CloudBees CD/RO® is an enterprise-grade DevOps release automation platform that simplifies provisioning, building, and releasing of multi-tiered applications and microservices. Its model-driven approach to managing environments, applications, and microservices allows teams to coordinate multiple pipelines and releases across hybrid infrastructure in an efficient, predictable, and auditable way.
CloudBees CD/RO includes the following benefits:
Provides the ability to share automation, application, and pipeline definitions across groups to improve consistency and drive efficiency.
Displays the path to production for any artifact and includes role-based access control, automatic or manual approvals and built-in tracking for every pipeline change and run.
Provides a unified data and object model for release orchestration, environment and pipeline management, and deployment automation to give a complete view into the entire process of taking applications from concept into production, with complete auditability and traceability.
Allows automated workflows, application or microservice deployments, or pipelines.
Provides the ability to model and deploy one application or microservice for more than one use case.
Supports the deployment of all, some, or specific versions of artifacts in an application.
Provides change tracking for tracked objects, including applications or microservices, artifacts, jobs, resources, and workflows.
Allows resource optimization in dynamic environments.

Web-based system
At its core, CloudBees CD/RO automation platform is a web-based system for automating and managing the build, test, deployment, and release process. It provides a scalable solution and solves some of the biggest challenges of managing these "back end" software development tasks, including:
Time wasted on script-intensive, manual, home-grown systems that:
Are error prone
Do not scale well
Have little or no management visibility or reporting
Multiple, disconnected build and test systems across locations, resulting in:
Redundant work
Inability to share or reuse code files across teams
Hard to manage build and test data
Slow overall build and release cycles that directly impact:
Release predictability
Automation Platform
The automation platform has a three-tier architecture, an AJAX-powered web interface, and a first-of-its-kind build and release analytic capabilities for reporting and compliance. With this solution, your developers, release engineers, build managers, QA teams, and managers gain:
A shared platform for disseminating best practices and reusing common procedures
The ability to support geographically distributed teams
Continuous integration and greater agility
Faster throughput and more efficient hardware utilization
Visibility and reporting for better project predictability
Better software quality by integrating and validating against all target platforms and configurations
For examples of CloudBees CD/RO architecture configurations, refer to Architecture.
What makes CloudBees CD/RO unique?
CloudBees CD/RO provides enterprise-class speed and scalability for software build and release management. It is easy to install and use on a simple build, yet it scales to support the largest and most complex build and test processes. CloudBees CD/RO distributes jobs in parallel across multiple resources for faster overall cycle time.
CloudBees CD/RO supports multiple teams working in multiple locations and programming in multiple languages in an environment that can be centrally managed. Shared assets and reuse make individual teams more efficient by eliminating duplicate work and gives organizations the power to deploy cross-company standards.
CloudBees CD/RO’s unique analytics provide visibility into one of the best indicators of project success: compiled, tested, working code. CloudBees CD/RO’s analytics database stores all build and test information for real-time and trend reporting to give your organization the power to collect pinpoint statistics and to gain visibility into important productivity metrics such as trends in error rates.
Additionally, out-of-the-box reports provide information about cross-project status and build trends by project and resource utilization. CloudBees CD/RO’s integration with virtual lab automation (VLA) solutions also lets you snapshot or reproduce a specific build for auditing or troubleshooting.
CloudBees CD/RO provides unified process automation across the entire build-test-deploy life cycle and across heterogeneous tools via integrations with leading ALM tools. Integrations with SCM tools enable continuous integration and triggering of builds whenever code is checked into the specified repository or branch. When used with VMware Lab Manager, CloudBees CD/RO can dynamically provision either physical or virtual resources without manual intervention. This feature delivers efficient, dynamic resource provisioning and reduces development and QA dependence on IT operations.