Create and manage users

6 minute readAutomation

The Users page displays all users known to the CloudBees CD/RO server, including users defined locally within the server and those defined in external repositories such as LDAP, Active Directory, or SSO.

View the user list

To view the list of users, from the CloudBees CD/RO main menu, navigate to Administration  Users.

The following is a description of the fields at the top of the users list.

Field Name Description


Enter a user’s Name, Real Name, or Email to locate a specific user or filter the list of users.

Include Unregistered Users

  • Select this option to view all directory provider users, including those not registered in CloudBees CD/RO.

    Select Include Unregistered Users to include external LDAP or Active Directory provider users.
  • Clear this option to view only users registered in CloudBees CD/RO.


Select the Filters to select a custom filter. For more on managing custom filters, refer to Manage user filters.

When querying custom Users filters, only users registered in CloudBees CD/RO are returned. Users from your external LDAP or Active Directory providers are not included in custom filter results.

Number of results per page

In the bottom-left corner, the number of displayed results and the total returned are shown (for example, 1-10 of 15). Select the box with the to adjust how many results are displayed.

CloudBees CD/RO has no upper limit for returning results, but if you select 500 or higher, you might overload your browser, and that can cause performance degradation or more serious issues.

The following are column descriptions for the Users page.

Column Name Description


Name or email address of the user. The name is the unique identifier for this user local to the CloudBees CD/RO server. This could be LDAP, Active Directory, OpenID Connect, or SAML.


Repository containing the user. This is usually LDAP or Active Directory.

Local refers to local to the CloudBees CD/RO server. Other names in this column refer to defined directory providers.

Real name

User’s given name.


User’s email address as known within the system.

Last login time

Date and time of the user’s last sign in.

Accessed on last login

The repository the user last accessed.


Actions you can perform on the user, including:

  • Details: Opens the Edit User pop-up screen. For more information, refer to Create or edit a user.

  • DSL Export: Opens the Export DSL screen to specify DSL options. Select Export to download the user details in the specified DSL format.

  • DSL Editor: Opens the DSL Editor pop-up screen to edit user details.

  • Access Tokens: This displays a list of tokens assigned to the user.

    • To add an access token:

      1. Complete the following fields on the New access token screen.

        1. Name: (Required) Enter a name for the token.

        2. Description: Enter a description of the token.

        3. Expiration days: Enter the number of days available before expiration.

      2. Select Save changes when done.

      3. Copy the access token displayed for use.

        Once created, the token is displayed in the list.

    • To edit a token, select the Edit option from the Actions menu for the desired token.

    • To delete a token, either:

      1. Select the checkbox next to the desired token, and then select Delete access tokens.

      2. Select the Delete option from the Actions menu for the desired token.

  • Properties: Opens the Properties screen. Properties are the objects related to the user. The following options are available:

    • Select the + icon to add a property to the object and complete the fields shown:

      • Property name: Name for the property.

      • Expandable: If selected, expansion can reference this property in other properties.

      • Place into…: Select the directory (property sheet) to contain the property.

      • Description: Description of the property.

      • Value: Declare a value for the property.

    • Select the Add directory icon to add a directory and select the directory for the property.

      • Directory: Enter the name for the directory to be added.

      • Place into…: Select the directory (property sheet) to contain the property.

        For more information about properties, refer to Properties.

  • Access control: Displays the privileges assigned to the user and view inherited privileges. To add a privilege:

    • Select the + icon.

    • Complete the Type field and indicate the permission level (inherit, allow, or deny) for each category (read, modify, execute, and change permissions).

  • Change History: Displays the change history associated with the user.

  • Delete: Deletes the user.

View external users

While you can view external user content, you must go to the LDAP or Active Directory repository to edit external user information. However, you may associate properties with external users and then use those properties in CloudBees CD/RO.

To configure your existing LDAP and Active Directory account repositories to communicate with CloudBees CD/RO, navigate to Administration  Configurations  Directory providers.

Searches using custom filters do not return users from external LDAP or Active Directory.

Add registered users

Active Directory and LDAP users can add registered users.

To add a registered user:

  1. Select Register user.

  2. Complete the fields to register the user.

  3. Select OK.

    Once registration is complete, the Custom user properties section and Access Control links appear.

Modify user properties or assign custom user properties

Registered users can modify user properties or assign custom user properties.

  1. To modify user properties or assign custom user properties, either:

    • Select the Create Property link.

    • Select the Create Nested Sheet link.

    • Select the Access Control link.

  2. Complete the fields to modify the desired properties.

  3. Select OK.

Create or edit a user

CloudBees CD/RO supports two types of user accounts:

  • External users that are defined in an LDAP or Active Directory system.

  • Local users defined in this CloudBees CD/RO server. Local users are not visible outside of CloudBees CD/RO.

CloudBees recommends using external accounts whenever available; however, local users are created if there is no shared directory service or when a special account is needed for CloudBees CD/RO only.

Create or edit a local user

  1. Navigate to Administration  Users.

    • To create a new user, select Add user.

    • To edit an existing user, select the Actions menu for the user, and then select Details.

  2. Complete or update the following fields on the New User or Edit User pop-up screen.

    Field Name Description

    User Name

    Name of the user account to be used for sign in.

    Real Name

    User’s real (given) name.


    User’s email address.


    List of groups to which this user will belong; enter one group per line.


    List of personas that apply to this user; enter one persona per line.


    User’s new temporary password.

    Retype Password

    Re-enter the new password.

  3. Select OK when done.

Delete a user

There are two ways to delete an existing user.

  1. Navigate to Administration  Users.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To delete a single user or multiple users:

      • Select the checkbox next to the desired user(s).

      • Select Delete user at the bottom of the page.

    • To delete a specific user;

      • Select the Actions menu for the user to be deleted, and then select Delete.

Manage user filters

The following sections explain how to create, edit, and delete custom user filters.

Create user filters

To create custom user filters:

  1. Navigate to Administration  Users.

  2. On the right side of the page, select the New filter New filter icon.

  3. Select a parameter name from the Field menu.

  4. Select a parameter Operator.

  5. Enter a parameter Value.

  6. Repeat as needed.

    • Select the Condition in the upper right of the window to add more search conditions.

    • To remove an unneeded search condition, select the Delete Delete icon on the condition row.

  7. Once you have added the required conditions, select Apply.

  8. Once the Users page reloads, select Save filter Save filter.

    1. Provide a name for filter.

    2. Select the Shared checkbox to make the filter available to other users.

    3. Select OK to save the filter.

Edit user filters

To edit custom user filters:

  1. Navigate to Administration  Users.

  2. Select Filters , and then select the custom filter you want to edit.

  3. On the right side of the page, select Edit filter Edit filter.

    To edit only the name of the filter, or if it should be shared with other users:

    1. Select Save filter > Save As.

    2. Update the fields as needed.

    3. Select OK to save the updates as a new filter.

    A new filter is created when you select Save As. The original filter still exists and remains unchanged. To delete the original filter, refer to Delete user filters.

  4. Select OK to save the filter.

  5. Modify the Field, Operator, or Value field entries as needed.

    • Select the Condition in the upper right of the window to add more search conditions.

    • To remove an unneeded search condition, select the Delete Delete icon on the condition row.

  6. Select Apply to update the filter results.

  7. Select Save filter:

    • Select Save to update the current filter.

    • To save your changes as a new filter, select Save As:

      1. Provide a name for the new filter.

      2. To share the filter with other users, select the Shared checkbox.

      3. Select OK to save the new filter.

    A new filter is created when you select Save As. The original filter still exists and remains unchanged. To delete the original filter, refer to Delete user filters.
  8. Select OK to save the filter.

Delete user filters

To delete custom user filters:

  1. Navigate to Administration  Users.

  2. On the right side of the page, select Filters , and then select the custom filter you want to delete.

  3. Select Edit filter.

  4. In the Custom Filter row, select the Delete Delete icon.

  5. A confirmation window appears. Select OK to delete the filter.