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Modifies an existing catalog item.projectNameStringrequiredThe name for the project that must be unique among all projects. catalogNameStringrequiredThe name of the catalog. catalogItemNameStringrequiredThe name of the catalog item. afterItemStringoptionalIf specified, the catalog item will be placed after the named catalog item. allowSchedulingBooleanoptionalIf specified, the schedules/triggers creation is allowed for a catalog item. beforeItemStringoptionalIf specified, the catalog item will be placed before the named catalog item. buttonLabelStringoptionalThe name of the button label. descriptionStringoptionalComment text describing this object that is not interpreted at all by CloudBees CD/RO. dslParamFormStringoptionalThe DSL Parameter form Metadata. dslStringStringoptionalThe DSL string that is evaluated for the catalog item. endTargetJsonStringoptionalThe JSON derived end target object. firstItemBooleanoptionalTrue to make a catalog item the first in a catalog. iconUrlStringoptionalThe URL for the icon to be used in UI. If using an IPv6 address, enclose the address in square brackets. Example: [<IPv6-ADDRESS>] .newNameStringoptionalThe new name for an existing object that is being renamed. subpluginKeyStringoptionalThe name of the procedure's pluginKey. subprocedureStringoptionalThe name of the subprocedure. subprojectStringoptionalThe name of the project that contains the subprocedure or subprocess. templateObjectTypeStringoptionalThe template object type. Possible values: "none" , "release" useFormalParameterBooleanoptionalIf true catalog item uses formalParameters data, if false formXml will be used. |
import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.ElectricFlow import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.models.* ElectricFlow ef = new ElectricFlow() def result = ef.modifyCatalogItem( projectName: "test-projectName", catalogName: "test-catalogName", catalogItemName: "test-catalogItemName" /* optional arguments */ )