Create or edit a local user

2 minute readAutomation

Use this page to create or modify a local user only. CloudBees CD/RO supports two kinds of user accounts:

  • Those defined externally in an LDAP or Active Directory system.

  • Local users defined in this CloudBees CD/RO server. Local users are not visible outside CloudBees CD/RO.

We recommend using external accounts whenever available, but you may need to create local users if you do not have a shared directory service or if you need special accounts to use for CloudBees CD/RO only.

Create a new local user

  1. Enter information into the fields as follows:

    Field Name Description

    User Name

    Name of the user account to be used for login

    Real Name

    User’s real (given) name


    User’s email address


    List of groups to which this user will belong—-type one group per line


    List of personas that apply to this user—-type one persona per line


    User’s password

  2. Select OK to save the new local user data.

If you do not assign a password when creating the user, the user cannot log into CloudBees CD/RO. You can use this mechanism while you are setting up the user account. Once the user account is fully set up, you only need to assign a password.

Edit an existing local user

  • You may highlight and re-enter any previously entered user information.

  • If you leave the password fields blank and click OK, the existing password remains unchanged.

  • To change the user’s password, enter the new password for the user and also enter the current admin password.

Select OK to save the modified user data.

Use this page to modify user properties or assign Custom User Properties. Select the Create Property, Create Nested Sheet or Access Control links to set the properties you need.

To configure your existing LDAP and Active Directory account repositories to communicate with CloudBees CD/RO select Administration  Configurations  Directory providers.