
3 minute readAutomation

The artifact repository is a machine where artifact versions are stored.

Repositories page information

This page displays all configured artifact repositories in CloudBees CD/RO. To view the repository page, navigate to DevOps essentials  Artifact management and then select the Repositories tab. The page is divided as follows:

  • Repository action rows

  • Repository selection row

Table 1. Repository action rows
Column Name Description

Add repository

Opens the New Repository pop-up screen to add a new repository.


  • Select the Default filter link to display the list of existing filters.

  • Select the Add new filter icon to create and define new filter criteria.

  • Select the Edit filter link to rename an existing filter (if available).


Enter any text for your search. This field is case-sensitive.

For example, enter a host name. You do not need to enter a full name or text string — this field filters on a partial text entry; sometimes 2-3 characters are all you might need.

Table 2. Repository selection row
Column Name Description


The name of the artifact repository.

If you have multiple repositories and want to change the search order for retrieving artifacts, select and drag the 6 dots icon up or down to reposition an artifact to the desired order.


The name of the zone where this repository resides.


The server URL is in the form protocol://host:port/.

Typically, the repository server is configured to listen on port 8200 for https requests, so a typical URL looks like this: https://host:8200/

IPv6 addresses are only supported for Kubernetes platforms. If using an IPv6 address, enclose the address in square brackets. Example: [<IPv6-ADDRESS>].


Select this checkbox to enable or disable this artifact repository.

By disabling this repository, users will not be able to retrieve any artifacts stored in this repository.


  • Details: Open the Edit Repository pop-up screen of the specific repository.

  • Delete: Delete the artifact repository in the row.

Create a new or edit an existing repository

There are multiple ways to add or edit an existing repository.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Select the Add repository button.

    • Select the name of the repository to edit from the list.

    • Select the Details link from the Actions menu of the repository to edit.

  2. Enter or update the information in the following fields:

    Field Name Description

    Repository Name

    Enter a name of your choice for this repository.


    (Optional) Plain text or HTML description for this object. If using HTML, you must surround your text with <html> …​ </html> tags. Allowable HTML tags are <a>, <b>, <br>, <div>, <dl>, <font>, <i>, <li>, <ol>, <p>, <pre>, <span>, <style>, <table>, <tc>, <td>, <th>, <tr>, and <ul>.

    • For example, the following HTML:

      <p> <span style="font-family: Arial;"> <i>Note:</i> For more information about the <b>abc</b> object, see <a href=""></a>. </span> </p>

      renders as follows:

      <i>Note</i>: For more information about the <b>abc</b> object, see


    The server URL is in the form protocol://host:port/. Typically, the repository server is configured to listen on port 8200 for https requests, so a typical URL looks like https://host:8200/.

    IPv6 addresses are only supported for Kubernetes platforms. If using an IPv6 address, enclose the address in square brackets. Example: [<IPv6-ADDRESS>].


    Use the dropdown menu to select a zone for this repository. If no zone is selected, this repository will reside in the default zone.


    Select this checkbox to enable this repository. If this repository is disabled ("unchecked"), users will not be able to retrieve any artifacts stored in this repository.

  3. Select OK when done.

Delete an existing repository

There are two ways to delete an existing repository from the list.

  1. Navigate to DevOps essentials  Artifact management.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To delete a single repository or multiple repositories;

      • Enable the checkbox next to the desired repository or repositories from the list.

      • Select Delete repositories at the bottom of the page.

        The Delete repositories button is inactive until a user is selected.
    • To delete a specific repository;

      • Select the Delete option from the Actions menu of the repository to be deleted.