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Retrieves the list of pipeline stage tasks and the details about them that are displayed in the pipeline run view.flowRuntimeIdStringrequiredThe ID of the flow runtime. stageNameStringoptionalThe name of the stage. firstResultIntegeroptionalResult pagination: the first row to return. maxResultsIntegeroptionalResult pagination: the number of rows to return. sortKeyStringoptionalHow to sort the results. sortOrderStringoptionalSpecifies the order to sort the results. Possible values: "ascending" , "descending" stageRunNumberIntegeroptionalThe stage run number. |
import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.ElectricFlow import com.electriccloud.client.groovy.models.* ElectricFlow ef = new ElectricFlow() def result = ef.getPipelineStageRuntimeTasks( flowRuntimeId: "test-flowRuntimeId" /* optional arguments */ )