Switch from an alternate database to the built-in database

1 minute readReference

The switch to the built-in (default) CloudBees CD/RO database can occur at any time. The following procedure shows how to switch to the built-in database from any CloudBees CD/RO-supported alternate database.

Using the built-in database is possible only if during the installation it was activated via the --installDatabase installer parameter or by the corresponding options in the GUI installer.

If you are using two different CloudBees CD/RO servers in a non-HA configuration, they cannot point to the same database.
  1. If the built-in database service is disabled, enable and start it.

    To do so, enter the following ecconfigure command:

    ecconfigure --databaseEnableService=1
  2. Point the CloudBees CD/RO server to use the built-in database using the UI or the ectool setDatabaseConfiguration command.

    • If the default values for the password (changeme) and port (8900) are unchanged, enter the following:

      ectool setDatabaseConfiguration --databaseType builtin --hostName localhost --userName root --databaseName eflow
    • If the default values for the password and port have been changed, enter:

      ectool setDatabaseConfiguration --databaseType builtin --hostName localhost --userName root --password <password> --port <port_number> --databaseName eflow

CloudBees CD/RO supports Oracle JDBC connections using the SID or service name:

  • Using SID (Default):


  • Using the serviceName in the JDBC URL: The --customDatabaseUrl argument must be used to specify the full Oracle JDBC URL.

    --customDatabaseUrl <FullcustomDatabaseUrl>
