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Retrieves all the deployment history items for a specific environment.projectNameStringrequireddeprecatedName for the project; must be unique among all projects. applicationNameStringoptionalApplication that owns the deployment history item. environmentNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment. environmentProjectNameStringoptionalName for the project to which the environment or environment template belongs to. latestBooleanoptionalRetrieves only latest deployment history item. Note that response have no deployment history items if there were no environment inventory items associated with the last deployment. processNameStringoptionalName of process that owns the deployment history item. snapshotNameStringoptionalSnapshot that owns the deployment history item. |
$cmdr->getDeploymentHistoryItems( "test-projectName" # projectName # optionals );
ectool getDeploymentHistoryItems \ "test-projectName" `# projectName` \ # optionals