma-separated list of issue IDs that were involved in the request.

Configure the CollectReportingData procedure

The CollectReportingData procedure retrieves issues from Jira, groups them by the specified fields, creates the report payload and sends the payload into the reporting system.

Associate issues with a Jira feature or defect object

To associate issues with a Jira feature or defect object, the Field mapping parameter must be specified.

Field mapping has a format of jiraField:featureField, where jiraField is the name of the field in Jira (for example, projectName) and the featureField is the name of the field in the Jira feature or defect (for example, releaseProjectName). The most common fields are:

  • projectName: The name of the Jira project.

  • statusName: String representation of the issue status (for example, Opened).

  • versions.name: String representation of Fix Versions field (for example, 8.0).

  • epicName: The name of the bound Epic (for example, Reporting).

  • issueTypeName: String representation of the issue type (for example, Bug).

Field names are case-insensitive. All available Jira fields can be seen in the procedure logs, but some of them have a type that is not compatible with mappings. If you need special handling, use transformScript with an additional, third, parameter.

Custom fields that you define appear in the list of Jira fields based on the custom field name, using lowercase characters and no spaces. In this example, if the custom field is:

{"id": "customfield_10100", "key": "customfield_10100", "name": "TEST Custom Field", "custom": true, ...

It appears as testcustomfield in the list of Jira Fields.

Retrieve summary data

To retrieve summary data, like the sum of storyPoints in the grouped issues, the Fields to aggregate parameter must be specified. If the parameter is left empty, each issue is sent as a separate report payload. Any field with numeric data can be used in this parameter. The most commonly used fields are:

  • storyPoints: Story points for the issues (stories, epics).

  • timeEstimate: Estimated time for the issue.

A refined issue can look like the following:

$VAR1 = { 'acceptancecriteria' => undef, 'aggregateprogressprogress' => '', 'aggregateprogresstotal' => '', 'aggregatetimeestimate' => undef, 'aggregatetimeoriginalestimate' => undef, 'aggregatetimespent' => undef, 'assigneeactive' => 'true', 'businessvalue' => undef, 'components' => [], 'created' => '2017-07-10T08:52:04.000-0700', 'creatoractive' => 'true', 'creatorname' => 'name', 'customer' => undef, 'customeremail' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'docimpactid' => '10850', 'docimpactvalue' => 'Not Set', 'duedate' => '2017-07-12', 'engcategory' => undef, 'environment' => undef, 'epic/theme' => undef, 'epiclink' => undef, 'fixversions' => [ { 'archived' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' ), 'id' => '16703', 'name' => '1.0.0', 'released' => $VAR1->{'fixversions'}[0]{'archived'}, 'self' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/version/16703' } ], 'flagged' => undef, 'id' => '80952', 'installerimpactid' => '10851', 'installerimpactself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10851', 'installerimpactvalue' => 'Not Set', 'issuelinks' => [], 'issuetypedescription' => 'Test jira', 'issuetypeiconurl' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/images/icons/issuetypes/story.png', 'issuetypeid' => '9', 'issuetypename' => 'Story', 'issuetypeself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/issuetype/9', 'issuetypesubtask' => '', 'key' => 'ECJIRA-12', 'keywords' => undef, 'labels' => [], 'lastviewed' => '2017-07-13T06:37:53.720-0700', 'milestoneid' => '10872', 'milestoneself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10872', 'milestonevalue' => 'Unassigned', 'operatingsystem' => [ { 'id' => '10031', 'self' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10031', 'value' => 'All' } ], 'perforcejob' => 'true', 'priorityiconurl' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/images/icons/P2.gif', 'priorityid' => '2', 'priorityname' => 'P2', 'priorityself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/priority/2', 'progress' => '', 'progresstotal' => '', 'projectcategoryid' => '10030', 'projectcategoryname' => 'Sample project', 'projectcategoryself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/projectCategory/10030', 'projectid' => '12770', 'projectkey' => 'ECJIRA', 'projectname' => 'Jira Plugin', 'projectself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/project/12770', 'rank' => '1|i034ev:', 'rank(obsolete)' => '9223372036854775807', 'releaseversionhistory' => undef, 'reporteractive' => 'true', 'reporterdisplayname' => 'Someone', 'reporteremailaddress' => 'someone@mycompany.com', 'reportername' => 'Someone', 'resolution' => undef, 'resolutiondate' => undef, 'self' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/issue/80952', 'severityid' => '10003', 'severityself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10003', 'severityvalue' => 'normal', 'sprint' => undef, 'statuscategorycolorname' => 'blue-gray', 'statuscategoryid' => '2', 'statuscategorykey' => 'new', 'statuscategoryname' => 'New', 'statuscategoryself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/statuscategory/2', 'statusdescription' => 'The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.', 'statusiconurl' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/images/icons/statuses/open.png', 'statusid' => '1', 'statusname' => 'Open', 'statusself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/status/1', 'subtasks' => [], 'summary' => 'Sample jira with delivery date', 'timeestimate' => undef, 'timeoriginalestimate' => undef, 'timespent' => undef, 'updated' => '2017-07-13T06:37:53.000-0700', 'versions' => [], 'votes' => '', 'voteshasvoted' => '', 'votesself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/issue/ECJIRA-12/votes', 'watchesiswatching' => 'true', 'watchesself' => 'http://some-jira.company.com/rest/api/2/issue/ECJIRA-12/watchers', 'watcheswatchcount' => '1', 'workratio' => -1 };

To put a top-level field into a payload, simply use its name (for example, projectkey:projectKey). To put a value from an array, use the dot syntax: operatingsystem.value:operatingSystem, which results in {"operatingSystem": "All"} in the payload.

Result format

Several procedures support saving results and the list of issues that were created, updated, or queried in two formats: JSON or a property sheet.

If Property Sheet is the selected format, the result is saved in the following format:

%property% /issues /key -> MYJIRA-1 /summary -> "Some summary" /type -> Bug /status -> Closed /assignee -> Admin /issueKeys -> MYJIRA-1

If there are no issues to save, the property is not created.

Here is the sample:

If JSON is selected, the raw JSON response from Jira API is saved. For example:

[ { "fields" : { "versions" : [], "labels" : [], "duedate" : null, "timespent" : null, "timeoriginalestimate" : null, "updated" : "2017-10-24T00:32:32.000+0000", "description" : null, "lastViewed" : "2017-10-25T18:17:39.778+0000", "status" : { "name" : "To Do", "description" : "", "statusCategory" : { "name" : "To Do", "key" : "new", "colorName" : "blue-gray", ... } }, "creator" : { "name" : "admin", "emailAddress" : "someone@mycompany.com", "key" : "admin", ... }, "aggregatetimespent" : null, "resolution" : null, "issuelinks" : [], "summary" : "my summary", "aggregatetimeoriginalestimate" : null, "assignee" : { ... }, "resolutiondate" : null, "fixVersions" : [], "subtasks" : [ { ... } ], "issuetype" : { "name" : "Sub-task", "description" : "The sub-task of the issue", .... }, "aggregateprogress" : { ... }, "components" : [], "timeestimate" : null, "progress" : { ... }, "watches" : { ... }, "project" : { ... }, "workratio" : -1, "aggregatetimeestimate" : null, "priority" : { ... }, "reporter" : { ... }, "created" : "2017-10-24T00:32:32.000+0000", "environment" : null, "votes" : { ... } }, "id" : "10100", "self" : "http://myinstance/rest/api/2/issue/10100", "key" : "TEST-2" } ]

Here is an example of the full JSON.

Update issues based on source control logs

  1. Create a procedure with three steps:

    1. The first steps checks out code from Git.

    2. The second step runs the LinkIssues procedure.

      It reads the property /myJob/ecscm_changeLogs, which is to be set by the previous step, and writes its results into the /myJob/issueLinks property sheet.

    3. The third step runs the UpdateIssues procedure:

      It reads issue keys from the property /myJob/issueLinks/issueKeys, which is to be set by the previous step and uses these keys as a part of JQL.

  2. Run the procedure:

  3. View the logs:

  4. View the report:

Jira plugin release notes


  • Added the option to customize properties and titles for attached reports in the pipeline summary.

  • Fixed an issue when the plugin could not assign a new ticket or update an existing one to a user in Jira Cloud.

  • Fixed an issue with processing redirection HTTP response status codes.


  • Added Personal Access Token (PAT) authentication support.


  • Fixed an issue with the resolvedOn field not being retrieved for DevOps Insight configurations created for the Release Command Center (RCC).


  • Fixed parsing assignees received from Jira Cloud.

  • Fixed the Ignore SSL errors flag used for reporting.


  • Added resources for checking connections.


  • Fixed updating subtasks with additional parameters.


  • Updated the documentation about testing in v8.x environments.


  • Added the Ignore SSL errors flag and support for self-signed certificates.


  • Set the minimum required server version to CloudBees CD/RO 10.3, to avoid issues with the older Perl versions.


  • The plugin is switched to Perl version 5.31. No backward compatibility with releases prior 10.3. Starting from this release, a new agent is required to run this plugin’s procedures.


  • Fixed support for the new plugin configurations created within the UI.


  • Added support for new plugin configurations.


  • Added support for the Create New Version procedure.

  • Added support for the Mark Version As Released procedure.


  • Fixed an issue that occurred where the UpdateIssue procedure did not work correctly in some environments with custom fields.

  • Updated the CreateIssues procedure to account for changes in Jira versions 8.4 and later.


  • Fixed a bug that could occur if the CollectReportingData procedure sent the incorrect configuration name in the DOIS payload.


  • Fixed an issue where the EditConfiguration procedure did not work properly in older environments.


  • The Jira plugin configuration has been improved to support external credentials.


  • Migrated documentation to the documentation site.


  • Added the Fix Versions parameter to the CreateIssues and UpdateIssues procedures.


  • Enhanced the CollectReportingData procedure to support the transform() method of receiving additional parameters via refined issue fields.


  • Added an error-resistant design for the PEM RSA private key handling, including:

    • Checking the correctness of the base64 key body.

    • Checking and correcting the beginning and ending markers.

    • Checking and correcting the number of pads.

  • Renamed to "CloudBees CD/RO".


  • Provide details on the expected RSA key format.


  • Improved the CreateConfiguration procedure by adding support for checking connections, diagnostics, and capturing errors.


  • Enhanced the user experience for the CreateConfiguration and EditConfiguration procedures.

  • Updated the check connection logic due to changes in the Jira REST API.


  • Fixed bugs with UTF-8 characters in the CreateIssues, UpdateIssues, and GetIssues procedures.


  • Fixed a minor issue with the configuration form when the configuration was opened and a warning was displayed.


  • Renamed to "CloudBees".

  • Fixed an issue with lost output parameters for CloudBees CD/RO 9.0 that occurred upon upgrade or clean installation and the 9.0 output parameters were not created for the plugin’s procedures.


  • A new Add Field Values parameter has been added to the UpdateIssues procedure, to allow appending values for the Labels and Versions fields.


  • Promotion time has been improved.

  • Support for the Release Command Center 9.0 has been added.


  • Added support for the GetProjectVersions procedure, which returns one or more versions of a project based on different criteria.

  • Enhanced the GetIssues procedure to include an option to not save results to properties, which can be used for performance optimization or when query results are too large.


  • Added support for authentication to Jira using OAuth 1.0. Refer to the OAuth 1.0 Protocol for OAuth 1.0 and Atlassian REST API OAuth Configuration for the Jira implementation of OAuth.

  • Added the Field List to Save? parameter to the GetIssues procedure to retrieve additional issue fields as part of the existing HTML report.

  • For better usability and consistency, optional procedure parameters no longer contain default placeholder values.

  • Fixed problems with the jiraids and jirareporturl output parameters.

  • The deprecated CreateIssue and UpdateIssue procedures have been removed.


  • Added support for HTTP proxies. If you use HTTP proxies, you can specify the proxy information (for example, the host, port and credentials) at the configuration level, and all procedures now use the HTTP proxy as secondary credentials for authentication.


  • Fixed the Jira URL in the issues report for URLs with path segments. For example, if the Jira endpoint is represented as http://endpoint:port/jira, jira was omitted from the URL.

  • Added support for certain Electric Flow 8.4 features. Changes include adding an icon for dashboards and the ability to create configurations inline.


  • Fixed reporting logic for processing fields with an = symbol.

  • Enhanced the LinkIssues procedure to process issues with a summary longer than 255 characters.

  • For all plugins available with Electric Flow v8.3 and later:

    • Support has been added for rendering procedure parameters based entirely on configured form XMLs and the ability to manage plugin configurations inline as part of a process step or pipeline stage task.

    • Support has been added for the jiraids output parameter.

    • Support has been added for the jirareporturl output parameter is returned with a URL to the generated HTML reports.


  • The Create Link parameter was renamed to Create Summary Link.


  • Added support for the CreateIssues, GetIssues, UpdateIssues, and LinkIssues procedures was added.

  • The CreateIssue and UpdateIssue procedures were deprecated.

  • Test Connection and Log Level support were added to the Jira plugin configuration.


  • A drill-down feature was added to the CollectReportingData procedure.


  • First release.