Define manual tasks

3 minute readReferenceAutomation

You can define manual tasks in pipelines that consist of user-specified instructions that assignees must take to complete a pipeline task. Any time a manual task is reached in the pipeline, the pipeline stops and waits for the manual task action to be completed. An email notification is sent to all users in the assignee list to inform them their interaction is pending.

For an example of defining a manual pipeline task, refer to Example: Create a manual task in a pipeline.

Set up a pipeline manual task

To set up a manual task:

  1. Navigate to Release orchestration  Pipelines.

  2. Select your pipeline from the list to open it.

  3. In the Pipeline editor, select the Add task on the stage where you want to add the manual task.

  4. Name the task and select Add.

  5. Select Define. The Edit Task window opens.

  6. For Task type, select Manual.

  7. For Assignees, select either:

    • A username.

    • A group.

    • A Property

      If you select a Property, the Value field of the property cannot be left blank and must contain a valid user or group. If the property Value field is left blank, unexpected behavior will result and a random user may be assigned to CloudBees CD/RO as the approver.

      Additionally, there are no checks in place to verify whether the user or group in the property Value field is a valid user or group. If an invalid user or group is configured in the property Value field, the manual task may be approved by any user.

  8. For Notification, select to enable or disable notifications and the notification type. Select the to edit the email notification message.

  9. Select Minimum users to approve if you need more than one approver to approve the task, and provide the number of assignees required.

  10. Select Use approver’s permissions for further Pipeline execution if you need further tasks in the pipeline to run using the assignees' permission levels.

  11. Select Allow to skip this task to allow this task to be skipped. The pipeline continues running without taking action on this step.

  12. Select Allow to reject this task to allow assignees to reject the task as Failed.

  13. In the Instructions field, enter text to help the assignee.

    The Instructions field for all manual tasks supports using Markdown syntax. The following table provides the basic supported syntax:

    Supported Markdown syntax
    Table 1. Supported Markdown syntax
    Markdown syntax Supported? Example


    - item1 - item2

    Character code



    ``` jobs: build: steps: - Compile ```


    ![External image](


    **bold text** _italics_ ~~strike through~~


    # H1 Header




    Line break

    The first paragraph of content. The next paragraph of content.

    Quotes section

    > Quoted text


    | Test | Results | |--------|---------| | Test 1 | PASS | | Test 2 | FAIL | | Test 3 | PASS |
  14. Select Use Custom Labels to change the labels Completed, Failed, or Skipped to custom values.

Operations within manual tasks

The following list describes special operations you can perform within manual tasks:

  • To attach a parameter to a manual task or step, use the $[ ] notation as a property reference to access other user-specified parameters at runtime, such as evidence and status.

  • For a pipeline manual task, use $[/javascript myFlowRuntime.flowRuntimeStates[0].evidence] to collect the user’s response in subsequent tasks. This command using ( 0 ) assumes that the manual task is the first task in the stage.

  • Put hyperlinks in the instructions and comments fields in the GUI. You can create a file on a server or other storage device and add the URL to that file in the GUI.

  • To specify a default email template, use /server/ec_deploy/ec_pipelineNotifierTemplates/ec_default_pipeline_manual_task_notification_template.