This section describes the intrinsic properties for some of the objects in the CloudBees CD/RO. The property’s type precedes each property description in the Description column.
Property type | Definition |
boolean |
One of two possible values—either true or false. These values are more frequently represented by the numbers "0" and "1", where "0" equals false and "1" equals true. |
date |
A millisecond precision UTC date in ISO 8601 form: |
id |
Each time an object is created, CloudBees CD/RO generates a unique ID number for that object. |
name |
This is a unicode string value with a maximum of 255 characters. |
number |
This is a simple integer numeric value. |
reference |
This property refers to another object. |
string |
This is a unicode string value with a maximum CLOB size of the database, but only the first 450 characters are indexed, which means a defined search will not "see" beyond the first 450 characters. |
In the following tables, the Description column displays the property type followed by the property description.
An acl
is an Access Control List.
Property Name | Description |
aclId |
inheriting |
ownerType |
This is any type of object the ACL controls and can be any of the objects listed below:
parentId |
An artifact is an object that contains zero or more artifact versions. An artifact has two purposes: 1. To group artifact versions and provide a template for naming the versions 2. To restrict who can publish artifact versions, based on groupId:artifactKey
Property Name | Description |
acl |
artifactId |
artifactKey |
artifactName |
artifactVersionNameTemplate |
createTime |
description |
groupId |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
propertySheet |
An artifact version is an object that represents a user-defined unit of related files typically produced by one job and consumed by one or more other jobs.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
artifactKey |
artifactName |
artifactVersionId |
artifactVersionName |
artifactVersionState |
buildNumber |
createTime |
description |
groupId |
lastModifiedBy |
majorMinorPatch |
modifyTime |
owner |
propertySheet |
publisherJobId |
publisherJobName |
publisherJobStepId |
qualifier |
repositoryName |
version |
In CloudBees CD/RO, a credential is an object that stores a username and password for later use.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
credentialId |
credentialName |
description |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
password |
projectName |
propertySheet |
userName |
A directoryProvider is an object containing information about an external directory service (LDAP or ActiveDirectory).
Property Name | Description | ||
acl |
commonGroupNameAttribute |
createTime |
description |
directoryProviderId |
domainName |
emailAttribute |
enableGroups |
fullUserNameAttribute |
groupBase |
groupMemberAttributes |
groupMemberFilter |
groupNameAttribute |
groupSearchFilter |
lastModifiedBy |
managerDn |
modifyTime |
owner |
propertySheet |
providerIndex |
providerName |
providerType |
realm |
url |
userBase |
userNameAttribute |
userSearchFilter |
userSearchSubtree |
useSSL |
An emailConfig is an object that stores information created and used to communicate with the email server.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
configName |
createTime |
description |
emailConfigId |
emailConfigName |
lastModifiedBy |
mailFrom |
mailHost |
mailPort |
mailProtocol |
mailUser |
modifyTime |
owner |
propertySheet |
An emailNotifier is an object that stores information created and used to notify users about various types information, including status.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
condition |
configName |
container |
containerType |
createTime |
description |
destinations |
emailNotifierId |
eventType |
formattingTemplate |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
notifierName |
owner |
propertySheet |
A formalParameter
is a parameter expected by a procedure, including its name, a default value, and an indication of whether the parameter is required. Formal parameters are different from "actual parameters"--- formal parameters define the type of parameters a procedure is expecting, and actual parameters provide values to use at run-time.
Property Name | Description |
container |
containerType |
createTime |
defaultValue |
description |
expansionDeferred |
formalParameterId |
formalParameterName |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
required |
type |
To communicate with a resource, workspace, or artifact repository server in another zone, a gateway must be created. A gateway object contains two resource (agent) machines, for example, GatewayResource1 and GatewayResource2—each configured to communicate with the other. One gateway resource resides in the source zone and the other in the target zone. A gateway is bidirectional and informs the CloudBees CD/RO server that each gateway machine is configured to communicate with its other gateway machine (in another zone).
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
description |
gatewayDisabled |
` boolean: ` If set to 1 (true), the gateway is disabled. |
gatewayId |
gatewayName |
hostName1 |
hostName2 |
` string: The agent host name where Resource2 resides. This host name is used by Resource1 to communicate with Resource2. Do not specify this option is you want to use the host name from Resource2’s definition.` |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
port1 |
port2 |
propertySheet |
resourceName1 |
resourceName2 |
This is any group of users known to the CloudBees CD/RO server, including groups defined locally within the server and those groups defined in external repositories such as LDAP or ActiveDirectory.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
groupId |
groupName |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
mutable |
owner |
propertySheet |
providerName |
A job is a CloudBees CD/RO structure associated with invoking a procedure. A new job is created each time a procedure begins to execute. The job keeps track of all data associated with the procedure’s execution, such as the running time of each step and any errors that may occur during the step. CloudBees CD/RO retains job information after the job completes, so you can examine what occurred.
Property Name | Description |
abortStatus |
abortedBy |
acl |
actualParameter |
callingState |
callingStateId |
combinedStatus |
Provides more inclusive step status output—the resulting query output may contain up to three sub-elements: |
createTime |
credentialName |
deleted |
The object was marked for background deletion. Possible values are "0" or "1". Default is "0" (not set). |
directoryName |
elapsedTime |
errorCode |
` errorCode:` When the outcome is |
errorMessage |
external |
finish |
jobId |
jobName |
lastModifiedBy |
launchedByUser |
licenseWaitTime |
The sum of time all job steps had to wait for a license. |
liveProcedure |
liveSchedule |
modifyTime |
outcome |
The overall result of the job: |
owner |
priority |
Values can be |
procedureName |
projectName |
propertySheetId |
resourceWaitTime |
The sum of time all job steps had to wait for a resource. This could indicate that eligible resources for the step have reached their step limit, are in-use but the step requires a resource exclusively, or resources are down. |
runAsUser |
scheduleName |
start |
status |
Possible values are:
totalWaitTime |
The total sum of license, resource, a precondition, and workspace wait times job steps were restricted and had to wait to process. |
workspaceWaitTime |
The sum of time all job steps had to wait for a workspace. |
The jobStep object is an instance of a step that ran—a single invocation of a command on a resource or a single call to a subprocedure within the context of a job.
Property Name | Description |
abortStatus |
abortedBy |
acl |
actualParameter |
alwaysRun |
assignedResourceName |
broadcast |
combinedStatus |
Provides more inclusive step status output—the resulting query output may contain up to three sub-elements: |
command |
condition |
conditionExpanded |
createTime |
delayUntil |
For a step that was rescheduled due to a resource or workspace problem, this is the next time the step will be eligible to run. |
elapsedTime |
errorCode |
` errorCode:` This property appears when the outcome is |
errorHandling |
This is the error handling policy copied from the procedure step and indicates how the step responds to errors:
errorMessage |
exclusive |
exclusiveMode |
exitCode |
external |
finish |
hostName |
job |
The string representation of the job is its name, so |
jobId |
jobName |
jobStepId |
lastModifiedBy |
licenseWaitTime |
The length of time this job step had to wait to process because the license limit was reached or exceeded. |
liveProcedure |
liveProcedureStep |
logFileName |
modifyTime |
outcome |
owner |
parallel |
postExitCode |
postLogFileName |
postProcessor |
precondition |
procedureName |
projectName |
propertySheet |
releaseExclusive |
releaseMode |
resourceName |
resourceSource |
This property indicates whether the resource for the job step is explicitly specified by the step or was defaulted from the procedure: procedure or |
resourceWaitTime |
The length of time this job step stalled because it could not get a resource. This could indicate that eligible resources for the step have reached their step limit, are in-use but the step requires a resource exclusively, or resources are down. |
retries |
runAsUser |
runnable |
runTime |
shell |
start |
status |
Possible values are:
stepName |
subprocedure |
subproject |
timeLimit |
timeout |
totalWaitTime |
The sum of resource, workspace, and license wait times for this job step. |
waitTime |
workingDirectory |
workspaceName |
workspaceWaitTime |
The time this job step had to wait because no workspace was found or available. |
A logEntry is an object containing various types of information available in a log file generated from anywhere in the CloudBees CD/RO system. The Event Log can be configured for auto-deletion. By default, Event Log retention is 30 days. The CloudBees CD/RO server automatically marks old log entries for deletion and the background deleter cleans out old log entries. To change the default settings, go to
and modify the Event log retain time and the Maximum background delete delay fields.Setting the "retain" period to "0" disables the automatic deletion mechanism, allowing you to use an external cleanup script to implement a custom cleanup policy. |
Property Name | Description |
category |
(currently not used) |
container |
containerName |
containerType |
deleted |
logEntryId |
message |
principal |
severity |
subject |
subjectName |
subjectType |
time |
A procedure describes a series of actions to be performed on one or more resources. A procedure contains steps and properties and can define formal parameters.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
credentialName |
description |
jobNameTemplate |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
procedureId |
procedureName |
projectName |
propertySheet |
resourceName |
workspaceName |
A project is an object used in CloudBees CD/RO to organize information. A project contains procedures, schedules, credentials, and properties.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
credentialName |
deleted |
The object was marked for background deletion. Possible values are "0" or "1". Default is "0" (not set). |
description |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
pluginName |
projectId |
projectName |
propertySheet |
resourceName |
workspaceName |
A property is a string value with a name. Properties can have arbitrary names and values. You can attach properties to any object in the CloudBees CD/RO system, such as a project, procedure, or job. After a property is created, it is stored in the CloudBees CD/RO database. You can retrieve and/or modify the value later, and you can delete properties you no longer need. Properties provide a flexible and powerful mechanism to manage data about your builds.
The names properties and project are not valid property names.
Property Name | Description |
createTime |
description |
expandable |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
canonicalPath |
propertyId |
propertyName |
propertySheetId |
` reference: propertySheet—` If the property is a nested property sheet, the |
value |
A property value can be a simple string or a nested propertySheet containing its own properties. Property sheets can be nested to any depth, which allows you to create hierarchical collections of information. Most objects have an associated property sheet that contains "custom properties" created by user scripts.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
propertySheetId |
A repository is an object that stores artifact versions. This object primarily contains information on how to connect to a particular artifact repository. Similar to steps in a procedure, repository objects are in a user-specified order. When retrieving artifact versions, repositories are queried in this order until one containing the desired artifact version is found.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
description |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
propertySheet |
repositoryDisabled |
repositoryId |
repositoryIndex |
repositoryName |
url |
zoneName |
` name : ` ` ` The name of the zone where this repository is or will reside. |
A resource is associated with a server machine available to CloudBees CD/RO for running steps. A resource has a logical name in addition to a host name. A resource can be associated with one or more pools. The resource may be a "proxy target" machine that communicates with the CloudBees CD/RO server though a CloudBees CD/RO agent proxy machine.
Property Name | Description | ||
acl |
agentState |
artifactCacheDirectory |
createTime |
description |
exclusiveJobId |
exclusiveJobName |
exclusiveJobStepId |
exclusiveJobStepName |
gateways |
The gateway names associated with this resource. |
hostName |
hostOS |
hostPlatform |
lastModifiedBy |
lastRunTime |
modifyTime |
owner |
pools |
port |
propertySheet |
proxyCustomization |
proxyHostName |
proxyPort |
proxyProtocol |
repositoryNames |
A "new line" separated list of repository names. |
resourceDisabled |
resourceId |
resourceName |
shell |
stepCount |
stepLimit |
trusted |
useSSL |
workspaceName |
zoneName |
A resource pool is a container for a group of resources.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
autoDelete |
createTime |
description |
lastModifiedBy |
lastResourceUsed |
modifyTime |
orderingFilter |
owner |
propertySheet |
resourcePoolDisabled |
resourcePoolId |
resourcePoolName |
Provides usage information for all resources in the system. For any job step running on a resource, there is a resource usage record that contains the ID and name of the job, job step, and resource.
Property Name | Description |
jobId |
jobName |
jobStepId |
jobStepName |
licenseWaitTime |
The time this job step had to wait because no license was found or available. |
resourceId |
resourceName |
resourcePoolId |
resourcePoolName |
resourceUsageId |
resourceWaitTime |
The time this job step had to wait because no resource was found or available. This could indicate that eligible resources for the step have reached their step limit, are in-use but the step requires a resource exclusively, or resources are down. |
waitReason |
Possible values are: |
workspaceWaitTime |
The time this job step had to wait because no workspace was found or available. |
Schedules are used to execute procedures and determine when specific procedures run.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
actualParameter |
beginDate |
createTime |
credentialName |
description |
endDate |
interval |
intervalUnits |
lastModifiedBy |
lastRunTime |
misfirePolicy |
modifyTime |
monthDays |
owner |
priority |
procedureName |
projectName |
propertySheet |
scheduleDisabled |
scheduleId |
scheduleName |
startTime |
stopTime |
timeZone |
weekDays |
This is the CloudBees CD/RO server object. There is only one such object in your database.
These properties are especially useful for building a URL link to a CloudBees CD/RO web page. For example, a link in an email notifier that links back to a Job Details page.
A sample link:
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
hostIP |
hostName |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
propertySheet |
serverId |
serverName |
webServerHost |
A state object belongs to a workflow and corresponds to the state definition, including a pointer to the workflow, formal parameters (cloned from definition), expanded actual parameters (form the last time a transition was taken to this state), and the "process" which includes the procedure or workflow (cloned from definition), unexpanded actual parameters (cloned from definition, expanded and passed to the process on entry), and the "last run" entity reference.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
active |
actualParameter |
createTime |
description |
errorMessage |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
projectName |
propertySheet |
stateId |
stateName |
subjob |
subparameters |
subprocedure |
subproject |
substartingState |
subworkflow |
subworkflowDefinition |
workflow |
A stateDefinition is a named object that belongs to a workflow definition, which includes specifications for whether the state is "startable", formal parameters, notifications, and the process. A process includes a procedure or workflow, the starting state (for workflows only), and actual parameters.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
actualParameter |
createTime |
description |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
projectName |
propertySheet |
startable |
stateDefinitionId |
stateDefinitionName |
subprocedure |
subproject |
substartingState |
subworkflowDefinition |
workflowDefinitionName |
A step includes a command or script executed on a single resource and is the smallest unit of work CloudBees CD/RO understands. Each step specifies a resource on which it should run (either the name of a specific machine or the name of a pool of equivalent machines, in which case CloudBees CD/RO picks a machine from the pool). A step can be given a time limit and if the step does not complete within the specified time, CloudBees CD/RO automatically aborts it. Steps are ordered within a procedure and normally execute sequentially. However, it is possible to mark a consecutive range of steps for parallel execution, so all steps in that range run concurrently. A step in one procedure can invoke another procedure instead of running a command. The invoking step provides parameters needed by the nested procedure.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
actualParameter |
alwaysRun |
broadcast |
command |
condition |
createTime |
credentialName |
description |
errorHandling |
This is the error handling policy copied from the procedure step and indicates how the step responds to errors:
exclusive |
exclusiveMode |
lastModifiedBy |
logFileName |
modifyTime |
owner |
parallel |
postLogFileName |
postProcessor |
precondition |
` string: By default, if a step has no precondition, it will run when scheduled. Set this property to make a step wait until one or more dependent conditions are met. When a job step is eligible to transition from pending to runnable, a precondition is evaluated. A precondition is a fixed text or text embedding property reference that is evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. An empty string, a \"0\" or \"false\" is interpreted as FALSE. Any other result string is interpreted as TRUE. The step will block until the precondition is TRUE.` |
procedureName |
projectName |
propertySheet |
releaseExclusive |
releaseMode |
resourceName |
shell |
stepId |
stepName |
subprocedure |
subproject |
timeLimit |
timeLimitUnits |
The units to use when interpreting the time limit. Units can be |
workingDirectory |
workspaceName |
A transition object belongs to a state and corresponds to the transition definition, and includes the target state (unexpanded actual parameters cloned from definition, expanded and passed to the target state on entry), the Javascript condition, and the trigger (onEnter\|onStart\|onCompletion\|manual
Property Name | Description |
acl |
actualParameter |
condition |
createTime |
description |
index |
The numeric index of a transition that indicates the transition order in the state definition’s transition list. |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
projectName |
propertySheet |
stateName |
targetState |
transitionId |
transitionName |
trigger |
workflowName |
A transitionDefinition is a named object that belongs to a state definition, which includes the target state definition (with actual parameters to the target state, the Javascript condition, and the trigger (onEnter\|onStart\|onCompletion\|manual
Property Name | Description |
acl |
actualParameter |
condition |
createTime |
description |
index |
The numeric index of a transition that indicates the transition order in the state definition’s transition list. |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
projectName |
propertySheet |
stateDefinitionName |
targetState |
transitionDefinitionId |
transitionDefinitionName |
trigger |
workflowDefinitionName |
User refers to any user currently logged into the CloudBees CD/RO system or any user who may use CloudBees CD/RO, but may not be currently logged in.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
fullUserName |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
mutable |
owner |
propertySheet |
providerName |
userId |
userName |
A workflow object includes a pointer to the workflow definition, sets of states, the active state, the starting stare, parameters to the initial state, "complete"—a boolean value determining whether the workflow is complete, and a log containing the transactions taken and user events.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
activeState |
actualParameter |
callingState |
callingStateId |
completed |
` boolean: ` If "true", the workflow is completed and no additional transactions will be evaluated. |
createTime |
deleted |
elapsedTime |
The time this object ran from start to finish. |
finish |
lastModifiedBy |
launchedByUser |
liveWorkflowDefinition |
modifyTime |
owner |
projectName |
propertySheet |
start |
startingState |
workflowDefinitionName |
workflowId |
workflowName |
A workflowDefinition object contains state and transition definitions, including the workflow name template (analogous to a job name template on a procedure), and ordered sets of state and transition definitions.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
description |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
projectName |
propertySheet |
workflowDefinitionId |
workflowDefinitionName |
workflowNameTemplate |
CloudBees CD/RO provides each job step with an area on the disk it can use for "working files" and results. This disk area is called a job workspace . (The job workspace defaults to a directory under the workspace directory.) A job step can create whatever files it needs within its workspace, and CloudBees CD/RO automatically places files such as step logs in the workspace. Normally, a single workspace is shared by all steps in a job, but different steps within a job could use different workspaces. The location of the job step workspace is displayed on the Job Details page for the job under "Details" for the step.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
agentDrivePath |
agentUncPath |
agentUnixPath |
createTime |
credentialName |
description |
lastModifiedBy |
local |
` boolean: If "true", this workspace is local.` |
modifyTime |
owner |
propertySheet |
workspaceDisabled |
workspaceId |
workspaceName |
zoneName |
CloudBees CD/RO provides the ability to create zones—often used to enhance security.
A zone is a way to partition a collection of agents to secure them from use by other groups. For example, you might choose to create a developers zone, a production zone, and a test zone—agents in one zone cannot directly communicate with agents in another zone.
A default zone is created during CloudBees CD/RO installation. The server implicitly belongs to the default zone, which means all agents in this zone can communicate with the server directly (without the use of a gateway).
Each zone can have one or more "gateway agents", which you define. Gateway agents are used for communication from one zone to another zone. For more information, refer to Zones and gateways.
Property Name | Description |
acl |
createTime |
description |
lastModifiedBy |
modifyTime |
owner |
propertySheet |
resources |
zoneId |
zoneName |