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Generates a domain-specific language (DSL) script for the specified object including all nested objects, parameters, and custom properties, subject to arguments passed in with the command.pathStringrequiredA property path indicating a single object for which DSL will be generated. formatStringoptionalFormat to use for the DSL. Defaults to groovy format.Possible values: "groovy" , "yaml" includeChildrenStringoptionalA comma-separated list of collection types to include in generated DSL, all other children will be suppressed. suppressChildrenBooleanoptionalTrue to suppress all child entities in the generated DSL for the object. suppressDefaultsBooleanoptionalTrue to suppress system default in the generated DSL for the object. suppressEmptyBooleanoptionalTrue to suppress properties with empty values in the generated DSL for the object. suppressNullsBooleanoptionalTrue to suppress properties with null values in the generated DSL for the object. suppressParentBooleanoptionalTrue to remove object parent reference from DSL output. suppressParentAclBooleanoptionalpreviewThis argument is in preview mode, and therefore subject to change. True to suppress the parent ACL when generating ACLs for child objects. Use only if withAcls argument equals True.useFileReferencesBooleanoptionalTrue to replace specific properties with file references. withAclsBooleanoptionalTrue to emit ACLs in the generated DSL for the object. |
$cmdr->generateDsl( "test-path" # path # optionals );
ectool generateDsl \ "test-path" `# path` \ # optionals
To include ACLs for the parent and all nested objects:
$cmdr->generateDsl("/resources/local", {withAcls => true});
To include the Default project and only its pipelines:
$cmdr->generateDsl("/projects/Default", {includeChildren => "pipelines"});
To suppress default values:
$cmdr->generateDsl("/resources/local", {suppressDefaults => true});
To include ACLs for the parent and all nested objects:
ectool generateDsl "/resources/local" --withAcls true
To include the Default project and only its pipelines:
ectool generateDsl "/resources/local" --includeChildren "pipelines"
To suppress default values:
ectool generateDsl "/resources/local" --suppressDefaults true