Create a customized CloudBees Analytics dashboard

1 minute readDeveloper productivityData analytics

In addition to using the built-in dashboards that are included with CloudBees Analytics, you can create your own dashboards and reports to visualize key metrics that are important to your organization. You can author dashboards containing cells that display metrics for releases, deployments, features, and builds.

Types of dashboards you can create

When creating a new dashboard, you can either begin with a standard blank canvas or utilize a command center layout and customize it.

  • Standard dashboards: This option begins with a blank canvas and enables you to add widgets and arrange them as needed in the dashboard. Use cases could include dashboards with a specific focus area, role-specific information, historical data analysis, and tool integration.

  • Command center dashboards: This type of dashboard utilizes a specialized grid and column-based layout. The Release Command Center dashboard is an example of this type of dashboard.

New customized dashboard

Refer to Create a new dashboard to develop new dashboards that visualize key metrics crucial to your organizations deployments. This functionality enables you to design custom widgets with cells that provide detailed metrics for releases, deployments, features, and builds. Whether you choose the standard type or command center type, creating new dashboards gives you full control over how the data is monitored and displayed.