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Deletes stale artifact versions from the repository backing-store. A "stale artifact version" is one whose metadata was previously deleted from the CloudBees CD/RO server. If you are not logged in as "admin", you cannot use this command. However, using the force option overrides admin login privileges.
backingStoreDirectoryStringrequiredThe repository directory where artifact versions are stored. forceBooleanoptional< Boolean flag— If set to "true", this option can be used, so you can clean up the repository even if the g/a/v s in the directory specified do not match up with any artifacts reported by the server. By default, this is false, and helps users avoid deleting arbitrary directory trees if they did not specify the repository backing store properly. |
$cmdr->cleanupRepository( "test-backingStoreDirectory" # backingStoreDirectory # optionals );
ectool cleanupRepository \ "test-backingStoreDirectory" `# backingStoreDirectory` \ # optionals