Master components list

2 minute readReferenceAutomation

The Master components list is a central interface that provides an organized view of all the key components involved in the CI/CD pipeline and release orchestration process. It serves as a resource for managing, monitoring and interacting with the various foundational elements that drive the continuous delivery and release workflows.

To open the Master components list:

  1. Select Deployment automation.

  2. Select Master components to display the following:

master components screen
  1. View and select components

    • Breadcrumb: The total number of master components.

    • Find: Enter search terms to view specific components.

    • All Projects: The master components for all projects displays by default. Choose one of these methods to limit the display:

      • Select the name of one or more projects.

      • Enter search criteria to display only those projects that are a match.

    • Tags: Filter the list of master components by selecting a pre-configured tag to locate specific components.

  2. Create and manage filters

    • Filters: The Default filter displays all master components by default. To filter the display:

      1. Select down-arrow to select a different filter from the list.

      2. Select to create a new filter:

        1. Select a field from those displayed in the Master components screen.

        2. Select an operator.

        3. Select a value.

        4. For example: Field = owner, Operator = Equals, Value = admin

    • New: Select New to create a new Master component.

  3. Master component attributes

    • Name: The name of the master component.

    • Project: The project to which the master component belongs.

    • Processes: The number of component processes for the master component.

    • Used: The number of applications dependent on this master component reference.

    • Owner: The person (username) who created the component.

    • Created: The date the component was created.

    • Actions: Select three-dots to open the context menu for access to more information, and modify the master component:

      • Details: The name and description of the object.

      • Component Definition: View and edit the master component set up.

      • DSL Export: Generate and export a DSL script from the CloudBees CD/RO UI.

      • Add Process: Add a component process; a master component can have one or more component processes.

      • Parameters: The parameters defined for the master component.

      • Properties: The properties for the master component.

      • Access control: The access control configuration in the automation platform for the master component.

      • Change History: The change history for the master component.

      • Delete: Delete the master component.

    • Expand: Select to view applications that reference the master component and perform quick impact analysis to understand which applications would be impacted if a referenced master component is changed.

  4. View application attributes

    • Name: Applications that reference the master component. Select the application name to open the Application editor page and perform impact analysis for applications impacted if a referenced master component is changed.

    • Components: The application components.

    • Processes: The application processes.

    • Environments: The list of environments the application is mapped to.

    • Views: This icon is visible if is selected. Select this icon to display the context menu:

      • Application editor

      • Application process runs

      • DSL editor

      • Snapshots