This page displays the workflow log. Notice the name after the page title, "template-1257"; this is the name of the workflow, which includes the workflow name plus the CloudBees CD/RO auto-generated ID number, and it is the object of the workflow log in our example.
Links and actions above the table
Use the down-arrow to select Error, Warn, or Info. The first time you choose a severity level, it becomes your default level; the one you always see first when you view this page. Selecting another level changes your default view.
The "star" icon allows you to save this workflow definition to your Home page.
The "bread crumbs" Project: SoftwareBuild / Workflow: template-1257 provide links to the previous page.

Column descriptions
Time: Displays the time when an event occurred that caused the server to generate a message.
Severity: The three severity levels are:
ERROR: An unexpected failure was encountered while entering a state or launching a sub-action. Generally, this error indicates a critical problem with the workflow that requires fixing the workflow definition.
WARN: A non-critical issue was encountered while the workflow was running.
INFO: Provides workflow activity information including the state entered, transitions taken, and so on.
User: The name of the user or project principal that explicitly launched the job. This property is blank when the job is launched by a schedule.
Subject: Objects displayed in this column are the subject of the message. These objects are linked to either the Workflow Details or the State Details page.
Message: A text message generated by the CloudBees CD/RO server while the workflow was running.