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Retrieves pipeline runs.caseSensitiveSearchBooleanoptionalApplicable only for case-sensitive databases. When set to True (default), searches are case-sensitive. When set to False , searches are case-insensitive.filtersArray<Filter>optionalA list of zero or more filter criteria definitions used to define objects to find. firstResultIntegeroptionalResult pagination: the first row to return. flowRuntimeIdStringoptionalThe ID of the flow runtime. flowRuntimeNameStringoptionalThe name of the flow runtime. maxResultsIntegeroptionalResult pagination: the number of rows to return. pipelineNameStringoptionalThe name of the pipeline. projectNameStringoptionalThe name of the project. releaseIdStringoptionalThe ID of the release. releaseNameStringoptionalThe name of the release. sortKeyStringoptionalHow to sort the results. sortOrderStringoptionalSpecifies the order to sort the results. Possible values: "ascending" , "descending" viewNameStringoptionalThe name of the view. |
import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.ElectricFlow import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.models.* ElectricFlow ef = new ElectricFlow() def result = ef.getPipelineRuntimes( /* optional arguments */ )
Retrieve number of pipeline runs based on outcome
This example retrieves the number of pipeline runs whose outcome is error
import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.ElectricFlow import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.models.Filter ElectricFlow ef = new ElectricFlow() // Define filter for the query Filter pipelineRunFilter = new Filter( operator: "equals", propertyName: "outcome", operand1: "error" ) // Execute the query with the filter def result = ef.getPipelineRuntimes(filters: [pipelineRunFilter])
You can find the property names, and their associated datatypes for any entity, using describeObject API. |