Configure OpenSearch Dashboards to work with CloudBees Analytics

2 minute read

OpenSearch Dashboards is a free open-source analytics and visualization tool. You can install and configure OpenSearch Dashboards to access the CloudBees Analytics OpenSearch instance. This section shows how to configure OpenSearch Dashboards for this purpose.

Configuring the OpenSearch Dashboards Server

IPV6 addresses are supported on the Kubernetes platform only. Enclose an IPV6 address in square brackets. Example: [<IPv6-ADDRESS>]
  1. Install the OpenSearch Dashboards server.

    This must be the same version as the OpenSearch version used by CloudBees Analytics. For download and installation details, see

  2. Open the opensearch_dashboards.yml file.

    This file is typically in the /etc/opensearch-dashboards directory if OpenSearch Dashboards was installed via a repository or in the ./config directory if extracted from a .zip archive.

  3. Change the opensearch.hosts property to point to the OpenSearch service on the machine where CloudBees Analytics is installed.

    Use the port number configured for OpenSearch (port 9201 by default) in the URL. For example:

    opensearch.hosts: ["https://localhost:9201"]


    opensearch.hosts: ["https://<your_domain>.com:9201"]
  4. Set the opensearch.username and opensearch.password properties.

    Use the user name kibanauser and the password ( changeme by default) that you configured for the reporting user during CloudBees Analytics installation. For example:

    opensearch.username: "kibanauser"
    opensearch.password: "changeme"
  5. Disable the certificate validation.

    To do so, set the opensearch.ssl.verificationMode property as follows:

    opensearch.ssl.verificationMode: none
  6. (Optional) Specify the IP address that the OpenSearch Dashboards server should listen to.

    • If the OpenSearch Dashboards server should listen to all IPv4 addresses, set it to as follows: ""
    • If the OpenSearch Dashboards server should listen to all IPv6 addresses, set it to :: as follows: "::"

Verifying the OpenSearch Dashboards Server Configuration

  1. Start the OpenSearch Dashboards server.

  2. Browse to the OpenSearch Dashboards web application.

    In the URL, use the machine where OpenSearch Dashboards is running and the port number (5601 by default). For example, enter localhost:5601 or https://<your_domain>.com:5601.

  3. Log into the OpenSearch Dashboards web application to verify that you can access the CloudBees Analytics data.

    Log in as kibanuser, and enter the password specified during CloudBees Analytics installation.

The kibanauser user can access only the ef-* indices (but not indices such as .opendistro_security). In the OpenSearch log, this access limitation might cause errors to appear, which you can ignore.