Define manual steps

3 minute readReferenceAutomation

You can define manual steps in application and component processes that consist of user-specified instructions that assignees must take to complete a process. Any time a manual task or step is reached in the process flow, the process stops and waits for the manual task action to be completed. An email notification is sent to all users in the assignee list to inform them their interaction is pending.

Configure a component process manual step

To set up a manual step within an application or component:

  1. Create the application or component. For more information, refer to Create and manage applications.

  2. Create and define a component process. For more information, refer to Create application process

  3. On the component step page, select New Step.

  4. On the Component process step page, define the details for the step, and select Next.

  5. For Step Type, select Manual.

  6. On the Manual Step page, provide the following details:

    • For Assignees: select to assign the manual tasks to specific users, groups, projects, or to variables.

      If using a variable, and an invalid assignee is assigned to the variable, unexpected behavior may occur. CloudBees CD/RO will still attempt to process the manual step, but if no valid assignee is found, either a random assignee may be taken, or none will be assigned and any user can approve or reject the step.
    • For Instructions, provide any special instructions needed by the assignees.

    • Select Allow to skip this task to allow this task to be skipped. The pipeline will continue running without taking action on this step.

    • Select Allow to reject this task to allow assignees to reject the task as Failed.

    • Select Use Custom Labels to change the labels Completed, Failed, or Skipped to custom values.

    • For Notification, toggle on to send notifications or off to not send notifications.

      Email notifications for manual process steps are sent to assignees regardless of whether notifications are enabled at the application or process level. If a user does not want to receive an email notification, their name should be removed from the assignee list.
    • To use a user-specific email notification, select Advanced Email Configuration.

      To use an email configuration here, it must already be configured in CloudBees CD/RO.

For more information on defining application manual tasks, including defining a manual step in a component process, refer to Model and deploy traditional applications.

The steps to define a manual step in an application process are the same.

Operations within manual steps

The following list describes special operations you can perform within manual tasks and steps:

  • To attach a parameter to a manual step, use the $[ ] notation as a property reference to access other user-specified parameters at runtime, such as evidence and status.

  • For an application process, use $[/myJobStep/comment] or $[/myJob/jobSteps/stepName/comment] to access the instructional text, which is usually in the notification emails sent to the users who perform the actions or who approve the completion of the manual step.

  • Put hyperlinks in the instructions and comments fields in the GUI. You can create a file on a server or other storage device and add the URL to that file in the GUI.

  • To automate the approval of manual steps in a procedure, first add the procedure to a Group, and then add the Group as an assignee.

  • To specify a default email template, use /server/ec_deploy/ec_notifierTemplates/ec_default_manual_process_step_notification_template.