CloudBees Tools installation

3 minute readReference

Starting with release 2023.03.0 for Linux and 2023.04.0 for Windows and macOS, CloudBees CD/RO releases include a CloudBees Tools archive you can add to your installation. This archive includes the CloudBees CD/RO client binaries used to interact with CloudBees CD/RO server and serves as a lightweight option compared to installing the tools separately using multiple installers.

CloudBees CD/RO is normally backward compatible with older versions of CloudBees Tools as long as you are using the latest API version. However, to assure you have the latest CloudBees Tool features and API support, you must update the CloudBees Tools client binaries to the latest version as they are released.

For information on upgrading the CloudBees Tools archive to the latest version, refer to Updating CloudBees Tools.

The following tool commands are included in the CloudBees Tools archive:

Install CloudBees CD/RO Tools

Use the information in this section to complete the installation of the CloudBees CD/RO tools.

  1. If you have not already done so, download the CloudBees Tools archive. To download this version, select your required installer:

  2. Extract the archive files into a CloudBeesFlowTools-<version> directory within the current directory.

    • Linux, Linux ARM, and macOS:

      • Run the command below in the directory containing the archive file.

        Current version
        tar -xf CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>.tar.gz
        tar -xf CloudBeesFlowTools-2024.12.0.177508.tar.gz
    • Windows 10 and later:

      • Right-click on the archive file. Then select Extract all.

  3. Add CloudBees CD/RO tools to system path.

    • Linux and macOS:

      Current version
      export PATH=/path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>/bin:$PATH
      export PATH=/path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools-2024.12.0.177508/bin:$PATH
    • Windows 10 and later:

      • Add the following to the PATH environmental variable using your chosen method:

        Current version

Verify access to CloudBees CD/RO Tools

After installing CloudBees CD/RO tools test access to them using the --help for each tool.

  • Access cb-perl command help:

    View access details
    • Linux and macOS

      • Access via archive folder.

        cb-perl --help
      • Access using a relative path

        bin/cb-perl --help
      • Access using the full path.

        Current version
        /path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>/bin/cb-perl --help
        /path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools-2024.12.0.177508/bin/cb-perl --help
    • Windows

      Access the *.exe from the CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>/bin.

      Current version
      \path\you\installed\CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>\bin\ectool.exe --help
      \path\you\installed\CloudBeesFlowTools-2024.12.0.177508\bin\ectool.exe --help
  • Access dslsync command help:

    View access details
    • Linux and macOS

      • Access via archive folder.

        dslsync --help
      • Access using a relative path

        bin/dslsync --help
      • Access using the full path.

        Current version
        /path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>/bin/dslsync --help
        /path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools-2024.12.0.177508/bin/dslsync --help
    • Windows

      Access the *.exe from the CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>/bin.

      Current version
      \path\you\installed\CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>\bin\dslsync.exe --help
      \path\you\installed\CloudBeesFlowTools-2024.12.0.177508\bin\dslsync.exe --help
  • Access ectool command help:

    View access details
    • Linux and macOS

      • Access via archive folder.

        ectool --help
      • Access using a relative path

        bin/ectool --help
      • Access using the full path.

        Current version
        /path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>/bin/ectool --help
        /path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools-2024.12.0.177508/bin/ectool --help
    • Windows

      Access the *.exe from the CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>/bin.

      Current version
      \path\you\installed\CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>\bin\ectool.exe --help
      \path\you\installed\CloudBeesFlowTools-2024.12.0.177508\bin\ectool.exe --help
  • Access ec-groovy command help:

    View access details
    1. Execute export commands

      export COMMANDER_HOME=/path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools
      export COMMANDER_DATA=/path/you/installed/CloudBeesFlowTools
    2. Access ec-groovy help.

      ec-groovy --help

Updating CloudBees Tools

CloudBees CD/RO is normally backward compatible with older versions of CloudBees Tools as long as you are using the latest API version. However, to assure you have the latest CloudBees Tool features and API support, you must update the CloudBees Tools client binaries to the latest version as they are released. To get the latest tool versions:

  1. Navigate to CloudBees CD/RO downloads.

  2. Select the latest release for CloudBees CD/RO.

  3. Download the CloudBees Tools archive file for your distribution.

    1. Linux, Linux ARM, and macOS: CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>.tar.gz

    2. Windows: CloudBeesFlowTools-<version>.zip

  4. Extract the archive in the same location as your current version.

    For specific instructions on extracting the archive, refer to Install CloudBees CD/RO Tools.
  5. If prompted to override existing files, you may answer Yes to All.

Uninstall CloudBees Tools

To uninstall the tools, remove them from your $PATH (if added) and delete all source files.